




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:fǎ mén








  1. 指王宫的南门。

    《穀梁传·僖公二十年》:“南门者,法门也。” 范宁 注:“谓天子、诸侯皆南面而治,法令之所出入,故谓之法门。”

  2. 佛教语。指修行者入道的门径。亦泛指佛门。

    《法华经·序品》:“以种种法门,宣示於佛道。” 宋 苏轼 《和文与可洋川园池·无言亭》:“慇懃稽首 维摩詰 ,敢问如何是法门。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·善禅机》:“﹝ 宪皇 ﹞又以 张紫阳 虽道教,其《悟真外篇》实通禪理,并着归入释藏中以广法门。”

  3. 途径;方法。

    宋 陈亮 《又乙巳秋书》:“此英雄豪杰所以自絶於门外,以为立功建业别是法门。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·七言律》:“ 东坡 出,又参以议论,纵横变化,不可捉摸,此又开 南宋 人法门,然声调风格,则去 唐 日远也。” 茅盾 《子夜》八:“我得了一个翻本的法门,特地来和你商量。”



  1. Thus, we seem to be very rich people, and in fact, we are really very rich. We lack nothing all because we practice the Quan Yin Method!

  2. I used to be a bit confused about the differences between different teaching approaches.

  3. Love is the only way out of man's confusion and sorrow, not the efficient organizations that he puts together.

  4. Confucianism is the unity of knowledge and practice, is want you to know, as long as the ideal of good, will stop at nothing.

  5. But it is ultimately, and it should be and it must be, the ultimate aim for practicing these method is to take you to the enlightenment.

  6. Lastly, we have the various practices to which cultivation of self has given rise and the relation of self knowledge to these.

  7. The hardened or overlaid surfaces resist damage from the most severe surface during operation of the valve for years of predictable service.

  8. Now he and his wife are cutting costs at their home in Madison, New Jersey, and figuring out what to do before times get hard.

  9. Kant, it is well known, did not put himself to much trouble in discovering the categories.


  1. 净土法门之发愿

    Vow in the Pure Land Practice

  2. 法门寺合十舍利塔

    Dagoba in Famen Temple

  3. 观音法门加强身体数码

    Quan Yin Method Enhances the Body Code

  4. 法门之黑暗弥赛亚。

    Dark Messiah Of Might And.

  5. 道家养生之行气法门

    The method of breathe in keeping in good health of Taoism

  6. 感恩是拥有财富的法门。

    Gratitude is the gateway to wealth.

  7. 观音法门和禅宗类似吗?

    Is the Quan Yin Method similar to Zen?

  8. 道教南宗的长生法门

    Longevity Methods of the Daoist Southern Sect

  9. 平衡法门控心血池显像

    radionuclide ventriculography

  10. 奉承是使你吃得开的不二法门。

    Flattery is the name of the game.

  11. 早期的师徒故事真正的念佛法门

    Stories of Life in the Early Years The True Essence of Reciting the Buddhas Names

  12. 法门寺出土金代香雪堂碑

    A Stone Tablet of Xiang Xue Hall Unearthed at Famen Temple

  13. 况且,佛法也有许多很好的法门。

    Besides, there're also many wonderful paths.

  14. 大雁塔和法门寺砖材保护研究

    The deterioration and consolidation of Dayan Pagoda and Famen Temple

  15. 面对恶言恶语,也是修行的法门之一。

    Dealing with evil speech and deviant talk is one way of cultivation.

  16. 佛教的所有法门都可以用根, 道, 果。

    All the Buddhist teachings are explained in terms of Ground, Path, and Fruition.

  17. 今天要跟大家谈的还是有关忏悔法门。

    Today, I would like to talk about the Repentance of Dharma method.

  18. 佛法中的感应法门,是修定所得的神通。

    The extraordinary powers in Buddhism are obtained via samadhi.

  19. 即法门寺地宫唐密曼荼罗之研究。

    Studies of Tang Mandala in the Famen Monastery Crypt

  20. 法门寺唐代地宫捧真身菩萨曼荼罗

    The Mandala with Shape of Sakyamuni Buddha in Underway Palace of FaMeng Temple of Tang Dynasty

  21. 根本就划不来。你应该寻求快速赚钱的法门

    That doesn't make any sense. You just figure out a way to make more money faster.

  22. 你不明白这个道理, 切记不要批评这种法门!

    Take care not to slander this dharma door just because you do not understand the meaning of it!

  23. 为什么修行观音法门会带领我们到高等境界?

    Why is it that practicing the Quan Yin Method can take us to superior realms?

  24. 相信修观音法门的人,有朝一日也能做到。

    I believe that anyone who practices the Quan Yin Method will be able to do similar things one day.

  25. 我以前会迷惘于太多不同的修练法门

    I used to be a bit confused about the differences between different teaching approaches.

  26. 知足,是解脱欲望的妙方。感恩,是拥有财富的法门。

    Content knows how to be free from desires. Gratitude is the gateway to wealth.

  27. 彼无量亿诸菩萨等, 皆悉求此微妙法门。

    Because innumerable billions of Bodhisattvas also seek this wonderful and subtle Dharma School.

  28. 我们修行观音法门,什么都很明白,不应该迷信。

    We who practice the Quan Yin Method are clear about everything, and should not be superstitious.

  29. 我的上师教导我,这个法门的核心就在于忆念上师。

    I was taught by my master that the core of this path is remembering the guru.

  30. 佛说种种法门皆是对机讲法,应病与药。

    Buddha said that all the Dharma are machine argument, disease and medicine.


  1. 问:法门拼音怎么拼?法门的读音是什么?法门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法门的读音是fǎmén,法门翻译成英文是 Buddhism

  2. 问:法门寺拼音怎么拼?法门寺的读音是什么?法门寺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法门寺的读音是,法门寺翻译成英文是 Famen Temple

  3. 问:法门阶拼音怎么拼?法门阶的读音是什么?法门阶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法门阶的读音是,法门阶翻译成英文是 famennian stage

  4. 问:法门科维奇拼音怎么拼?法门科维奇的读音是什么?法门科维奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法门科维奇的读音是Fǎménkēwéiqí,法门科维奇翻译成英文是 Famenković

  5. 问:法门寺旅游区拼音怎么拼?法门寺旅游区的读音是什么?法门寺旅游区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法门寺旅游区的读音是fǎmén sì lǚyóu qū,法门寺旅游区翻译成英文是 Famen Temple Tourism Area