


随风飞动:~扬。~摆。~散(sàn )。~洒。~逸(洒脱自然,与众不同)。~溢(飘荡洋溢)。~拂。~忽(a.风云等轻快地移动;b.摇摆,浮动)。~荡。~泊(同“漂泊”)。~渺(同“漂渺”)。~摇。~零(a.飘荡;b.漂泊,流落无依)。~~然……


1. 泊 [bó]2. 泊 [pō]泊 [bó]停船靠岸:~船。~位(航运上指港区能停靠船泊的位置)。停~。停留:飘~。〔落(luò)~〕见“落1”。安静:淡~(亦作“澹泊”)。泊 [pō]湖:湖~。水~。血~(一大滩血)。……



汉语拼音:piāo bó








  1. 指船只飘流停泊。

    宋 周煇 《清波杂志》卷四:“ 煇 顷在 泰州 ,偶 倭国 有一舟飘泊在境上。”

  2. 比喻东奔西走,行止无定。

    《魏书·袁式传》:“虽羈旅飘泊,而清贫守度,不失士节。” 宋 范成大 《元夜忆群从》诗:“遥怜好兄弟,飘泊两江村。” 巴金 《我的眼泪》:“我飘泊了一些地方,我又回到山明水秀的 江 南。”

  3. 飘落。

    唐 韩愈 《杏花》诗:“今旦胡为忽惆悵,万片飘泊随西东。” 宋 蒋元龙 《好事近》词:“帘捲日长人静,任杨花飘泊。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·晚霞》:“﹝五色花朶﹞随风颺下,飘泊满庭。”



  1. But the corseted, wandering life of a diplomat's wife did not suit her and one son was schizophrenic.


  2. The dhow had gone down with them; they were tossing among the rocks and seaweed , so much human drift on the great ocean of Death !


  3. Well , it causes you to be focused and not just drift around . Observing everything , but never buying into anything .


  4. If no one said to them "Mine" they would wander radiantly forth, singing the song which all the earth may some day hope to hear.


  5. I was wandering the collapse of foreign land, home of the hearts of the total surging river, like a dream always see the bridge arch.


  6. How exactly I'm going to do it, I don't know . . . A little boy adrift at sea with a tiger.


  7. The depression only grew larger and darker, and just as I'd done in college, I drifted from one thing to another while feeling lost.


  8. Time is not long for you to be bright and charming, Your trace and track are hard to find in your drifting.


  9. Reading Bai Xianyong' collection of works, we were stunned by the rover's sense of tragedy and pity.


  1. 飘泊灵魂之地

    The Land of Wandering Souls

  2. 一朝飘泊难寻觅。

    In a single day wind can whirl it to its end.

  3. 飘泊无依的生活。

    A rootless wandering life

  4. 飘泊无依得生活。

    A rootless wandering life

  5. 算是四处飘泊过来的

    Oh, you know. all over.

  6. 我是飘泊的狐身。

    I am a lonely fox wondering solely around.

  7. 流浪者一生飘泊无定

    Vagabonds meandering through life.

  8. 这艘船在湖面上飘泊。

    The boat drifted on the lake.

  9. 我像云一样飘泊。飘过山谷。

    I wandered as a cloud. floats over vales and hills.

  10. 我们在漫无边际的海洋上飘泊。

    We were drifting on the boundless ocean.

  11. 住处飘忽不定, 心灵也飘泊无依。

    Transients in abode, transients in heart and mind

  12. 嘉莉不禁担心自己会向何处飘泊。

    Carrie could not help wondering where she was drifting.

  13. 明媚鲜妍能几时,一朝飘泊难寻觅。

    Wie lang dauert die strahlende Schoenheit der Blumen ? Verwelken die Blueten, ist sie damit verloren.

  14. 去认识我们的飘泊就象一条河,

    To know we stray like a river

  15. 他成了一个到处飘泊的流浪者。

    He became a rootless vagabond.

  16. 敞开你的灵,让我飘泊的心有个家!

    Open your soul, let my drifting heart have a home!

  17. 一片飘泊的枫叶,饱含多少凄风冷雨!

    One maple leaf has too many stories to tell.

  18. 她飘泊异乡好多年了,今日终于回到了故乡。

    She has roamed around a foreign land for years, but she returned to her hometown today.

  19. 亲情, 是一个避风港, 给飘泊的游子一个平静的港湾

    The dear ones, are a haven, for a decoy tranquil harbor which drifts about

  20. 你像那天边的云,飘泊不定,叫人难以追寻。

    You like the edge of the clouds that day, wandering uncertain, painfully trace.

  21. 春节前夕,飘泊异乡的游子们都纷纷返归家园。

    Those who live in other places go back to their hometown for Spring Festival.

  22. 一壶飘泊浪迹天涯难入喉,你走之后酒暖回忆思念瘦。

    End of the World traces a pot of rover Ruhou hard, you go after the wine warm memories of lean thinking.

  23. 微风飘泊无依,扑击着沉沉的玻璃窗,如同奏起古老的挽歌。

    Aimless Breeze flaps against the heavy glass windows like playing an ancient elegy.

  24. 飘泊得歌儿从我心中飞去在你爱得呼声里寻找窠巢。

    Migratory songs wing from my heart and seek their nests in your voice od love.


  1. 问:飘泊拼音怎么拼?飘泊的读音是什么?飘泊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飘泊的读音是piāobó,飘泊翻译成英文是 The standard written form is "漂泊".




拼音:piāobó [lead a wandering life;rove] 同“漂泊” 英文:lead a wandering life;rove 意思:随波漂流或停泊;比喻无定所或职业,生活不固定,东奔西走。 例句:这个人漂泊他乡,非常想念亲人。