


1. 据 [jù]2. 据 [jū]据 [jù]凭依、倚仗:~点。~险固守。占有:窃~。盘~。~为己有。可以用做证明的事物:字~。证~。单~。论~。契~。言之有~。按照:~实。~称。依~。~事直书。据 [jū]〔拮~〕见“拮”。……





汉语拼音:jù xī







  1. The absence of this number makes it impossible for the police to trace either the caller or the phone or to access call details.


  2. Since the pair tied the knot, dozens more couples have been queueing up to copy their unusual ceremony.


  3. The painter Thomas Cole is said to be one of the first members of this group. He became very successful, starting in the eighteen twenties.


  4. Workers there, however, are known to be still trying to cool the damaged reactors.


  5. It was understood that sunspot activity was not at its peak in 1932 and hence the radio waves were unlikely to be emitted from the Sun.


  6. It is learned that the city's overall design seems to be the universe accurately calculate the exact position of celestial bodies.


  7. Manchester City left-back Wayne Bridge is on the verge of signing with West Ham United after it was revealed he was in London for a medical.


  8. The Foundry said it had had "a little bit of contact" with Disney over the issue, according to Sydney's Daily Telegraph newspaper.


  9. The move will help give Palin a large audience for her views as she mulls whether to run for president in 2012.


  1. 据悉死了两名妇女。

    Two women are known to have died.

  2. 据悉他将于明天辞职。

    He is reportedly going to resign tomorrow.

  3. 据悉, 当时他是一个单身汉。

    It was known also that he was a bachelor.

  4. 据悉它的航速也是40节左右。

    It is also understood to travel at about 40 knots.

  5. 据悉它得航速也是40节左右。

    It is also understood to travel at about 40 knots.

  6. 据悉,那位资深记者心脏病发作。

    It is understood that the veteran reporter had a heart attack.

  7. 据悉, 这位足坛名将即将挂鞋

    It is learned that this star footballer will soon retire

  8. 据悉海豚有时会救溺水的游泳者。

    Dolphins have sometimes been known to save drowning swimmers.

  9. 据悉,自1958年来,欧洲共计有17个病例。

    In Europe, since 1958 a total of 17 cases have been reported.

  10. 据悉这个斗争已进行二十多年了。

    The struggle was known to have been going on for over twenty years.

  11. 据悉,这一计划将在不久定稿面世。

    Reportedly, this plan will be published in the near finalization.

  12. 据悉,4日,这4人进入俄罗斯境内找工作。

    The 4 entered Russia on June 4 to look for work.

  13. 据悉,该交易预计将在7月和9月之间达成。

    The deal is expected to close between July and September.

  14. 据悉这个版本的开发已经进行了数月。

    This version has been in development for a couple months.

  15. 据悉, 该中心专为年轻的家庭提供帮助。

    The center aimed to provide support for young families.

  16. 据悉, 沙龙公司也是一家老牌商业电影公司。

    It is reported that the Sharon company is also an established brand commercial movie company.

  17. 据悉,该中心专为年轻得家庭提供帮助。

    The center aimed to provide support for young families.

  18. 据悉,贾谊故居初步拟于2004年开始修复。

    Reporters learned that the renovation of the Former Residence of Jia Yi is preliminarily scheduled to start in 2004.

  19. 据悉,当天活动全部收益将捐给贫困儿童。

    All proceeds will be donated to help needy children.

  20. 据悉, 我还应填写一份系里的表格。

    To my understanding, I shall be required to fill out a departmental form.

  21. 据悉, 这几年国产片的价格可谓节节攀登。

    It is reported that the piece's price successively climbed for these years.

  22. 据悉,这几年国产片得价格可谓节节攀登。

    It is reported that the piece's price successively climbed for these years.

  23. 据悉,布什将访问卢旺达大屠杀纪念馆。

    Bush is to visit a genocide memorial in the Rwandan capital.

  24. 据悉,这个案子已经由派出所移交给了分局。

    It is reported that this case has been handed over to the local police office.

  25. 据悉,这个案子已经由派出所移交给了分局。

    It is reported that this case has been handed over to the local police office.

  26. 据悉,玫瑰糠疹只是一种常见得皮肤炎症。

    It is learned that pityriasis rosea is a common skin inflammation.

  27. 据悉,玫瑰糠疹只是一种常见的皮肤炎症。

    It is learned that pityriasis rosea is a common skin inflammation.

  28. 据悉,这是人类生命史上十分罕见的现象。

    It is reported that this is a rare case in the history of mankind.

  29. 据悉,袁隆平院士迄今为止已获11个国际大奖。

    To date, Prof. Yuan has wined 11 international awards.

  30. 据悉,安徽医科大学前身为上海东南医学院。

    According to all, medicine department university precursor in Anhui is southeast medical college in Shanghai.


  1. 问:据悉拼音怎么拼?据悉的读音是什么?据悉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:据悉的读音是jùxī,据悉翻译成英文是 it is reported; according to the report



jùxī [it is reported]

【释义】据新闻(获得消息)报道,根据报道(新闻导向)。 得到的是第二手的材料,也就是说不是亲自看到或者听到的,而是经过其他媒体或者别人转载或转述的。类似于听说。