







汉语拼音:tū bǎn







  1. 版面印刷的部分高出空白部分的印刷版,如木版、铅版、锌版、网目版、三色版、电镀凸版等。



  1. Surface plate: Offset printing plate on which the image area is minutely above the surface of the non-printing area.


  2. Thirdly, the carton on the gravure printing ink pre-printing process requirements with the performance of the heat-resistant crocking.


  3. Then by a galvanised finished is the result of gravure cylinder rushed to business card printing and membership card production section.


  4. After you post a package, sets up the paper fibers used in most of the hydroxyl groups in adhesives, leaving no water absorption.


  5. Letterpress kit is not dainty, and Ms Durrie has built custom cabinetry to hold and balance a few tonnes of type and presses.


  6. Photoptic proteins, protein version also known as the Yin Ping, letterpress, chart or base is aluminum plate or sheet.


  7. Zinc engraving Relief engraving made on zinc and often used for short- run blocking . Also called Zinco .


  8. For carving gravure and photographic flexography printing ink, the ink silk with long not easy to wipe clean on and so on.


  9. A relief to Chongqing is to produce a can be used instead of plastic paper of ". "


  1. 凸版印刷纸

    letterpress paper.

  2. 凸版轮转机

    rotary letterpress machine.

  3. 凸版印刷株式会社

    Toppan Printing Co., Ltd

  4. 照相凸版黑墨

    halftone black ink

  5. 照相凸版印刷锌

    photoengraving zinc

  6. 凸版塑料薄膜油墨

    Letterpress printing ink for plastic films

  7. 涂布凸版印刷纸

    typographic coated paper

  8. 凸版轮转机印刷油墨

    rotary letterpress ink

  9. 这种方法称为凸版印刷。

    This is called relief printing.

  10. 柔性凸版塑料印刷油墨

    Flexible letterpress printing ink for plastic

  11. 我不知道凸版照相的事。

    You see, I did not get information about any prototype.

  12. 适不合于凸版和胶印工艺。

    Suitable for letterpress and offset printing technology.

  13. 线条凸版用线条画所制成的凸版。

    Line block A relief plate produced from a line drawing.

  14. 影响凸版印刷套印精度的因素

    Precision of Overprint in Relief Printing Influenced by Some Factors

  15. 从照相凸版上印刷出来的印刷品。

    A print obtained from photoengraving.

  16. 凸版印刷品用这种方法印刷的东西

    Something printed in this fashion.

  17. 纸是凸版及雷射印刷得保证。

    Libertas is guaranteed for litho preprinting and laser printing.

  18. 纸是凸版及雷射印刷的保证。

    Libertas is guaranteed for litho preprinting and laser printing.

  19. 二凹版与平版, 凸版的不同点。

    Two cave version and the differentia of the flat plate, relief printing plate.

  20. 雕版印刷是一种最简单的凸版印刷。

    Block printing is the easiest kind of relief printing.

  21. 主要技术包括凸版, 凹版和平版。

    The major techniques are relief printing, intaglio printing, surface printing such as lithography, and stencil printing.

  22. 凸版印刷是最古老的版画制作形式。

    Relief printing is the oldest form of printmaking.

  23. 凸版印刷是最古老的版画制作形式。

    Relief printing is the oldest form of printmaking.

  24. 使用光桌转移凸版印刷图像块木头。

    Use a light table to transfer relief printing image to wood block.

  25. 最常见的凸版印刷形式是木刻印版。

    The most common form of relief printing is woodcut.

  26. 最常见的凸版印刷形式是木刻印版。

    The most common form of relief printing is woodcut.

  27. 最常见得凸版印刷形式是木刻印版。

    The most common form of relief printing is woodcut.

  28. 凸版印刷机故障机理分析及改进方案

    The Analysis of Failure and the Improvement Scheme on the Printing Machine with Relief Printing Plate.

  29. 照相凸版印刷品通过这个过程而制作的复印件

    A reproduction made by this process.

  30. 陡不不凸版,陡不不凸版又称不阴图版,版基是锌板。

    Ping gravure gravure, flat panels, also known as Yang base a zinc plate.


  1. 问:凸版拼音怎么拼?凸版的读音是什么?凸版翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凸版的读音是tūbǎn,凸版翻译成英文是 letterpress plate

  2. 问:凸版印刷拼音怎么拼?凸版印刷的读音是什么?凸版印刷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凸版印刷的读音是tū bǎn yìn shuā,凸版印刷翻译成英文是 anastatic printing

  3. 问:凸版照相拼音怎么拼?凸版照相的读音是什么?凸版照相翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凸版照相的读音是,凸版照相翻译成英文是 phototype

  4. 问:凸版胶印拼音怎么拼?凸版胶印的读音是什么?凸版胶印翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凸版胶印的读音是,凸版胶印翻译成英文是 letterset

  5. 问:凸版印刷机拼音怎么拼?凸版印刷机的读音是什么?凸版印刷机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凸版印刷机的读音是tū bǎn yìn shuā jī,凸版印刷机翻译成英文是 relief duplicator

  6. 问:凸版照相术拼音怎么拼?凸版照相术的读音是什么?凸版照相术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凸版照相术的读音是,凸版照相术翻译成英文是 phototypy



tū bǎn ㄊㄨ ㄅㄢˇ 凸版  图文部分明显高出空白部分的印刷版,常用送我有:活字版,铝板,铜锌板树脂版等。