


1. 跑 [pǎo]2. 跑 [páo]跑 [pǎo]奔,两脚交互向前迅速跃进:~步。奔~。赛~。很快地移动:~动。逃:~出笼子。漏泄:~电。~气。为某种事物奔走:~买卖。~外的。~堂。~码头。~单帮。跑 [páo]走兽用脚刨地:~糟(牲口……


落下:~泪。减损,消失:~色。~价儿。遗失,遗漏:这一行~了两个字。回转(zhuǎn ):~头。~转。摇摆,引申为卖弄,耍:~文。~俏。~以轻心。~臂而去。对换:~包。~换。落在后面:~队。用在动词后表示动作完成:改~。戒~。……



汉语拼音:pǎo diào







  1. Was that a decent thing to do, "he says, " to run away like that? You might have told me that you didn't like me. . .


  2. when the steamers were put over the fire , the eels would move around trying to get out , and cut themselves open on the nails.


  3. Naturally I ran and now my case in court is still pending. But I never found out what happened to that penguin.


  4. They destroyed the enemy camp and made off with a huge booty.


  5. The first one was about Mr Rochester riding away from Thornfield Hall. I tried to call him back, but he did not hear me.


  6. "Where the broom does not reach" , he said, "the dust will not vanish of itself. "


  7. He took a deep breath and walked towards her. She didn't run away like he half-expected her to.


  8. Suddenly, my honey found a cave of marmot, but it was empty, the marmot already came out before we reached there.


  9. I have the advantages you mention, but when I hear even the bark of a single dog I feel ready to faint, and fly away as fast as I can.


  1. 他加速跑掉了。

    He just sped off.

  2. 别让他们跑掉。

    Don't let'em get away.

  3. 至少你没跑掉

    Well, at least you didn't keep going.

  4. 约翰脱身跑掉了。

    John pulled himself free and ran off.

  5. 兔子迅速跑掉了。

    The rabbIt'scampered off.

  6. 他一溜烟跑掉了。

    He ran off before I could say Jack Robinson.

  7. 不要再跑掉啦!

    No more runnings away!

  8. 就在半夜三更跑掉

    because things aren't going your way.

  9. 说着,就跑掉了。

    The little kitten ran away.

  10. 本立刻就跑掉了。

    Ben run away at once.

  11. 我的房客跑掉了。

    My lodger sends me into bankruptcy.

  12. 扒手吗,他跑掉了!

    Shoplifter?He's getting away!

  13. 裤子是自己跑掉的。

    They took themselves off.

  14. 他尽快地跑掉了。

    He cleared off as fast as his legs could carry him.

  15. 他们受了惊吓跑掉了。

    They took fright and ran off.

  16. 那匹马呀,跑掉了。

    The horse it ran away.

  17. 他跳起身跑掉了。

    He jumped to his feet and ran off.

  18. 她挣脱开来, 跑掉了。

    She shook free and ran.

  19. 她挣脱开来,跑掉了。

    She shook free and ran.

  20. 老虎嚎叫着跑掉了。

    The tiger howled and ran away.

  21. 他顺着走廊跑掉了。

    He took off down the corridor at a run.

  22. 他跳下警车跑掉了。

    He jumped off the police van and ran away.

  23. 男孩一溜烟地跑掉了。

    The boy nipped off quickly.

  24. 他们骂了他们后就跑掉了。

    They swore at them and ran off.

  25. 这只猫挣扎着想跑掉。

    The cat made a struggle to get free.

  26. 那个男孩急忙跑掉了。

    That boy made away as fast as he could.

  27. 他遗弃了妻子而跑掉了。

    He abandoned his wife and run away.

  28. 小偷挤过人群跑掉了。

    The thief squeezed through the crowd and ran away.

  29. 然后像小偷一样跑掉了

    and ran off like a couple of thieves.

  30. 那个抢劫犯已经跑掉了。

    The robber has run away already.


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