








1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……



汉语拼音:zāo féng jì huì








  • 【解释】:犹言逢遇时机。
  • 【出自】:《周书·文帝纪上》:“侯莫陈悦本实庸才,遭逢际会,遂叨任委。”


  1. na.
  2. suffer a crisis

  1. 那亲自来这里走一遭会解决什么,恩?

    What's coming here in person gonna solve, huh?

  2. 你会遭报应的!

    Someday God will punish you!

  3. 你的话会遭非议。

    Your statement is liable to exception.

  4. 他迟早会遭报应。

    He'll get his just deserts sooner or later.

  5. 他迟早会遭报应。

    He'll get his just deserts sooner or later.

  6. 你会遭天罚的。

    You will be visited with punishment from heaven.

  7. 我们会遭人唾骂的!

    We will all be cursed!

  8. 自暴自弃的人会遭谴责。

    A man may be demned for despiring to be saved.

  9. 恩将仇报是会遭报应的。

    There are consequences from biting the hands that feed them.

  10. 农业部难免会遭人唾骂。

    The Agriculture Department is likely to get an earful.

  11. 你当心点,不然会遭报应的。

    Take care, or you will be visited with punishment.

  12. 天然资源也不会遭污染或耗尽。

    Natural resources are not polluted or depleted.

  13. 有一天也许人类也会遭此命运。

    Mankind may one day meet this fate.

  14. 别看你现在逍遥, 将来会遭报应的。

    You're enjoying yourself now, but a day of reckoning will come.

  15. 你真应该协同一致, 否则会遭解雇。

    You really ought to get your act together or you will get sacked.

  16. 你真应该协同一致,否则会遭解雇。

    You really ought to get your act together or you will get sacked.

  17. 你没意识到他因此会遭多少责骂?

    Do you realize how much shit hed catch for that

  18. 自由国家不会出现文字狱但是会遭杀人灭口!

    Do you think those Idiots know what CIA is for

  19. 要不是他及时赶到, 她就会遭抢劫了。

    But for his arriving in time, she would have been robbed.

  20. 他声言支持娼妓合法化,定会遭人抨击。

    He out on a limb when he declared his support for the legalization of prostitution.

  21. 那你有没有做什么会遭报应的事呢?

    Have you done something that would warrant being punished?

  22. 想吐露心声,可却要冒会遭人排斥的风险。

    To expose feelings is to risk rejection.

  23. 在这些生态被破坏时,青年和儿童就会遭殃。

    When these ecosystems are disrupted, youth and children are affected.

  24. 旅行社包办的旅游,包机航班决不会遭人耻笑。

    The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at.

  25. 旅行社包办得旅游,包机航班决不会遭人耻笑。

    The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at.

  26. 谁也不会想到他会遭此祸殃, 变成了瘫痪。

    No one had thought that he would meet such a disaster and become paralyzed.

  27. 谁也不会想到他会遭此祸殃,变成了瘫痪。

    No one had thought that he would meet such a disaster and become paralyzed.

  28. 形容一项投资的风险极高,很可能会遭违约。

    A very high risk investment which is highly likely to be in default.

  29. 而一旦他们撞上残酷的现实,投资者就会遭殃。

    When reality catches up with them, investors will suffer.

  30. 不要莽撞, 冒冒失失上去求爱, 你肯定会遭拒绝。

    Not obtrusive, go up pertly courtship, you can refuse for certain.