




1. 约 [yuē]2. 约 [yāo]约 [yuē]绳子。拘束,限制:~束。~法。制~。~定俗成。共同议定的要遵守的条款:立~。条~。契~。事先说定:~见。~会。邀请:~请。~集。节俭:节~。俭~。简要,简单:由博返~。简~。大略:~计。……



汉语拼音:dì yuē







  1. 订立盟约。

    《新唐书·张孝忠传》:“ 孝忠 重德 滔 ,为子 茂和 聘其女,缔约益坚。” 黄人 《<小说林>发刊词》:“狭斜抛心缔约,輒神游於 亚猛 、 亨利 之间。”



  1. Frederic Bastiat could have easily been a fellow traveler of the signers of our Declaration of Independence.


  2. The number of products listed in the Sensitive Track shall be subject to a maximum ceiling to be mutually agreed among the Parties.


  3. Its report Cost of the Cops said improving the visibility and availability of officers to the public must be a "key strategic priority" .


  4. Second, it must have right to do some activities with nature of business for the other enterprise of the contracting party.


  5. Howsoever, caused, except in the case of Gross Negligence or Wilful Misconduct of any of the other Parties.


  6. in that case, only so much of the income as is derived from his activities performed in that other State may be taxed in that other State.


  7. The other Contracting Parties shall not be bound by this Article with respect to any Contracting Party having made such a reservation.


  8. Each Party agrees to participate in good faith negotiations toward resolution of any dispute, claim, controversy or other matter.


  9. Any one of the Contracting States shall have the right to call for a fresh conference with a view to considering possible amendments.


  1. 关系性缔约

    relational contracting.

  2. 论强制缔约

    On making a contract compulsorily.

  3. 缔约过失责任

    Liability for Wrongs in Conclusion of Contract

  4. 公约的缔约成员

    party to Convention

  5. 缔约上过失责任

    Culpa in Contrahendo

  6. 缔约方大会

    conference of contracting party.

  7. 有法定缔约资格

    legally competent to contract

  8. 论缔约过失责任

    Approach on duties of signatory faults

  9. 劳动缔约过失责任

    liability for culpa in contrabendo

  10. 浅析缔约过失责任

    A Proximate Analysis of Neglect of Duty in concluding a Contract

  11. 缔约过失责任商榷

    A Discussion on the Responsibility of Failing to Conclude a Treat

  12. 试析缔约过失责任

    On Contracting Liability for Fault

  13. 缔约过失责任浅议

    Analysis of the Liability for Fault in Making Contract

  14. 公约缔约方会议

    Conference of the Parties to the Convention

  15. 缔约过失责任的认定

    Determination of Liability for Fault of Contract

  16. 合同当事人的缔约能力

    Contractual capacity of the parties

  17. 论缔约过失责任制度

    The System on Liability For Fault of Contracting A Treaty

  18. 缔约方会议特别会议

    Extraordinary Session of the Conference of the Parties

  19. 缔约过失责任问题探讨

    Discussion on Liability for Fault in Contracting

  20. 劳动缔约过失责任制度

    System of liability of labor contract conclusion negligence

  21. 合同缔约过失责任分析

    An Analysis of the Responsibility for the Wrongs in Contraction

  22. 国家才是协议缔约方。

    States are parties to agreements.

  23. 缔约过失责任概念辨析

    Analysis of the Concept of the Traditional Contracting Liability for Negligence

  24. 跨国领养缔约国令

    Intercountry adoption contracting states order

  25. 论缔约责任的赔偿范围

    On the Compensation Sphere of Culpa in Contrahendo

  26. 析缔约过失责任的性质

    Characteristic of the Contracting Negligence Liability

  27. 缔约方会议第一届会议

    Conference of the Parties, the First Session of the

  28. 缔约过失责任的历史嬗变

    The Legal History of Culpa in Contrahendo

  29. 论缔约过失责任的责任形式

    On Forms of Misfeasance Responsibility in Contracting

  30. 缔约过失责任的法律问题

    On Law Issue of Contracted Unpremeditated Responsibility


  1. 问:缔约拼音怎么拼?缔约的读音是什么?缔约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约的读音是dìyuē,缔约翻译成英文是 conclude a treaty

  2. 问:缔约国拼音怎么拼?缔约国的读音是什么?缔约国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约国的读音是dìyuēguó,缔约国翻译成英文是 a country which has concluded a peace treaty...

  3. 问:缔约地拼音怎么拼?缔约地的读音是什么?缔约地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约地的读音是dì yuē dì,缔约地翻译成英文是 place of contract

  4. 问:缔约官拼音怎么拼?缔约官的读音是什么?缔约官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约官的读音是dì yuē guān,缔约官翻译成英文是 contracting officer

  5. 问:缔约方拼音怎么拼?缔约方的读音是什么?缔约方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约方的读音是dìyuēfāng,缔约方翻译成英文是 party to a treaty

  6. 问:缔约权拼音怎么拼?缔约权的读音是什么?缔约权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约权的读音是dìyuēquán,缔约权翻译成英文是 treaty power

  7. 问:缔约一方拼音怎么拼?缔约一方的读音是什么?缔约一方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约一方的读音是dì yuē yì fāng,缔约一方翻译成英文是 one contracting party

  8. 问:缔约双方拼音怎么拼?缔约双方的读音是什么?缔约双方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约双方的读音是dìyuēshuāngfāng,缔约双方翻译成英文是 both contracting parties

  9. 问:缔约各方拼音怎么拼?缔约各方的读音是什么?缔约各方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约各方的读音是dìyuēgèfāng,缔约各方翻译成英文是 each of the contracting parties

  10. 问:缔约承诺拼音怎么拼?缔约承诺的读音是什么?缔约承诺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约承诺的读音是dì yuē chéng nuò,缔约承诺翻译成英文是 pactum de contrahendo

  11. 问:缔约政府拼音怎么拼?缔约政府的读音是什么?缔约政府翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约政府的读音是dì yuē zhèng fǔ,缔约政府翻译成英文是 contracting government

  12. 问:缔约日期拼音怎么拼?缔约日期的读音是什么?缔约日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约日期的读音是dì yuē rì qī,缔约日期翻译成英文是 treaty-making date

  13. 问:缔约程序拼音怎么拼?缔约程序的读音是什么?缔约程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约程序的读音是dì yuē chéng xù,缔约程序翻译成英文是 treaty-making procedure

  14. 问:缔约组织拼音怎么拼?缔约组织的读音是什么?缔约组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约组织的读音是dì yuē zǔ zhī,缔约组织翻译成英文是 contracting organization

  15. 问:缔约能力拼音怎么拼?缔约能力的读音是什么?缔约能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约能力的读音是dì yuē néng lì,缔约能力翻译成英文是 capacity of concluding contract

  16. 问:缔约谈判拼音怎么拼?缔约谈判的读音是什么?缔约谈判翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约谈判的读音是dìyuētánpàn,缔约谈判翻译成英文是 negotiation of concluding treaties

  17. 问:缔约上过失拼音怎么拼?缔约上过失的读音是什么?缔约上过失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约上过失的读音是,缔约上过失翻译成英文是 Culpa in contrahendo

  18. 问:缔约国全体拼音怎么拼?缔约国全体的读音是什么?缔约国全体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约国全体的读音是dì yuē guó quán tǐ,缔约国全体翻译成英文是 the contracting parties

  19. 问:缔约当事国拼音怎么拼?缔约当事国的读音是什么?缔约当事国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约当事国的读音是dìyuēdāngshìguó,缔约当事国翻译成英文是 state party

  20. 问:缔约权条款拼音怎么拼?缔约权条款的读音是什么?缔约权条款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔约权条款的读音是dìyuēquántiáokuǎn,缔约权条款翻译成英文是 treaty power clause



