


生存,有生命的,能生长,与“死”相对:~人。~体。~检。~物。救活,使人活:~人无数。在活的状态下:~埋。逼真地:~脱。~像。不固定,可移动,或处在进去状态的:~塞(sāi )。~扣。~页本。耳软心~(没主见)。生动,不呆板,机灵,有生气:……




1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……


对人或事有深挚的感情:喜~。~慕。~情。~戴。~抚。~怜。~恋。~莫能助(虽同情并愿意帮助,但力量做不到)。友~。挚~。仁~。厚~。热~。喜好(hào ):~好(hào)。~唱歌。容易:铁~生锈。重视而加以保护:~护。~惜。吝惜:“百姓皆以……



汉语拼音:huó pō kě ài








  1. My good friend Jia Xu M. is a lively and lovely little girl. she had a black hair. a pair of eyes like two stones. Shuihonghong. cute love.


  2. How innocent, lively and lovely you were to be always asking us whys endlessly.


  3. He was then married to a pleasant, German-born girl, not an intellectual, and she bore him a boy and a girl.


  4. Sparkly ! She visits twice a year. She sees what she wants to see.


  5. It has been some time since we have had contact you when back home with your precious adopted child .


  6. She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively , when she was Minnie Foster , one of the town girls singing in the choir .


  7. She puts forward a new dance aesthetic view - through dance, bring the children cultivate into lively, lovely, natural elegant little angel.


  8. M. is an ebullient girl, age 10, who ranks near the top of her fourth-grade class and dreams of being a doctor.


  9. e. g. Ah! Diving feeling I seem to feel that they are a lively and cute fish!


  1. 她穿各种衣服都显得活泼可爱。

    She took pleasure in the various guises she could see.

  2. 我是一个非常活泼可爱的女孩。

    I'm a very active and lovely girl.

  3. 宝宝活泼可爱,有很好的表现能力

    The baby alacrity is lovely, having the good performance ability.

  4. 女孩子梳一个马尾辫,看着活泼可爱。

    The girl with a ponytail looks lively and lovely.

  5. 女孩子梳一个马尾辫,看着活泼可爱。

    The girl with a ponytail looks lively and lovely.

  6. 简介纸偶系列商品造型传统活泼可爱!

    The paper figurine serial products come in traditional and lively lovable designs!

  7. 活泼可爱的方块字,承载了民族的兴衰成败。

    Lively and cute characters, bearing the success or failure of the Chinese nation.

  8. 我们的宝贝仔仔健康成长, 聪明伶俐, 活泼可爱。

    We treasure the healthy growth of Zai Zai, bright, lively and lovely.

  9. 第二年,范家得了一个活泼可爱的男孩。

    The next year, the Fans had a baby boy.

  10. 当她清醒的时候,她是一个活泼可爱与人和善的人。

    When Laura is sober, she is a vivacious, outgoing, funloving person.

  11. 她是个活泼可爱的小姑娘,总是欢声笑语忙个不停。

    She is a lively young girl, always laughing and doing things.

  12. 他有时老成稳重,有时活泼可爱,你知道哪个才是真实的他么?

    Sometimes he's adultly, and sometimes mercurial, do you konw which is the real him?

  13. 青岛出售小狗宝贝儿小狗已经3个月大,非常活泼可爱。

    Qingdao baby puppy dog for sale has been 3 months old, very lively and lovely.

  14. 大姐虽然年纪最长但她活泼可爱更像是个小妹妹。

    Although but eldest sister the age most is long she in a lively way lovable likely is a youngest sister.

  15. 彼德斯饰演活泼可爱的罗伊轻而易举地俘虏纽瓦克的心

    As Nowaks frisky quarry Lou Ann, Peters easily nabs her leading mans heart.

  16. 我是一位活泼可爱的女孩,能关心体贴他人和孝顺父母。

    China I am lively lovable girl Can care about sympathizes him to be bright and filial parents.

  17. 她的性格可爱活泼。

    She had a sweet, lively personality.

  18. 主人公海蒂是一个天真, 活泼, 可爱。

    Leading character Hattie is naive, lively, lovable.

  19. 她们活泼开朗的性格是坚强可爱的。

    Their breezy, outgoing personalities were strong and attractive.

  20. 一身素雅的颜色让活泼的女孩变得端庄, 可爱!

    The simple but elegant color makes the lively girl civility and loveliness !