







汉语拼音:píng mǐ






  1. 明 中叶以后 江南 征收田赋的计税单位。参见“ 平米法 ”。

  2. 按公平合理的价格出售的米粮。

    孙中山 《革命成功全赖宣传主义》:“革命没有成功以前, 广东 人有一句俗话……就是‘革命成功,我们大家有平米吃’。这句是很有道理的,因为革命成功了,如果实行民生主义,国民真是有平米吃。”

  3. 指平方米。



  1. Less than two years later, the company ran out of space and expanded the plant by another 10, 000 square meters.


  2. "I would have to save about a year to buy just one square metre in an apartment like that, " she says.


  3. This hall of 600 square meters, the sea of people, squeezing the number of people do not know.


  4. Urban men and women, those who know or do not know the art and some lost-way artists and a cup of wine are all available.


  5. Even just a few square meter shop has hung a "shopping center" signs.


  6. Here are more varieties of living creatures crammed into a square meter than anywhere else on the planet.


  7. We offer a complete scope of services, taking responsibility for all aspects of the projects from beginning to end.


  8. The base combines production with sale, includes a vegetable storage and distribution station and a vegetable packing factory.


  9. After further digging, they found a sign that read "For sale: RMB30000 per sqm" .


  1. 那是多少平米?

    How many square meters is that?

  2. 缩减到四十平米。

    to 38 square meters.

  3. 每平米售价是多少?

    What was the sale price per sqm ?

  4. 降到了每平米每年40千瓦。

    to 38 kilowatts per square meter per year.

  5. 这是一片的价格。一平米的价格是231。

    This is a price the price of one square meter is 231.

  6. 这是一片得价格。一平米得价格是231。

    This is a price the price of one square meter is 231.

  7. 公寓每平米的价格正在上涨。

    The cost of an apartment per square meter is rising.

  8. 公寓每平米的价格正在上涨。

    The cost of an apartment per square meter is rising.

  9. 这个房子的建筑面积不足70平米。

    The floor area of this house is less than 70 square meters.

  10. 其中生产经营土地面积48万平米。

    Produce management land surface to accumulate 480 thousand square metre among them.

  11. 每平米的平均价位是3000元人民币。

    The average price is3000 RMB square meter.

  12. 每平米得平均价位是3000元人民币。

    The average price is2998 RMB square meter.

  13. 每一个牢房得面积约为10平米。

    Each cell measured approximately8 square metres.

  14. 每一个牢房的面积约为10平米。

    Each cell measured approximately10 square metres.

  15. 地板十平米以上邮购,可享邮购价格。

    More than ten square meters floor order, are entitled to order price.

  16. 每平米可达260公斤且决无破裂。

    Up to260 kilograms per square meter and must not break.

  17. 把整个楼变成了3000平米的艺术作品。

    making the entire building a 3, 000 square meter artwork.

  18. 这些住房最多也就大约四十平米。

    would be of around 38 square meters.

  19. 在卡梅尔有两万二平米的房子

    22, 000 square foot home in Carmel.

  20. 奢侈, 也因为每平米单价的夸张数字。

    Is extravagant, also average meter of monovalent hyperbole number because of every.

  21. 工厂现有四栋一千平米的标准厂房。

    The existing 1,000 meter factory standard four plants.

  22. 精装修, 东大头, 带阁楼, 赠送10平米小棚。

    Decoration, the bulk of the East, with a loft, giving 10 square shed.

  23. 以地球为例, 每平米的阳光吸收量为239瓦特。

    In the case of the Earth, the amount of sunlight absorbed is 239 watts per square metre.

  24. 述评90平米细则迟迟难出为项目留下缓冲期

    Commentary88 metres rules for the project has not left a buffer period.

  25. 房价已经飙升到每平米两万元以上了。

    The housing price has risen to over 20 thousand per meter.

  26. 现在这儿的地价是多少, 三万一平米或更高?

    Now here of land amount is how much, 30, 001 even rices or higher

  27. 我们设计了三个次卧, 一个40平米得南向楼台。

    We designed a three second bedroom, a40 square meters south towers.

  28. 我们设计了三个次卧,一个40平米的南向楼台。

    We designed a three second bedroom, a40 square meters south towers.

  29. 这大厅六百平米, 人山人海, 挤了不知道多少人。

    This hall of 600 square meters, the sea of people, squeezing the number of people do not know.

  30. 上海登崎标准件有限公司成立于1999年。占地面积3000平米。

    Established in1999 and covering an area of3000 square meters, Shanghai Dengqi Standard Components Co.


  1. 问:平米拼音怎么拼?平米的读音是什么?平米翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平米的读音是píngmǐ,平米翻译成英文是 square metre {或} meter



平方米(㎡,英文:Square meter),是面积的公制单位。定义为边长为1米的正方形的面积。在生活中平方米通常简称为“平米”或“平方”。港台地区则称为“平方公尺”。