如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
多余的,多而无用的:累(léi )~。~述。~言。~词。招女婿:~婿。入~。招~。会聚。方言,使受累赘:这孩子~得我什么也干不了。古同“缀”,连结。……
汉语拼音:zhuì shù
元 黄溍 《跋范文正公书伯夷颂》:“后来一二大老,乃推广其説,谓公书此实为天下万世纲常计,至哉言乎!末学之士,毋庸赘述也。” 清 梁章鉅 《浪跡丛谈·请行钞法》:“成书具在,毋庸赘述。” 爱新觉罗·溥仪 《我的前半生》第六章第五节:“此外还有其他许多规定,还有外地‘巡狩’时的种种排场,在这里我不一一赘述了。”
"To be honest there's not much more I can say about Stevie that hasn't already been said, " he said.
“我想关于杰拉德,我无需再为他的成就多加赘述些什么,”卡拉格表示。On this point, there is no longer to do more.
有关这一点,这里不再多做赘述。Each of these topics could have one or more articles dedicated to it, so we will not go into the detail of each.
这些方法每个都有一篇以上的文章详细介绍,我们在这里就不赘述了。I believe everyone can understand this simple reason, so it's no need for me to say more.
我相信这个简单的道理每个人都懂,这里不再赘述。Our findings have been documented in a tool called autochthony, but that's a story in its own right.
我们用一个叫作autochthony的工具整理了我们的研究成果,不过在这里就不赘述了,那又是另一个话题。This article study on Chinas ancient canal of city , in order to avoid repeating it, in the text referred to the city canal.
本文主要研究对象是我国城市中的古运河,为了避免赘述,文中简称城市运河。When initiating children, the Alpha Lodge maintains: the younger the better, for a number of reasons I won't go into.
当启蒙儿童,阿尔法分部认为:越嫩越好,有一个数字的原因而我将不赘述。Like any speech, use two or three main points, no more.
和其他演讲一样,使用两到三个要点即可,不必赘述。In previous parts of this series, you saw examples of how to support a basic menu selection, so you'll ignore that for this article.