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关于货币、货物出入的记载:~本。~簿。~号。指“账簿”:一本~。债:~主。欠~。还(huán )~。……
住人或放东西的建筑物:~屋。~产。~舍。~租。库~。楼~。书~。结构和作用类似房子的东西:蜂~。莲~。心~。量词:两~儿媳。家族的一支:大~。长(zhǎng )~。星名,二十八宿之一。姓。……
汉语拼音:zhàng fáng
《红楼梦》第八回:“﹝ 戴良 ﹞同着几个管事的头目,共七个人,从账房裡出来。” 王统照 《号声·沉船》:“栈房的账房中堆满了短衣、束带、穿笨鞋的乡汉。”亦称“ 账房间 ”。 茅盾 《子夜》五:“以后就派我在厂里账房间办庶务。” 汪曾祺 《星期天》:“ 李文鑫 就住在账房间后面的一间洁净的房间里。”
《歧路灯》第一回:“对账房 阎相公 説,取出一牀铺盖,送到西厢房去。” 瞿秋白 《“矛盾”的继续》:“账房告诉我,下个月薪水加两块洋钱了。”
and I find that the young man forgot to tell you, among his other communications, that he was the son of old Wickham, the late Mr.
我发觉那年轻的官人虽然把什么事都说给你听了,可就偏偏忘了说他自己是老达西先生的账房老韦翰的儿子。Is her husband, is the son of his late father's steward, to be his brother?
她丈夫是他父亲生前的账房的儿子,也配和他做连襟吗?Today, the finance professionals are no longer "Bean Counters" .
如今的财务部门早已不再是“账房先生”了。JPMorgan Private Bank runs courses that look closely at family-owned businesses and family offices.
JP摩根私人银行的课程密切关注家族企业和家族账房(familyoffices);Can be greedy for money all is have a tiny a position in the wager mart, all generally is shopkeeper and cashier to mate to strive for.
能贪到钱的都是在赌坊里有点地位的,一般都是掌柜和账房合谋。A good Mr. Accountant is very valuable to a long-lasting Chinese family all the time.
一位称职的账房先生对中国家族的兴盛传承、和睦融乐有着不可或缺的价值。"I really must make you my cashier, " observed my father. "Money seems to have a way of growing in your hands! "
“我真的应该请你做我的账房总管,”父亲说,“钱在你手里似乎有办法增加起来!”In some examinee eye, the accounting professional equates in "accountant gentleman" , this is an erroneous zone.
在一些考生眼里,会计学专业人才等同于“账房先生”,这是一个误区。Treasure the Chiang family house explored the arrangement, and then it will they locked on the ZhangFang key after ZhangFang to will code.
宝琦把蒋家家产整理妥当,然后将它们锁于账房后把账房锁匙交给必文。这一下叱责, 把账房莫干丞吓糊涂了。
The old clerk was frightened out of his wits by this reproof.
This is the waxwork of ancient treasurer, just like today accountant.
Is her husband, is the son of his late father's steward, to be his brother?
他是个账房先生, 后来有家公司招人, 他就当上了职员。
He was an accountant, and was hired by a company as a staff member.