







汉语拼音:lǐng lüè








  1. 领会;理解。

    南朝 梁 江淹 《杂体诗·效张绰<杂述>》:“领略归一致, 南山 有 綺 皓 。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗一》:“耳目之所闻见,心灵之所领略,莫不一览悬解,终身不忘。” 清 元璟 《马家山》诗:“天公领略诗人意,不遣花开到十分。” 叶圣陶 《火灾·归宿》:“人固然不希求逢到哀苦,然而为了领略人生的美,也不避哭泣。”

  2. 领受,接受。

    宋 王明清 《挥麈后录》卷四:“ 宣和 初, 徽宗 和意征 辽 , 蔡元长 、 郑达夫 不以为然, 童贯 初亦不敢领略,惟 王黼 、 蔡攸 将顺赞成之。” 宋 洪迈 《夷坚三志辛·普照明颠》:“﹝客﹞亟下拜,相随入寺,愿奉谢礼。﹝ 明颠 ﹞顾之茫然,无领略意。” 明 高明 《琵琶记·乞丐寻夫》:“我承委託,当领略,这孤坟我自看守,决不爽约。”

  3. 理会,理睬。

    宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·綦革遇三皇閟宫》:“ 革 视其神矩清峻,疑非常人。即憇马前揖之,初不相领略, 革 心益竦异,復前致敬。” 宋 洪迈 《夷坚支志景·丘秀才》:“漕委 宜黄 丞,邑士 丘秀才 善於丞,受 艾 饵往祷。 丞 先入吏语,置不领略。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷七:“ 鶯鶯 儘劝,全不领略,迷留闷乱没处着。”

  4. 允诺。

    宋 洪迈 《夷坚支志景·西湖庵尼》:“少年固多貲,用修建殿宇为名,捐施钱帛,其数至千緡。尼讶其无因而前,扣其故,乃以情愫语之,尼欣然领略,约后三日来。” 宋 洪迈 《夷坚三志壬·续仙台道人》:“彼道人从知观 赖子仪 假馆, 子仪 领略,命治一室处之。”

  5. 品尝。

    宋 陆游 《道室即事》诗:“劝君下箸不领略,终作 邙山 一窖尘。” 清 曹寅 《和壁间漫堂中丞韵》:“领略南禪茗一杯, 沧浪亭 上步紆迴。” 叶圣陶 《未厌集·小病》:“临睡钻入被窝,嗅到那种晒过了太阳光的甘美的气味,似乎第一回领略。”

  6. 欣赏,赏玩。

    宋 周煇 《清波杂志》卷三:“凡山南佳处,领略粗遍。” 元 耶律楚材 《华塔照上人请为功德主》诗:“今日请予来领略,他年乞我一禪庐。”《镜花缘》第十一回:“如此美地,领略领略风景,广广见识,也是好的。” 朱自清 《桨声灯影里的秦淮河》:“想不到在弩末的游踪里,还能领略到这样的清歌。”



  1. All this I did not take in at once; for at first I could see nothing but those quivering, glittering, changeful eyes turned up into my face.

  2. The trick of travelling, I guess, is to be ready to savour whatever happens.

  3. Elinor perceived not the language, not the professions of Colonel Brandon, but the natural embellishments of her mother's active fancy.

  4. Join us for a relaxed walk along one of the oldest parts of the Wild Great Wall then grab lunch in a local village.

  5. As to honour- you know- it's very fine mediaeval inheritance which women never get hold of . It is not theirs.

  6. The shuttle enabled its astronauts to see, every 90 minutes, how the sun ignited a giant rainbow over the morning Earth.

  7. When you gaze at me Drinking in my every feature I tremble with longing As you move in for a kiss. . .

  8. He grinned at me, as if sharing a secret joke.

  9. Children, let us once again appreciate the kind of director smiling grandmother, grandmother to hear the director's teaching it!


  1. 领略塞外风光

    see and appreciate the scenery north of the Great Wall

  2. 充分领略的趣味。

    enjoy the full gusto of

  3. 领略古民居的风情

    We got a feel for the charm of ancient dwellings

  4. 让您领略长江雄姿!

    Let you appreciate the majestic appearance of Changjiang river!

  5. 领略山西传统面食风采

    To enjoy traditional Shanxi wheaten foods

  6. 去崭新的世界领略, 拓荒。

    Let me go into the new world.

  7. 领略了塞北的大好风光

    get some idea of the splendid sights north of the Great Wall

  8. 领略一下美丽的海岛风光。

    To get a glimpse of this scenic island.

  9. 游客们充分领略这里的美景。

    The tourists took in the full beauty of the scenery.

  10. 感恩是对生命恩赐的领略。

    Thanksgiving is a gift of a taste of life.

  11. 咱们已经领略了他敏捷的才智了。

    We had an example of his readiness of resource.

  12. 读者要想充分领略拓荒者的意趣。

    The reader is to enjoy The Pioneers folly.

  13. 我们领略到儿童聚会的一切乐趣。

    We entered into all the fun of a children's party.

  14. 只有专家才能领略他工作的精妙。

    Only an expert can appreciate the subtlety of his work.

  15. 让我领略一下陆地最快的速度。

    Let me understand the land quickest speed.

  16. 带你去领略一下少林功夫如何

    How about letting me show you some Shaolin martial arts skills

  17. 在这里可以真正领略曲径通幽的乐趣。

    May understand the sinuous pleasure truly in here.

  18. 带你去领略一下少林功夫如何?

    How about letting me show you some Shaolin martial arts skills?

  19. 好好地领略一下美丽的冰峪风貌吧。

    For a fuller glimpse of the beautiful Bingyu Valley.

  20. 总有一天,你会领略其滋味的。

    You will get a taste of it one of these days.

  21. 漫步柔软的沙滩, 领略旖旎的海滨风光。

    Holidaymakers can take a stroll along the soft sand beach to enjoy the charming scenery.

  22. 漫步柔软得沙滩,领略旖旎得海滨风光。

    Holidaymakers can take a stroll along the soft sand beach to enjoy the charming scenery.

  23. 你要用心去领略中国艺术的精微。

    You must try to comprehend the profoundity and subtlety of Chinese art.

  24. 现在,我将带你们领略一下这个建筑

    So, now I'm going to take you on a tour of the building.

  25. 参与冒险和挑战领略海的博大。

    While taking part in various adventure games and having a feel for the greatness of the ocean.

  26. 今天我们要好好领略古运河的风光。

    Today, we're going to enjoy the scenery of the ancient canal.

  27. 才真正领略到海得辽阔和深蓝。

    Only there did I taste the expansion and iron blue of the sea.

  28. 才真正领略到海的辽阔和深蓝。

    Only there did I taste the expansion and iron blue of the sea.

  29. 让我们一起去领略那种阳刚之气!

    Let us work together to enjoy the kind of masculinity!

  30. 再来领略一下石塘的美丽风光吧。

    So as to get a glimpse of Shitangs beautiful scenery.


  1. 问:领略拼音怎么拼?领略的读音是什么?领略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领略的读音是lǐnglüè,领略翻译成英文是 appreciate


