


1. 升 [shēng]升 [shēng]容量单位。量粮食的器具。向上,高起,提高:~力(亦称“举力”)。~格。~华(a.固态物质直接变为气;b.喻事物的提高和精炼)。~迁。~值。~堂入室(喻人的学问造诣由浅入深,循序渐进,达到精深)。晋~……





汉语拼音:shēng shuǐ






  1. 旧时在调换票据或兑换货币时,因为比价的不同,比价高的一方应该向另一方收取一定的差额,叫升水。亦指这种应该收取的差额。



  1. The forward curve for Nymex crude prices currently slopes upward - known as a 'contango' - and is extraordinarily steep.


  2. This storage tank can be a container that holds about one hundred liters. Two rubber pipes are attached to the water storage tank.


  3. And the entire process to produce the fiber takes only one hour and a maximum of two liters of water.


  4. Next, put the fish in a container with a solution of three hundred grams of salt and one liter of water.


  5. One of the most striking short-term pulls on oil prices is a futures-market condition called contango.


  6. On top of that, the author also makes efforts to find out the main cause of the wage premium in China's foreign firms.


  7. Members of one were told to drink half a litre of water (a bit more than an American pint) shortly before each of three daily meals.


  8. Contango incentivizes those who can afford to hold oil to hold on to it.


  9. Moreover, unlike most human rights, a litre of H2O enjoyed by one person cannot be consumed by anyone else.


  1. 这个瓶子能装1升水。

    The bottle can hold a litre of water.

  2. 一丸即可净化一升水。

    One tablet will purify a litre of water.

  3. 这桶能盛五升水。

    This pail can contain five litres of water.

  4. 这个容器可装五升水。

    This can holds five liters of water.

  5. 我推荐午餐前喝一升水。

    I recommend drinking one liter before lunch.

  6. 但我还是坚持喝了一升水。

    But I still insist on drinking a liter.

  7. 目前生产1大卡的食物需要1升水。

    It currently takes one litre of water to produce one calorie of food.

  8. 目前生产1大卡得食物需要1升水。

    It currently takes one litre of water to produce one calorie of food.

  9. 如果洗杯子时一直开着水龙头, 会消耗一升水

    Washing a mug under a running tap uses about a litre of water

  10. 把糖放进中等大小的平底锅, 加入柠檬汁和300毫升水。

    Tip the sugar into a mediumsized pan and add the lemon juice and 300ml of water.

  11. 眼花缭乱的金条, 都是在原料金价的基础上有一定升水。

    The dazzling gold bars, gold prices of raw materials are based on a certain premium.

  12. 这位患者每天必须喝好几升的水。

    The patient must drink several liters each day.

  13. 这位患者每天必须喝好几升得水。

    The patient must drink several liters each day.

  14. 把大约5亳升得浓硫酸加进100亳升得水样本中, 混匀。

    Add 5 ml concentrated sulphuric acid to 100 ml water sample and shake well.

  15. 制造鞋子,汉堡和微芯片需要数千升的水。

    Thousands of litres are needed to make shoes, hamburgers and microchips.

  16. 把大约5亳升的浓硫酸加进100亳升的水样本中,混匀。

    Add 5 ml concentrated sulphuric acid to 100 ml water sample and shake well.

  17. 把大约5毫升得浓硫酸加进100亳升得水样本中, 混匀。

    Add 5 ml concentrated sulphuric acid to 100 ml water sample and shake well.

  18. 把大约5毫升的浓硫酸加进100亳升的水样本中,混匀。

    Add 5 ml concentrated sulphuric acid to 100 ml water sample and shake well.

  19. 药物给予后。最后一次冲洗管子。至少15毫升无菌水。

    After all medications have been administered, flush the tube one final time with at least 15 mL of sterile water.

  20. 一连串咕噜咕噜的, 银色透明的水泡泡升上湖面而去。

    A riff of bubbles rises, silvery, towards the surface.

  21. 最后,水终于升到罐口了,小乌鸦高兴地喝着水,笑了。

    At last the water rose the brim the small crow drank water happily and smiled.

  22. 它可以净化6000升水。

    It'll last for 6, 000 liters.

  23. 这可以处理25,000升水。

    This will process 25, 000 liters of water.

  24. 这样每周可以节约140升水。

    This could save up to140 litres a week.

  25. 一只牡蛎一天能过滤189升水

    And one oyster can filter up to 48 gallons of water a day.

  26. 升船机承船厢水动力特性试验研究

    Experimental study on hydrodynamic characteristics of ship lift chambers

  27. 一公升气体的质量少于一公升水的质量。

    A liter of gas has less mass than a liter of water.

  28. 一公升汽油的质量比一公升水的质量小。

    A liter of gas have less mass than a liter of water.

  29. 应当铭记,生产1千克粮食至少需要1000升水。

    It should be borne in mind that1 kilogram of grain requires at least1,000 litres of water.

  30. 相比之下,生产一公斤得番茄需要160升水。

    By comparison, one kilogram of tomatoes requires158 litres of water.


  1. 问:升水日拼音怎么拼?升水日的读音是什么?升水日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升水日的读音是shēng shuǐ rì,升水日翻译成英文是 contango day

  2. 问:升水管拼音怎么拼?升水管的读音是什么?升水管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升水管的读音是shēng shuǐ guǎn,升水管翻译成英文是 lifting tube

  3. 问:升水阀拼音怎么拼?升水阀的读音是什么?升水阀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升水阀的读音是shēng shuǐ fá,升水阀翻译成英文是 lift valve

  4. 问:升水结构物拼音怎么拼?升水结构物的读音是什么?升水结构物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升水结构物的读音是shēng shuǐ jié gòu wù,升水结构物翻译成英文是 water lifting structure