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汉语拼音:dǔ zhuō
But he never did more than linger about the tables and look at the dice as they clattered upon the table, fearful lest he lose if he played.
可他只是在赌桌旁转来转去的,看着色子在赌桌上哗哗地撒着,害怕自己赌输了。He took a beating at thegambelinggambling table.
他在赌桌上受了打击。But this has only fuelled demand at a time of tight supply of gaming tables and hotel rooms.
但在赌桌与酒店数量本就吃紧之际,这一措施反而推高了需求。my luck proved rotten in every language, and I lost a pile of the nation's currency, Estonian kroons, at the roulette table.
无论用什么语言,我的运气都被证明是极其糟糕的,我在轮盘赌桌上失去了一大堆这个国家的货币,爱沙尼亚克鲁恩。Ms. Li and Mr. Cheng were regulars at the casino tables in Macau, often gambling away thousands of taxpayers' dollars in a single evening.
李和成是澳门赌桌上的常客,经常一个晚上就输掉成千上万名纳税者的钱。If there's a line in Vegas on the odds of life on another planet, now might be a good time to place a wager.
如果维加斯有赌桌赌外星球有生命的几率,现在正是下手的好机会。Over the next 12 months, however, as many as six new developments with more than 2, 000 tables are due to open in Macao.
但未来12个月里,澳门将有多达6个新开发项目、逾2000张赌桌投入运营。Five new casinos are slated to open next year, increasing the number of gaming tables by one-third.
明年将有5家新赌场开业,使赌桌总数增加三分之一。That may be enough to send banks back to the blackjack table.