







汉语拼音:táng gān






糖苷 [táng gān]
  1. 简称苷”,又称配糖体”。一类有机化合物。由糖类和糖类或非糖类有机化合物缩合而成。广泛存在于植物体中。



  1. It is possible that the degree of binding of individual proteins might be changed by glycosidase action.


  2. In particular, it is preferably used in the case where the residual veterinary drug is an aminoglycoside antibiotic.


  3. The subject of the invention is to develop silybin glucoside solution with excellent coloring stability.


  4. Mainly contains: Essential oils, flavonoids, diphenylheptane category, phenylpropanoid category, glycosides and trace constituents.


  5. The best characterized member of this latter group is a rhamnose-glucose-IAA glycosidic complex.


  6. The alkyl indican can be synthesized by starch with low cost and free pollution which can agree with the de mands of modern production.


  7. Among these aroma precursors, fatty acids and glycosides have caused the researcher's attention as the important aroma precursors.


  8. By orthogonal test, the optimum conditions for soybean isoflavone glycoside to be hydrolyzed into isoflavone aglucon were found.


  9. This paper introduces the diversity, structure distribution, products of glucosinolates , and the pharmacologic functions.


  1. 洋地黄糖苷

    digitalis glycoside.

  2. 玉米黄质二糖苷

    zeaxanthin diglucoside

  3. 大环内酯糖苷配基

    macrolide aglycons

  4. 高良姜根茎中的一个新糖苷

    A new glycoside from Alpinia officinarum

  5. 吉托洛苷配基双洋地黄毒糖苷

    gitaloxigenin bisdigitoxoside

  6. 槐果皮中两个山柰酚三糖苷成分。

    Two Kaempferol Triglycosides from Pericarps of Sophora japonica L.

  7. 沙枣糖合成烷基糖苷工艺的研究

    Study of synthesis processing of alkyl polyglycosides from oleaster sugar

  8. 银杏叶黄酮糖苷精制工艺的研究。

    Studies on the Productive Technology of Ginkgo Flavonol Glycosides by Means of Macroporous Adsorption Resin.

  9. 介绍了一种烷基 糖苷的合成方法。

    A new process for synthesis of alkyl polyglycoside is presented.

  10. 沙枣淀粉烷基多糖苷的制备与性能

    Preparation and Property of Alkyl Polyglucosides of Oleaster Starch

  11. 考察了十二烷基葡糖苷和十六烷基葡糖苷得溶血活性。

    Make an investigation on haemolysis active of lauryl glucoside and hexadecyl glucoside.

  12. 考察了十二烷基葡糖苷和十六烷基葡糖苷的溶血活性。

    Make an investigation on haemolysis active of lauryl glucoside and hexadecyl glucoside.

  13. 茶园中以挥发物糖苷为载体的化感作用

    Allelopathy Occurred in Tea Garden with Glycosidically Bound Form Volatiles as the Medium

  14. 分离蛋白乳清中异黄酮糖苷酸解工艺的研究

    Study on acid hydrolysis of isoflavone glycosides in SPI milk serum

  15. 目的筛选桑叶中具有糖苷酶抑制活性的组分。

    Objective To search for glucosidase inhibitors of various fractions extracted from Mulberry leaves.

  16. 通过菌株筛选,确定了黑曲霉3866为糖苷转化酶高产菌株。

    Aspergillus niger 3866 is confirmed the highly enzyme activity producing strain by screening strain.

  17. 福寿螺糖苷水解酶基因核心片断的克隆及序列分析

    Cloning and Sequencing of a Molluscan Glycosyl Hydrolase Core Gene from the Snail, Ampullaria crossean

  18. 糖苷类香气前体和糖苷酶是制约香气形成的两个关键因素。

    Aglycone precursors and glycosidases are two important compounds in tea aroma formation.

  19. 多余性巴氏杆菌各菌株对多种糖, 醇, 糖苷的发酵是很不同的。

    The fermentation of many sugurs, alcohols, and glucosides by strains of P. multocida is quite variable.


  1. 问:糖苷拼音怎么拼?糖苷的读音是什么?糖苷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糖苷的读音是tánggān,糖苷翻译成英文是 The glycoside; a kind of organic compound, a kind...

  2. 问:糖苷酶拼音怎么拼?糖苷酶的读音是什么?糖苷酶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糖苷酶的读音是táng gān méi,糖苷酶翻译成英文是 glycosidase

  3. 问:糖苷酸拼音怎么拼?糖苷酸的读音是什么?糖苷酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糖苷酸的读音是táng gān suān,糖苷酸翻译成英文是 glycuronide

  4. 问:糖苷键拼音怎么拼?糖苷键的读音是什么?糖苷键翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糖苷键的读音是táng gān jiàn,糖苷键翻译成英文是 glycosidic bond; glycosidic link; glycosidic...

  5. 问:糖苷配基拼音怎么拼?糖苷配基的读音是什么?糖苷配基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糖苷配基的读音是táng gān pèi jī,糖苷配基翻译成英文是 aglycon

  6. 问:糖苷水解酶拼音怎么拼?糖苷水解酶的读音是什么?糖苷水解酶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糖苷水解酶的读音是táng gān shuǐ jiě méi,糖苷水解酶翻译成英文是 glycoside hydrolase

  7. 问:糖苷生物碱拼音怎么拼?糖苷生物碱的读音是什么?糖苷生物碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糖苷生物碱的读音是táng gān shēng wù jiǎn,糖苷生物碱翻译成英文是 glycoalkaloids