






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 舍 [shè]舍 [shè]居住的房子:宿~。旅~。校~。居住,休息:~于山麓。谦辞,多指亲属中比自己年纪小或辈分低的:~弟。~侄。~亲。古代行军一宿或三十里为一舍:退避三~(喻对人让步)。姓。……



汉语拼音:liàn liàn bù shě








  • 【解释】:恋恋:爱慕,留恋。原形容极其爱慕,不能丢开。现多形容非常留恋,舍不得离开。
  • 【出自】:《史记·范睢传》:“然公之所以得无死者,以绨袍恋恋,有故人之间,故释公。”宋·王明清《挥尘后录》卷六:“(蔡)元度送之郊外,促膝剧谈,恋恋不能舍。”
  • 【示例】:他们,农会主任和青妇队长在炮声隆隆中,~地把我们送出了很远很远。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;用于对人或事物等


  1. A week-long automotive engine disassembly internship is over, memories of this time, he reluctantly are true.

  2. Buck had made a warm hole in the snow and was sorry to leave it to get his piece of fish.

  3. The classical Chinese poetry is picturesque and the unwilling departure between friends is presented in this sort of picturesque poetry.

  4. I hastened to it Pick up and gently stroked it, and then reluctantly had to put it back to its "palaces. "

  5. My sister and I take one more look and race back to bed.

  6. Time flies ah, like a father and uncle took a small bucket filled with fish. I had to be reluctant and dad home.

  7. I had to be reluctant to get to the bank, put the remained carrots into the basket.

  8. I sat down, case began with twilight, I started so and unable to part from.

  9. Especially if you are interested in history, you'll want to linger a day or two at least here.


  1. 汤姆对他得家恋恋不舍。

    Tom was reluctant to part with his family.

  2. 汤姆对他的家恋恋不舍。

    Tom was reluctant to part with his family.

  3. 他对帕克加盟仍恋恋不舍。

    He would like to sign Parker.

  4. 我和新朋友们分别时,觉得恋恋不舍。

    I found it hard to tear myself away from my new friends.

  5. 我在一户农舍住宿。我对朋友们恋恋不舍。

    I lodged at a farmhouse. I found it hard to tear myself away from my new friends.

  6. 现在每次里离开时,你都还恋恋不舍。

    And now you get sad every time we have to leave.

  7. 我停下来最后看了一眼这风雪, 恋恋不舍。

    I stopped to take a last look at the storm.

  8. 大部分演出结束后,乐队在演出现场都会恋恋不舍。

    After most shows the band will be lingering about the venue.

  9. 大部分演出结束后,乐队在演出现场都会恋恋不舍。

    After most shows the band will be lingering about the venue.

  10. 当我们不得不离开那个地方时,我真有点恋恋不舍。

    I was so disappointed when we had to leave the place.

  11. 在这临别的时刻,我们都有一种恋恋不舍之情。

    We all feel reluctant to part from each other at this moment of parting.

  12. 也曾一次又一次试图忘记, 但对你的着迷让我恋恋不舍。

    I try and try but my obsession wont let me leave.

  13. 他恋恋不舍地走了。

    He looked so wistful as he went away.

  14. 白丽莱茜恋恋不舍地走开。

    Bererice could scarcely be drawn away.

  15. 他已在恋恋不舍地离开她。

    He was tearing himself apart from her.

  16. 我不会对什么事情恋恋不舍的。

    I don't tend to hold onto things.

  17. 他恋恋不舍地离开桂林,返回家里。

    He tore himself away from Guilin and returned home.

  18. 动物园关门时, 孩子们才恋恋不舍地离去。

    The children lingered at the zoo until closing time.

  19. 几小时后他才恋恋不舍地离开那里。

    It was several hours before he could tear himself away from there.

  20. 如果你还恋恋不舍, 那么请不要转过你的头。

    If you also reluctantly, then please do not turn your head.

  21. 目送英雄们远去, 欢乐的人们逐渐恋恋不舍地散去。

    Watched heroes gone, the joy of the people gradually dispersed reluctantly.

  22. 八月份原本就是一个憧憬和无奈,又恋恋不舍的月份。

    August is the month of Fall, which comes the harvest.

  23. 几年前当我离开父母时,我没有恋恋不舍,巴不得快快离开。

    When I left my parents several years ago, I was anxious to leave.

  24. 她在黑头发上系着红缎带,恋恋不舍自己的梦。

    She wore ribbons in her black hair and clung to her dreams.

  25. 然后他恋恋不舍的看了看本来那晚我们要去吃饭的餐厅。

    He then kept a look out for the restaurants we could dine in for that night.

  26. 那恋恋不舍地转身走开, 最后又看上一眼, 恍如就在眼前。

    And I saw the reluctant turning away and then the one last look.

  27. 我只好恋恋不舍地爬到沟上,把劫后的剩余捡进背篓里。

    I had to be reluctant to get to the bank, put the remained carrots into the basket.

  28. 大家恋恋不舍地告别以后,便由柯林斯先生送伊丽莎白上车。

    After an affectionate parting between the friends, Elizabeth attended to the carriage by Mr.


  1. 问:恋恋不舍拼音怎么拼?恋恋不舍的读音是什么?恋恋不舍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恋恋不舍的读音是liànliànbùshě,恋恋不舍翻译成英文是 be reluctant to part



liàn liàn bù shě ㄌㄧㄢˋ ㄌㄧㄢˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄕㄜˇ 恋恋不舍(恋恋不舍) 语出宋·王明清《挥尘后录》第六卷:“促膝剧谈,恋恋不忍舍。”恋恋:爱慕,留恋。原形容极其爱慕,不能丢开。现多形容非常留恋,舍不得离开。另有二十二集青春命运连续剧《恋恋不舍》。