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汉语拼音:biān chǎo
Stir-frying the green soya bean and shrimp after the shrimp change the color. Putting salt and a little sugar, dressing with starchy sauce.
虾仁变色后下鲜莲子和青豆一起煸炒,调入盐和少许白糖炒匀,淋少许水淀粉勾芡即可。Heat the sun flower seed oil in a pan. Add butter. Pour onion and garlic and stir.
在炒锅内加葵花籽油,油热后,放入黄油,先倒入洋葱和蒜瓣,煸炒。Stir-fry: stir Hong ground meat, turn the small hot fragrant garlic, chili, open sun, dried radish, cauliflower, stir-fry seasoning.
煸炒:煸香绞肉,转小火爆香蒜末、辣椒、开阳,菜脯、白花椰菜、调味料快炒。In the same pan, add Sichuan pepper and marinated ginger, garlic and shallot, cook until the fragrance comes out.
剩下的油中加入花椒和涝出腌好的葱姜蒜,煸炒出香Pickled bass Step Four: After losing saute pepper and pour ginger pieces, garlic, green onions stir Stir fragrance.
酸菜鲈鱼步骤四:爆香花椒后丢掉,然后倒入生姜片、大蒜、大葱煸炒出香味。Throw together a quick stir-fry with frozen veggies and either boneless chicken or (my favorite) tofu with soy sauce or tamari.
将冰冻的蔬菜跟剔骨的鸡肉或者是我喜欢的豆腐扔入锅中加上酱油一起旺火煸炒;Stir in scallion, ginger, garlic, peppercorns , pickled chillies and pork.
放入葱姜蒜,花椒和泡椒以及肉块煸炒。Heat wok add oil, garlic oil stir following the incense, flowers and green Douban next night stir fry.
炒锅烧热加入油,油温后下蒜片煸香,下夜开花和青豆瓣煸炒。Add fresh chill and stir until onion is soft. And then put carrot, celery, and mushroom, combine and cook.
再放入新鲜辣椒煸炒,直到洋葱变软后,放入依次放入葫芦卜,西芹,蘑菇,继续煸炒。在炒锅中, 将洋葱慢慢地在油中煸炒, 直到金黄色。
Gently fry onions in oil in a sauce pan until golden.
加入红头,鲑鱼,加吉鱼 ,鲈鱼和鱿鱼轻微煸炒。
Add the red mullet, trout, snapper, seabass and squids and fry.
剩下的油中加入花椒和涝出腌好的葱姜蒜, 煸炒出香
In the same pan, add Sichuan pepper and marinated ginger, garlic and shallot, cook until the fragrance comes out.
Heat wok, oil, oil heat, add onion and garlic flavor the end and chop pepper stir Stir.
This plate of deep fried beans is delicious.
This plate of deep fried beans is delicious.
The oil in the pan out of all, garlic stir fragrance, sweet pepper silk fries slightly under.
坐锅热油, 4成热时下蒜头中小火煸香, 转大火下南瓜炒。
Take pot heat oil, 4 garlic into a small fire hot nowadays Hong stir, turn the fire under the fried pumpkin.