




1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:jiàn shù






  1. 指事物的数目。




  1. Mother would count out to her a bundle of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks.


  2. The proposed algorithm, for five specific situations, is presented for the company to minimize the number of tardy jobs.


  3. The form to leave the inner core of the furnace is rolled from several pieces of cardboard taped together.


  4. The total number of baggage must be entered into the Service Call Record for reference.


  5. A general description of the goods including the name , number of packages, weight, measurement, etc.


  6. Whatever the reason, though, walking was still just a part-time thing for millions of years.


  7. Take a luggage ticket and write the number of bags on the bottom of luggage ticket.


  8. Procuring entities shall estimate the number of procurement to be conducted and the value of each procurement.


  9. usually in research and production of higher costs means that more particularly with respect to require only a small number of packaging.


  1. 每年人均寄发函件数

    annual posted letters per capita

  2. 件数, 可以在不同的几个步骤。

    The number of pieces can be varied in several steps.

  3. 本文给出后者的平均检验件数的计算。

    In this paper, calculation of average sample number for the latter is given.

  4. 行李员帮助客人拿行李,并向客人核对行李件数。

    The bellboy helps the guest to take the baggage, and check the baggage number.

  5. 总零件数超过2。5万个,每个零件保证不能出错。

    So there's about 25, 000 things there that can go wrong.

  6. 我必须订购的最少的量或件数是多少?

    What is the minimum number of pieces or amount I have to order ?

  7. 基于动态控件数组实现图形标绘的方法

    The Method of Realize Graphic Plotting on the Base of Dynamic Control Array

  8. 事故使交通堵塞数小时。行李包裹责任事故件数

    The accident snarled up traffic for hours. number of responsible accidents of luggage and parce

  9. 非法流通的武器件数和爆炸物数量逐年减少。

    The number of weapons and the amount of explosives in illegal circulation has diminished from year to year.

  10. 我必须订购的件数或数目最小值是多少?

    What is the minimum number of pieces or amount I have to order?

  11. 总共的行李件数必须记录到指定的服务记录本上。

    The total number of baggage must be entered into the Service Call Record for reference.

  12. 失效件数很少的可靠性试验数据处理方法研究

    Study on Reliability Test Data Processing with Less Failure Parts

  13. 小组在第十八批中解决的总索赔件数是804件。

    The total number of claims resolved by the Panel in the eighteenth instalment is804.

  14. 研究了结构中非金属件自然老化时的备件数问题。

    The optimal numbers of spare parts for nonmetal parts under storage ageing is studied.

  15. 重数一遍洗衣件数,检验件数是否与客人所填数目相符。

    Recount the Laundry items to verify items against guest count.

  16. 包装上的运输唛头及编号,包装件数和种类也应当列明。

    Shipping Marks and numbers on the packages, number and kind of package shall also be specified.

  17. 估计将要由联合监委会处理的项目件数在比较困难。

    Estimating the number of project cases that will be handled by the JISC is difficult.

  18. 填写的数量必须是所发货物的件数,而不是所用包裹的数目。

    This quantity must be total number of items, not number of containers.

  19. 该表格离开炉子的内芯是由纸板件数录音带一起推出。

    The form to leave the inner core of the furnace is rolled from several pieces of cardboard taped together.

  20. 其次, 提交索赔件数最多的是阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府。

    The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic submitted the next largest group of claims.


  1. 问:件数拼音怎么拼?件数的读音是什么?件数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:件数的读音是jiànshù,件数翻译成英文是 number of package