


向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……







汉语拼音:jìn kǒu huò







  1. 指从外国运进来的货物。亦泛指外来的事物。

    胡适 《<西游记>考证》:“何以 南宋 时代的 玄奘 神话里忽然插入了一个神通广大的 猴行者 ?这个猴子是国货呢?还是进口货呢?” 莫克 等《中华国宝·圣药血竭之母--龙血树》:“经过化验及临床试验,证实的确是血竭,药效、质量还胜过进口货。”



  1. in his hand and holding a fine thread also import Cargo - "Benz" , and sometimes needs to be hanging from the ridge to the banks.


  2. For much of its history, the United States met its revenue needs by imposing tariff duties on imports and through other "indirect" taxes.


  3. Allows you to import your shipments with FedEx International Priority or FedEx International Economy.


  4. More than two years working experience in logistics, who engaged in import freight forwarding operation is preferred.


  5. On top of this, sweeping technological change, immigration, and imports have made conditions difficult for undereducated workers.


  6. Then what about SRCC (Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions)? Can we request you to cover this for our imports?


  7. Rice- and wheat-price increases have been modest, except for high-quality imports, a small share of domestic consumption.


  8. The rechanneling of American resources into import-competing industries was especially strong along the coast and in the major port cities.


  9. Import Shipment Redirection Service Fee will be billed by cash or outbound 60 account of consignee.


  1. 进口货大量输入

    an influx of imports

  2. 对进口货的限制

    Limitations on imports

  3. 用国产品代替进口货

    substitute homemade products for imported goods

  4. 把进口货与国货比比看。

    Contrast these imported goods with the domestic product.

  5. 日夜监督进口货的卸落。

    To superintend the discharge of imports night and day.

  6. 你们准备如何处理这些进口货?

    What will you do with these imported goods?

  7. 把这些进口货与国货比比看。

    Contrast these imported goods with the domestic product.

  8. 美元增值使进口货变便宜了。

    The dollar's increase in value has cheapened imports.

  9. 模仿昂贵进口货的新的国产酒

    New domestic wines that copycat the expensive imports

  10. 那个国家为进口货打开了国门。

    The country opened the door to imports.

  11. 总的说来,进口货占我们存货的一半。

    Overall, imports account for half of our stock.

  12. 关税障碍妨碍了进口货的流入。

    Tariff barriers crimped the flow of imports.

  13. 对许多进口货来说,一般免征关税。

    For many imports, regular tariffs are zero.

  14. 我们大多数的进口货是从国外来的。

    The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country.

  15. 农民抱怨廉价的进口货充斥了市场。

    Farmers were complaining against cheap imports flooding the market.

  16. 此类产品以往常被进口货长期垄断。

    In the past such products are often longterm monopoly of imports.

  17. 国货与进口货之间的竞争更加激烈了。

    Competition between domestics and foreign imports is growing fiercer.

  18. 我知道有一家卖廉价进口货的商店。

    I know a shop that has inexpensive imports.

  19. 听说还是进口货, 包装盒上全是外国字。

    Hearing still is import, foreign word is completely on the box that pack.

  20. 这是进口货,它会给非洲带来灾难的。

    This is a multinational product, they cause damage in africa.

  21. 香港是个自由港口,对其他进口货不收关税。

    Hong Kong is a free port, not to impose tariffs on other imported goods.

  22. 老实说,信用证会渐增我方进口货得成本。

    To say you the truth letter of credit will increase the cost of my import.

  23. 老实说,信用证会渐增我方进口货的成本。

    To say you the truth letter of credit will increase the cost of my import.

  24. 坦率地讲,信用证会增加我方进口货的成本。

    To tell you frankly, a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import.

  25. 一般来讲,你只能在卖法国进口货的商店里找到木铲。

    You will usually find wooden spatulas only at stores specializing in French imports.

  26. 乌干达就同莱索托就六个月的进口货储备进行着开会讨论。

    Uganda and Lesotho sit on reserves worth about six months of imports.


  1. 问:进口货拼音怎么拼?进口货的读音是什么?进口货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进口货的读音是,进口货翻译成英文是 inwards

  2. 问:进口货物拼音怎么拼?进口货物的读音是什么?进口货物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进口货物的读音是jìn kǒu huò wù,进口货物翻译成英文是 import cargo

  3. 问:进口货清单拼音怎么拼?进口货清单的读音是什么?进口货清单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进口货清单的读音是jìn kǒu huò qīng dān,进口货清单翻译成英文是 inward manifest

  4. 问:进口货联营拼音怎么拼?进口货联营的读音是什么?进口货联营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进口货联营的读音是jìn kǒu huò lián yíng,进口货联营翻译成英文是 joint pooling of imports

  5. 问:进口货物报单拼音怎么拼?进口货物报单的读音是什么?进口货物报单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进口货物报单的读音是jìn kǒu huò wù bào dān,进口货物报单翻译成英文是 entry for consumption

  6. 问:进口货运费率拼音怎么拼?进口货运费率的读音是什么?进口货运费率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进口货运费率的读音是jìn kǒu huò yùn fèi lǜ,进口货运费率翻译成英文是 import rate

  7. 问:进口货物交易税拼音怎么拼?进口货物交易税的读音是什么?进口货物交易税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进口货物交易税的读音是jìn kǒu huò wù jiāo yì shuì,进口货物交易税翻译成英文是 import turnover tax

  8. 问:进口货物国别价值拼音怎么拼?进口货物国别价值的读音是什么?进口货物国别价值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进口货物国别价值的读音是jìn kǒu huò wù[yuán shǐ]guó bié jià zhí,进口货物国别价值翻译成英文是 value of imports by country of origin