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They debated whether or not the landlady should charge him for the water.
他们争论那个女房东是否应该收取他的水费。City homes have no water meters, so all householders pay the same water bill no matter how much they use.
温哥华人家里都没有水表,所以的家庭不论他们用多少水都支付相同的水费。But governments, whether to win votes or to protect the poor, rarely charge farmers a market price for water.
但是各国政府,或是为了赢得选票,或是为了保护穷人,很少以市场价格向农民收取水费。Bill Payments A transfer settlement service in which the bank acts as an agent to collects fees from the users of services.
账单支付一种转账结算服务,银行向用户代收服务费(如水费、电费、煤气费等)。In many OECD countries, there has been a real increase in household water charges in recent years.
在经合组织许多成员国,近些年来,家用水费大幅度提高。The only realistic solution is to subsidize the poor by charging industrial, wealthy and middle-class users much higher rates.
唯一切实可行的办法就是向企业、富人和中产阶级的用户收取更高的水费,用来贴补穷人。I made some mistakes. I couldn't understand anything in restaurants and I couldn't read the bank letters or electricity and water bills.
我犯了些小错误,包括在饭店里就餐,而且我甚至连银行的信,电费水费票据都看不懂。Beijing has been trying to reduce demand by increasing water tariffs, which are far too low to cover costs.
北京一直试图通过提高目前过低的水费降低用水需求。In addition to that there was the electric bill, the mortgage, the water and the credit cards.