




1. 榜 [bǎng]2. 榜 [bàng]榜 [bǎng]张贴出来的文告或名单:~帖(官府的公告)。红~。张~。光荣~。~文。发~。~眼(科举时代称殿试考取一甲第二名的人)。~书(原指写在宫阙门额上的大字,后泛指招牌一类的大型字)。榜 [……



汉语拼音:biāo bǎng









  1. 亦作“ 标牓 ”。亦作“ 标搒 ”。夸耀;称扬。

    《后汉书·党锢传序》:“自是正直废放,邪枉炽结,海内希风之流遂共相标搒,指天下名士,为之称号。” 晋 袁宏 《三国名臣序赞》:“堂堂 孔明 ,基宇宏邈……标牓风流,远明 管 乐 。”《宋史·宦者传三·梁师成》:“ 师成 实不能文,而高自标牓,自言 苏軾 出子。” 清 曹寅 《竹村大理寄洋茶滇茶二本》诗:“由来子墨轻标榜,玉茗风流絶世稀。” 老舍 《四世同堂》二三:“他以为作家的成名都仗着巴结出版家与彼此互相标榜。”

  2. 谓提出某种好听的名义加以宣扬。如:标榜自由。

  3. 揭示;品评。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“ 谢镇西 少时,闻 殷浩 能清言,故往造之。 殷 未过有所通,为 谢 标榜诸义,作数百语。” 宋 洪迈 《容斋三笔·郎官员数》:“考一时标榜,未必尽当,然十六人者后皆不显,视今日员数,多寡不侔如是。”

  4. 上面题写文字作为标志的木牌。

    《太平御览》卷五一九引 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《幽明录》:“ 许逊 少孤,不识祖墓,倾心所感,忽见祖语曰:‘我死三十餘年,於今得正葬,是尔孝悌之至。’因举标牓曰:‘可以此下求我。’” 唐 柳宗元 《法华寺石门精室三十韵》:“萝葛绵瓦甍,莓苔侵标榜。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷一:“余亦在席上命门人 杨蓉裳 仿之,《咏钱》云:‘…… 萧 库悬标牓, 吴 宫卫甲戈。’”

  5. 题写或张贴告示。


  6. 指张贴的告示。

    元 黄溍 《览元次山<舂陵行>有感近事追和其韵》:“赤日纷按行,人马同时疲。连阡见标牓,不救飢与羸。”



  1. He also set himself up as a slaveholder on a modest estate he would build into a major cotton plantation, the Hermitage.

  2. He himself said he would be "sacrifice" and a "true martyr" for Iraq.

  3. Indeed, he had the advantage of scripting it as the father of the Soviet H-bomb, dissident and a political prisoner.

  4. Old brave condition is pretty good, but he is not marriage, return ego to flaunt do not wish to be manacled by marriage.

  5. In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.

  6. John McCain said he modelled himself on Teddy Roosevelt, a man who "nourished the soul of a great nation" .

  7. A self-described agent of chaos, the Joker arrives in Gotham abruptly, as if he'd been hiding up someone's sleeve.

  8. He always claims himself to be the salt of the earth, but he never offers his hand when his neighbors are in trouble.

  9. On the surface it appears to be in conflict with America's much touted democracy, but this is not the case.


  1. 标榜自由平等

    flaunt the banner of liberty and equality

  2. 虚假标榜语

    false advertising language.

  3. 相互推崇。互相标榜

    mutual admiration

  4. 标榜自己是一个老手

    advertise oneself as an old hand

  5. 这些变化被标榜为进步。

    These changes were paraded as progress.

  6. 无锡标榜化妆品有限公司

    Wuxi Pivot Point Cosmetics Co., Ltd

  7. 他公然标榜他对他妹妹的爱。

    He openly flaunted his affection for his sister.

  8. 开明是西方人一贯标榜的。

    Liberal is a consistent model for the Westerners.

  9. 他公然标榜他对他妹妹的友爱。

    He openly flaunted his affection for his sister.

  10. 他利用每一个机会自我标榜。

    He made use of every chance to blow his own horn.

  11. 阴谋集团甚至标榜他们拥有爱尔兰。

    The Cabal even boast that THEY OWN IRELAND.

  12. 请到山东国际标榜美容化妆学校!

    Please go to the Shandong international flaunt cosmetology school!

  13. 一味标榜内涵而轻视门面, 也是肤浅。

    The thought of beauty being skin deep is itself skin deep.

  14. 媒介和政客都试图自我标榜道德高尚。

    Both the media and the politicians are trying to claim the moral high ground.

  15. 但是在简历里面, 自我标榜是可以接受的。

    But on a resume, it's okay to brag.

  16. 他们标榜他是一个有灵感的艺术家。

    They labelled him as an inspired artist.

  17. 本书无意标榜为那个时期的全史。

    The book does not purport to be a complete history of the period.

  18. 这部电影并未标榜重现了真实生活。

    The movie makes no pretension to reproduce life.

  19. 汉晋时期的数字化标榜与取士制度

    Digital Parade and Talent Selection in Han and Jin periods

  20. 这种共识或许没有它所标榜的那样好。

    The consensus may not be all it is cracked up to be.

  21. 她总是标榜自己的孩子是品行端正的典范。

    She was always holding up her children as paragons of good behaviour.

  22. 湖北武汉标榜奇特的光头酒家老板和员工。

    The boss and staff of Guangtou Restaurant boosting its oddity.

  23. 在伦理方面和政治方面,蒋都以儒家为标榜。

    In morals, as well as politics, Chiang claimed to be a Confucianist.

  24. 她总标榜自己的子女是良好品行的榜样。

    She's always holding up her children as models of behaviour.

  25. 玛丽老是标榜自己得孩子是品行端正得典范。

    Mary was always holding up her children as paragons of good behaviour.

  26. 玛丽老是标榜自己的孩子是品行端正的典范。

    Mary was always holding up her children as paragons of good behaviour.

  27. 自我标榜的人往往会在别人的奉承中迷失自我。

    People who sing their own praises always lose themselves in others'praise.

  28. 自我标榜的人往往会在别人的奉承中迷失自我。

    People who sing their own praises always lose themselves in others' praise.

  29. 蕈类曾标榜对多种慢性病具有温和得疗效。

    Mushrooms were touted as a mild cure for many chronic disease.

  30. 蕈类曾标榜对多种慢性病具有温和的疗效。

    Mushrooms were touted as a mild cure for many chronic disease.


  1. 问:标榜拼音怎么拼?标榜的读音是什么?标榜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:标榜的读音是biāobǎng,标榜翻译成英文是 flaunt; flatter


