







汉语拼音:shén qí






  1. No - it simply appears to me to be discourteous to. . . to wear the symbol of a deity long dead.


  2. The burial might have had a marker for rediscovery, or it might have been intended as an offering hidden forever to all but their gods.


  3. Yun-Ne'Shel differed markedly from other Yuuzhan Vong gods in that she did not require sacrifices from those who sought her aid.


  4. Ares was officially one of the major gods of Mount Olympus. His fellow gods and even his parents, however, were not quite fond of him.


  5. After the creation of the world, God Throughout human history millions of years of development, the thought of all easy to grasp.


  6. Aurora was kind to him in spite of this, and continued to give him beautiful clothes, and to feed him on the food of the gods.


  7. Out of this confusion one cries to heaven, or to one's husband, or to some deity of the mind.


  8. It drives out of this world a god who had come into it with dissatisfaction and a preference for futile sufferings.


  9. The Greeks attributed the misfortunes of men in great measure to the antipathies and jealousies of gods and goddesses.


  1. 伊俄出身于神祗世家。

    Io was of divine ancestry.

  2. 迎尸祭拜与社火神祗

    Corpses Welcoming Sacrifices and Traditional Festivties

  3. 瑶传道教神祗体系特点初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Traits of the Taoist Gods of the Yao Nationality

  4. 它并不是夜晚的神祗的轨迹。

    It is not the locus of the divinities of night.

  5. 愿神祗保佑这深明大义的孩子。

    May the gods bless this grateful heart!

  6. 他们拥抱这位即将吞噬他们的神祗。

    They embrace the God that consumes them.

  7. 那是全部的十二个异教神祗。

    There were twelve pagan gods in all.

  8. 希腊人说,需要会迫使神祗俯首就范。

    Necessity, says the Greeks, compels the gods.

  9. 拥有青春就像化身成不老的神祗。

    To be young is to be as one of the Immortal Gods.

  10. 你们可能正是拥有那火花的人,神祗的火花。

    You would be the ones who really have a real spark in you, a spark of the divine.

  11. 珀琉斯和海神忒提斯结婚时邀请了的神祗。

    The wedding of Peleusthe seagoddess Thetis wereheldall gods were invited.

  12. 他们向有智慧的人询问他们的神祗和历史。

    They questioned the wise men about their gods and their history.

  13. 我们永远觉得她们像是神祗同样的存在。

    We always feel like they the same as the existence of gods.

  14. 我们永远觉得她们像是神祗同样得存在。

    We always feel like they the same as the existence of gods.

  15. 珀琉斯和海神忒提斯结婚时邀请了得神祗。

    The wedding of Peleusthe seagoddess Thetis wereheldall gods were invited.

  16. 从白族本主神祗分类看本主崇拜心理的发生

    On the psychology of the local deity worship from the classification of deities of the Bai people

  17. 每个神祗都对她有所赋予以使她臻于完美。

    Every god contributed something to perfect her.

  18. 尼西亚信经说, 不, 耶稣不是变为神祗, 他一直是神祗。

    The Nicene Creed said, no, Jesus did not become divine he always was divine.

  19. 农业女神得墨忒尔, 在希腊是个妇孺皆知的神祗。

    Agriculture goddess Demeter, including women and children in Greece is the only God.

  20. 但宙斯宽恕了其余的神祗,因为他们只不过是胁从。

    But he pardoned the others as having acted under duress.

  21. 玛雅文明给人最直观的印象就是其无所不在的神祗。

    The direct impression of Mayan civilization is that God is omnipresent.

  22. 在其它传说里,彩虹是某一位神祗外衣的褶边。

    In other traditions, the rainbow is the hem of a particular god's coat.

  23. 因此,他的精子含有创造新的生命与神祗所必需的一切。

    Therefore, his semen contained all that was necessary to create new life and deities.

  24. 当神祗有意惩罚我们的时候, 他们就会给我们的祈祷回音了。

    When the god wish to punish us they answer our prayers.

  25. 她认为自己和那混乱邪恶的神祗有着直接的纽带链接。

    She thought of herself as having a direct link with her chaotically evil deity.

  26. 朱庇特不仅跟神祗有私情,和凡人也常常关系暧昧。

    Not only with immortals but with mortals were Jupiter's relations sometimes of a dubious character.

  27. 摘要玛雅文明给人最直观的印象就是其无所不在的神祗。

    The direct impression of Mayan civilization is that God is omnipresent.

  28. 父母,在他们成为人之前,就像希腊神话中的神祗一样神圣。

    Parents, like the gods and goddesses of mythology, are divine before they are human.

  29. 城隍神是明代以来官方和民间最有影响力的神祗之一。

    The city god was one of the most influential gods to the official and plebs since the Ming Dynasty.

  30. 它将那个带来不满和无谓苦难的神祗逐出了凡间。

    It drives out of this world a god who had come into it with dissatisfaction and a preference for futile sufferings.



“ 神祗(zhī)”特指地神 神祇(qí)应指为地神或泛指神 易混淆《正字通·示部》:“祗,与祇通。”唐韩愈《与孟尚书书》:“天地神祗,昭布森列。”《辞源》(1982年版)对“祗”的解释是“恭敬”,在例句后有一段按语说到“与‘祇’、‘秖’、‘只’等字形近,古籍中常多混用。”这里用“混用”而未用“通用”,我们应该是可以把“混用”理解为“误用”的 对“祇”的第一项解释是:地神。《说文》“祇,地祇,提出万物者也。”《论语·述而》“祷尔于上下神祇。”按:祇,各本误作祗。《大辞典》明确表明把“地神”义的“祇”写作“祗”是错误的。《通假字汇释》(冯其庸、邓安生,北京大学出版社2006年版)在“祇”的第三个通假项解释是“通‘祗’。”释义是“尊敬、恭敬。”其后有按语“祇、祗二字形近,古籍中多混用。”但因其附在第三项后,我们还是理解为在表“尊敬、恭敬”义时“祇”通“祗”为宜。不过在“祗”的第二个通假项时《通假字汇释》的解释是: