







汉语拼音:dú cái








  1. 独自裁断;独自决定。

    《晋书·李绩载记》:“ 慕容恪 欲以 绩 为尚书右僕射, 暐 憾 绩 往言,不许。 恪 屡请,乃谓 恪 曰:‘万机之事委之叔父; 伯阳 ( 李绩 )一人, 暐 请独裁。’ 绩 遂忧死。” 毛泽东 《农业合作化的一场辩论和当前的阶级斗争》:“许多同志口里赞成集体领导,实际上十分爱好个人独裁,好像不独裁就不像一个领导者的样子。”

  2. 独揽政权,实行专制统治。

    邹韬奋 《奥国的教训》:“ 奥 总理 陶尔斐斯 摧残社会民主党的力量,勾结侵略国 意大利 来支持他的独裁统治。” 毛泽东 《抗日战争胜利后的时局和我们的方针》:“ 蒋介石 要坚持独裁和内战的反动方针,我党曾经及时地指明了这一点。”



  1. Historically, the role of external pressure tends to be paramount in isolating the dictators and causing divisions within their regimes.


  2. The Western press called him a lackey and dictator when he died, butRussians, who knew him, did not.


  3. But doubts linger over the authoritarian nature of the rule of Paul Kagame, the president.


  4. It is unlikely that the President could ever become a dictator, Congress, the press and the people between them rule out such a possibility.


  5. Dr. Biscet says that the regime has offered to let him go if he agrees to leave Cuba.


  6. The race is now on to pull Iraq out of the scientific backwater it has become through two decades of war, UN sanctions and dictatorship.


  7. A dystopia is usually characterized by an authoritarian or totalitarian form of government, or some other kind of oppressive social control.


  8. The overthrow of the Alawiyya Dynasty in 1952 did not produce a republic; it resulted in the dictatorship of Gamal Abdel Nasser.


  9. A dictator is somebody who forcibly whether it's free press or free religion now you are beginning to come a little closer to that.


  1. 独裁统治者

    a dictatorial ruler.

  2. 独裁的。独裁主义的

    authoritarian adj.

  3. 推翻独裁统治

    overthrow dictatorial rule

  4. 推翻独裁统治

    overthrow dictatorial rule

  5. 不,这是独裁

    No, this is a dictatorship.

  6. 独裁型领袖

    authoritarian leader.

  7. 共和独裁制

    republic dictatorship.

  8. 在独裁统治之下

    under a dictatorship.

  9. 独裁主义的政府

    An authoritarian regime.

  10. 他痛恨独裁政治。

    He hated the autocracy.

  11. 强制性的独裁政府

    a repressive dictatorship.

  12. 一个独裁统治者

    an aBsolute ruler.

  13. 贵族们支持军事独裁

    The aristocracy support the military dietatorship

  14. 独裁政府摇摇欲坠了。

    The authoritarian government was tottering.

  15. 生活于独裁制度下

    live under a dictatorship

  16. 利用独裁权力横征暴敛

    use ones dictatorial powers to extort taxes and levies.

  17. 残暴地独裁着天国。

    Sole reigning holds the tyranny of Heaven.

  18. 难以忍受的独裁统治

    Oppressive, dictatorial control.

  19. 没有人赞成独裁统治。

    There is no sanction for autocracy.

  20. 从独裁到民主的转变

    transition from autocracy to democracy

  21. 独裁意味着否定个人自由。

    Dictatorship stands for the denial of individual freedom.

  22. 书名是从独裁到民主

    He wrote a book called From Dictatorship to Democracy.

  23. 自私自利、专制独裁的成年人。

    Egocentric and authoritarian adults.

  24. 一个反动的或独裁的人

    A reactionary or dictatorial person.

  25. 对外国独裁政权的绥靖政策。

    A policy of appeasement towards foreign dictatorships.

  26. 权数非独裁性条件

    Weights nondictatorship condition

  27. 他搁置宪法,实行独裁统治。

    He suspended the constitution and assumed dictatorial powers.

  28. 一党独裁肯定有其缺点。

    Oneparty autocracy certainly has its drawbacks.

  29. 我们不能屈服于独裁政治。

    We never yield to dictatorship.

  30. 一个独裁者或者独裁的人。

    A dictator or dictatorial person.


  1. 问:独裁拼音怎么拼?独裁的读音是什么?独裁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁的读音是dúcái,独裁翻译成英文是 dictate

  2. 问:独裁者拼音怎么拼?独裁者的读音是什么?独裁者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁者的读音是dúcáizhě,独裁者翻译成英文是 dictator, a ruler who exercises total power and i...

  3. 问:独裁官拼音怎么拼?独裁官的读音是什么?独裁官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁官的读音是dú cái guān,独裁官翻译成英文是 H1959

  4. 问:独裁权拼音怎么拼?独裁权的读音是什么?独裁权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁权的读音是,独裁权翻译成英文是 dictatorship

  5. 问:独裁的拼音怎么拼?独裁的的读音是什么?独裁的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁的的读音是,独裁的翻译成英文是 dictatorial

  6. 问:独裁主义拼音怎么拼?独裁主义的读音是什么?独裁主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁主义的读音是dú cái zhǔ yì,独裁主义翻译成英文是 authoritarianism

  7. 问:独裁政体拼音怎么拼?独裁政体的读音是什么?独裁政体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁政体的读音是,独裁政体翻译成英文是 Dictatorship

  8. 问:独裁政权拼音怎么拼?独裁政权的读音是什么?独裁政权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁政权的读音是,独裁政权翻译成英文是 dictatorship

  9. 问:独裁政治拼音怎么拼?独裁政治的读音是什么?独裁政治翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁政治的读音是dúcáizhèngzhì,独裁政治翻译成英文是 autocracy

  10. 问:独裁统治拼音怎么拼?独裁统治的读音是什么?独裁统治翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁统治的读音是dúcáitǒngzhì,独裁统治翻译成英文是 autocratic rule

  11. 问:独裁者的拼音怎么拼?独裁者的的读音是什么?独裁者的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁者的的读音是,独裁者的翻译成英文是 dictatorial

  12. 问:独裁主义的拼音怎么拼?独裁主义的的读音是什么?独裁主义的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁主义的的读音是,独裁主义的翻译成英文是 authoritarian

  13. 问:独裁主义者拼音怎么拼?独裁主义者的读音是什么?独裁主义者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁主义者的读音是,独裁主义者翻译成英文是 monocrat

  14. 问:独裁型教养拼音怎么拼?独裁型教养的读音是什么?独裁型教养翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁型教养的读音是dú cái xíng jiào yǎng,独裁型教养翻译成英文是 authoritarian parenting

  15. 问:独裁者之职拼音怎么拼?独裁者之职的读音是什么?独裁者之职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁者之职的读音是,独裁者之职翻译成英文是 dictatorship

  16. 问:独裁型教养方式拼音怎么拼?独裁型教养方式的读音是什么?独裁型教养方式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独裁型教养方式的读音是dú cái xíng jiào yǎng fāng shì,独裁型教养方式翻译成英文是 authoritarian parenting style