


1. 咋 [zǎ]2. 咋 [zé]3. 咋 [zhā]咋 [zǎ]〈方〉代词,怎,怎么:~样。~好。~办。~个。咋 [zé]大声呼叫。咬住:~舌(a.把自己的舌头咬住,或忍住不言,形容极度悔恨或畏缩;b.惊讶,害怕,说不出话来)。咋 [z……


1. 咋 [zǎ]2. 咋 [zé]3. 咋 [zhā]咋 [zǎ]〈方〉代词,怎,怎么:~样。~好。~办。~个。咋 [zé]大声呼叫。咬住:~舌(a.把自己的舌头咬住,或忍住不言,形容极度悔恨或畏缩;b.惊讶,害怕,说不出话来)。咋 [z……



汉语拼音:zǎ zǎ






  1. 象声词。形容呼叫声、咬牙声等。

    晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十六:“鬼大呼,声咋咋然。” 宋 方凤 《物异考·眚异》:“﹝ 邓喜 ﹞忽见一人头往食猪肉, 喜 引弓射之而中,咋咋作声。” 清 袁枚 《新齐谐·佟觭角》:“﹝ 傅九 ﹞瞪目不言,但切齿咋咋有声。”



  1. "Angela is the very opposite of the flashy glad-hander as a politician, " says former British prime minister Tony Blair.

  2. Gabby: What do you mean "whatever" ? It's our summer, remember? I thought we decided doing the show would be fun.


  1. 咋咋我与我多疑的心理

    Tsk tsk me and my suspicious mind

  2. 去他妈的狗屁生活, 老子腻味了, 爱咋咋地吧!

    All the shits fuck off, all the heahache fuck out of my life!

  3. 我想咋说就咋说。

    Look,I'm paying for this place.Carter.

  4. 就像古谚说的,俄亥俄州咋整,美国就咋整。

    As goes Ohio, so the old saying has it, so goes the nation.

  5. 甲醇洒落咋办

    What do I do if I spill methanol somewhere

  6. 额,这是咋了

    Oh wow ~ what is this?

  7. 这孩子不咋机灵

    Kid's not very smart.

  8. 假如透支了咋了办?

    What if I overdraw?

  9. 他惊讶得直咋舌。

    He was left speechless with surprise.

  10. 他惊讶得直咋舌。

    He was left speechless with surprise.

  11. 那你咋没去呢

    Why haven't you been going?

  12. 你咋不回家呢?

    Why don't you go home?

  13. 紫外线过敏咋办啊?

    Does ultraviolet allergy do how

  14. 我女儿白细胞2300,咋办

    My daughter leucocyte how do 2300, handle

  15. 我和四海咋弄啊?

    What can Sihai and I do?

  16. 具体问题具体分析咋说

    Make a concrete analysis of a concrete problem

  17. 好鞭, 咋缠都好看。

    Good scourge, however tangle is better.

  18. 你目前感觉咋了 样?

    How are not you feeling now?

  19. 这个演员该咋办阿。

    What to do with this actor

  20. 脚出现脱皮咋个办

    Crural occurrence desquamate how do

  21. 你这是咋回事儿

    What's your excuse?

  22. 要是你需要拥抱咋办?

    What if you need a hug ?

  23. 什么事她都爱咋呼。

    She always makes petty things widely known.

  24. 互联互通咋这么难?

    Why So Difficult it is for Interconnection?

  25. 咋了,他需要接受治疗

    Yeah? No, he's in the E. R.

  26. 小孩子咋么会的百日咳?

    Dot how the whooping cough of the meeting ?

  27. 我们咋评估这些价值呢?

    How do we assess the value

  28. 我长牙了, 咋整啊啊啊?

    I grow a tooth, rectify how ah ah ?

  29. 他从不在人前咋呼。

    He never shows off in front of others.

  30. 那里咋样啊?

    How are things going there?

