


1. 柜 [guì]2. 柜 [jǔ]柜 [guì]一种收藏东西用的家具,通常作长方形,有盖或有门:~子。~橱。电视~。掌~(称商店老板或掌管商店的人。亦称“掌柜的”)。柜 [jǔ]〔~柳〕落叶乔木,羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆形,枝韧,可以编筐。……





汉语拼音:guì chú








  1. Boy's toys, Boots and Books were all jumBled together [up]in a cupBoard.

  2. Now she began to examine systematically the contents of her drawers and cupboard .

  3. Mei had stolen some yam liquor from her father's cabinet, and they each took a sip of the strong liquid before pouring it on the ground.

  4. The mouse leaps out of the trash can and skitters into the darkness after she opens the cupboard to throw something away.

  5. The alehouse was coarsely furnished with a press or two, a number of naked benches, and boards set upon barrels to play the part of tables.

  6. "Once burned, " he said, leaning against the counter, feeling too big for the room.

  7. The button tin was still on the closet shelf, and a gentle shake released its familiar jangle .

  8. This cabinet was found on the street by one of my previous roommates and we re-painted it.

  9. We returned early and surprised the burglars searching through the cupboards.


  1. 用烟熏柜橱

    to smoke a cupboard.

  2. 家庭日用织品柜橱

    a linen cupboard

  3. 循环过滤通风柜橱规范

    Specification for recirculatory filtration fume cupboards

  4. 煤气表安装在楼梯底下的柜橱里。

    The gas meter is housed in the cupboard under the stairs.

  5. 浴室的柜橱里有一卷备用的手纸。

    There is a spare toilet rill in the bathroom cupboard.

  6. 最后给这个柜橱打一层虫胶清漆。

    Applied a shellac finish to the cabinet.

  7. 我不知道他们要把柜橱放在哪儿。

    I don't know where they will put the cupboards.

  8. 把手伸到柜橱上面,看你能摸到什么。

    Put your hand up the cupboard and see if you can feel anything.

  9. 这件旧衣服放在柜橱里有几年了。

    This old coat has been lacking around the closet for years.

  10. 我们所有的玻璃和陶瓷器皿都放在柜橱里。

    All our glass and china is kept in the cupboard.

  11. 我已经把柜橱整理干净了, 可以把书放进去了。

    The school library has a huge collection of ancient books.

  12. 我已经把柜橱整理干净了,可以把书放进去了。

    I have tidied up the cupboard, and now the books can be put into it.

  13. 柜橱门的右边装了铰链, 所以从左边开。

    The cupboard door is hinged on the right, so it opens on the left.

  14. 柜橱门得右边装了铰链,所以从左边开。

    The cupboard door is hinged on the right, so it opens on the left.

  15. 你能把咱们需要的配料从柜橱里拿出来吗?

    Do you want to get the ingredients we need out of the cupboard?

  16. 现在她开始按次序整理起所有得抽屉和柜橱。

    Now she began to examine systematically the contents of her drawers and cupboard.

  17. 现在她开始按次序整理起所有的抽屉和柜橱。

    Now she began to examine systematically the contents of her drawers and cupboard.

  18. 旧的假肢被替换下来后就被放在柜橱后面, 沾满灰尘。

    As limbs are replaced or outgrown, the old ones gather dust in the backs of closets.

  19. 我们回来得早,没想到正撞见有贼正在偷柜橱里的东西。

    We returned early and surprised the burglars searching through the cupboards.


  1. 问:柜橱拼音怎么拼?柜橱的读音是什么?柜橱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柜橱的读音是guìchú,柜橱翻译成英文是 A cupboard.

  2. 问:柜橱门拼音怎么拼?柜橱门的读音是什么?柜橱门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柜橱门的读音是guì chú mén,柜橱门翻译成英文是 cabinet door

  3. 问:柜橱工艺拼音怎么拼?柜橱工艺的读音是什么?柜橱工艺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柜橱工艺的读音是guì chú gōng yì,柜橱工艺翻译成英文是 thurm

  4. 问:柜橱拉门拼音怎么拼?柜橱拉门的读音是什么?柜橱拉门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柜橱拉门的读音是guì chú lā mén,柜橱拉门翻译成英文是 cabinet sliding door



【拼音】guì chú

【注音】 ㄍㄨㄟˋ ㄔㄨˊ


【引证解释】[cabinet;cupboard] 一种收藏衣物的家具