


1. 择 [zé]2. 择 [zhái]择 [zé]挑拣,挑选:~取。~优。抉~。~善而从。饥不~食。择 [zhái]义同“择”(zé),用于口语:~不开(分解不开;摆脱不开)。~菜。~食。……





汉语拼音:zé duì






  1. 择配。选择婚姻对象。

    《后汉书·逸民传·梁鸿》:“同县 孟氏 有女,状肥丑而黑,力举石臼,择对不嫁,至年三十。父母问其故,女曰:‘欲得贤如 梁伯鸞 者。’ 鸿 闻而娉之。”



  1. Empirical Studies on Gemcitabine as a Mechanism of Radiosensitization in Human Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cell Line


  1. 一个择一定理及其对向量极值问题的应用

    An Alternative Theorem and Its Application to the Vector Extremum Problems

  2. 两者择一,抉择对两个互相排斥的可能情况的选择

    The choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities.

  3. 择时服用淫羊藿对性激素水平的影响

    Effect of Administration of Herba Epimedii at the Optimal Time on Levels of Sexual Hormones.

  4. 以下是风水常识,对大家在择住屋时有很大的协助。

    The following below are general knowledge of how Fengshui can help you in your present environment.

  5. 基金经理调整对基金择股能力和择时能力的影响

    The Influence of Fund Manager Adjustment on Securities Selection and Market Timing in Chinese Stock Market

  6. 第二部分是对择校得历史背景和现状得分析。

    Section two is investigate and analyse it historical background and actuality.

  7. 第二部分是对择校的历史背景和现状的分析。

    Section two is investigate and analyse it historical background and actuality.

  8. 不过良禽择木而栖, 贤臣择主而事对吧?

    But a man's gotta be under the right guy, eh?

  9. 对国际社会来说,别无它择,并且不可能有任何例外。

    For the international community, there is no alternative and there cannot be any exception.

  10. 法院将择日对该案进行宣判。

    The court has choose an auspicious day adjudging to this case.

  11. 对择期手术患者实施健康教育效果的观察

    The Observation of Health Education Effects on the Patient with Time Selecting Operation

  12. 最后,用择近原则对新的样品识别,归类。

    At last we use close principle to recognize the new ones.

  13. 择伐对林地土壤物理性质影响及作业技术

    Impact on Soil Physical Properties by Selective Cutting and Logging Operation Technology.

  14. 择伐对林地土壤呼吸影响若干问题的研究

    The Study of Some Problems about Effects of Selective Cutting on Soil Respiration of Forest Land.

  15. 还对任择议定书快速生效表示了大力支持。

    Significant support had also been expressed for the rapid entry into force of the Optional Protocol.

  16. 赢输对风险备择项的影响要大于对模糊备择项的影响。

    The impact of losing or winning scenario on the risky alternative should be more than on the ambiguity alternative.

  17. 这表示他们可以选择对错, 并为其诀择负责。

    This means that they can choose right or wrong are responsible for their choices.

  18. 这两个时间都在任择议定书对缔约国生效之前。

    Both these dates fall prior to entry into force of the Optional Protocol for the State party.

  19. 我们要借此机会对该任择议定书表达一些关切。

    We would like to take this opportunity to voice some concerns with respect to that Optional Protocol.

  20. 不同强度的择伐作业对保留木与幼树幼苗的影响

    The influence of different intensity of selective felling on resiolual trees and seedlings

  21. 葡萄糖酸钙剂对择期剖宫产产后出血的干预作用

    Intervention effect of calcium gluconate on postpartum hemorrhage of cesarean section

  22. 论我国增值税征收范围的择定及其对经济的预期影响

    A Choice for Collection Scale of AVT and Its Anticipation Impact to Economy in China

  23. 可是,圭亚那对该公约任择议定书的立场问题尚未解决。

    However, there has not been a resolution of Guyana's position on the Optional Protocol to CEDAW.

  24. 天择产生某些对抗癌症的方法,但未能完全消弭癌症。

    Natural selection has favored certain defenses against cancer but cannot eliminate it altogether.

  25. 对我而言,字体的择选,排版便是一幅作品的美感所在。

    Im exceptionally inclined towards the use of sans serif such as Century Gothic, eurofurence, trebuchet ms etc.

  26. 此外,缔约国并未对任择议定书第五条第2款项作出保留。

    In addition, the State party has not filed a reservation to article5, paragraph2, of the Optional Protocol.

  27. 择券期权的存在对国债期货的定价及应用具有重大影响。

    The existence of quality option makes great significance to treasury bond futures'pricing and application.

  28. 右归饮择时使用对肾阳虚大鼠生长激素昼夜节律的影响

    Effects on the circadian rhythm of Shenyangxu rat by using Youguiyin at the selected time

  29. 择时针刺对高血压患者血压及血流动力学即时效应的影响

    The Immediate Effect of Time Acupuncture on Blood Pressure and Hemodynamics in Essential Hypertension Patients