




1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……










  1. Yuan to positive end of the tidying up of its disciples, was the essence of which more than 580 articles, classified compilation of a book.


  2. Records set: five yuan positive, two long struggle, spray-hundred miles, countless residents of a pile.


  3. The beginning of the volume in yuan is seven years to draw in 1347) (finish.


  4. For leading the wrapper (21) to the roll being packed, there is arranged at least one creasing element (9).


  5. Remove the screws that secure the sunglasses storage bin module to the overhead console housing.


  6. The engaging portion (20) is attached to the telescopable portion (19) and is configured for coupling to an orthodontic implant (44).


  7. In the second configuration the orthodontic eyelet (12) permits coupling to an orthodontic corrective device (14).


  8. The engaging portion (20) may be configured for rotatably coupling to an orthodontic implant (44).


  9. An orthodontic eyelet (12) includes an engaging portion (20) configured for coupling onto an orthodontic implant (16).


  1. 他们慢慢地从舞台后方的左侧移至正中。

    They slowly moved from upstage left into the centre.

  2. 公元1351年,即元顺帝至正11年,各地人民纷纷起义。

    In 1351,the people in many parts of the country rose in revolt against the rule of the Yuan Dynasty.

  3. 电车正被移至另外一条轨道上。

    The tram is being swithed on to another track.

  4. 全球危机正在蔓延至阿拉伯海湾国家。

    The global crisis is moving to the Gulf Arab nations.

  5. 目得观察艾灸至阴穴矫治胎位不正得临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of moxibustion at Zhiyin for correcting the fetus malposition.

  6. 我正看着10至13岁的侠盗车手呢。

    I'm looking at 10 to 13 for grand theft auto.

  7. 拼装车正倾倒一车甘蔗至转装台的漏斗。

    A lorry was dumping sugarcane into the hopper.

  8. 有一艘多拖带船正驶向爱克号已至皮乐肯岸浮标。

    There is a vessel with a difficult tow on passage to Eekhavn now approaching Pelican Bank buoy.

  9. 至为美好的东西死掉了, 正源源不断地流失

    Something so precious dies and is lost eternally

  10. 至为美好得东西死掉了, 正源源不断地流失

    Something so precious dies and is lost eternally

  11. 孩子完成了单字练习,正将正确单字画线连至正确图片。

    Students completed a worksheet, drawing a line from the picture of the word.

  12. 各公司正在把工作岗位转移至生活费用较低的城镇。

    Companies are moving jobs to towns with a lower cost of living.

  13. 最后, 该男演员被闻风而至得警察逮了个正着。

    Finally, the actor was arrested by police who was told by a passenger.

  14. 从伦敦至爱丁堡的火车,每小时正有一班特别快车。

    There is a fast express service that leaves London for Edinburgh every hour on the hour.

  15. 时至今日,热潮依旧,第五次并购浪潮正在全世界范围内兴起。

    Until now tidal wave still exists and the fifth has begun.

  16. 政府正把类似的风险监理方法推展至危险品运输方面。

    The government is extending a similar risk management approach to the transport of dangerous goods.

  17. 政府正把类似得风险监理方法推展至危险品运输方面。

    The government is extending a similar risk management approach to the transport of dangerous goods.

  18. 从上古至西汉, 五行观的发展经历了一个正反合的周期。

    From ancient times to the Western Han Dynasty, the Five Elements Theory experienced a periodical development.

  19. 初至折射静校正

    first arrival refraction statics

  20. 正象我们到达,他们确定光至它。

    Just as we arrived, they set light to it.

  21. 上海正卿发电机有限公司上海至盛经贸有限公司。


  22. 我恐怕虽然我关心备至,这些植物似乎正在枯萎。

    I'm afraid that plant seems to be dying in spite of my loving ministrations.

  23. 但正如每个军官所知的,士气至关重要。

    But as every army officer knows, morale is crucial.

  24. 而时间, 正如那些律师所言, 是至关重要的。

    And time, as the lawyers say, will be of the essence.

  25. 而时间, 正如那些律师所言, 是至关重要得。

    And time, as the lawyers say, will be of the essence.

  26. 帮助基督徒成长以至成熟,正如以弗所书413所教导的。

    To help Christians grow to maturity as Ephesians 411 teaches.

  27. 无时我正在凌晨醉来, 我的笨魂以至仍是干的。

    Sometimes I get up early and even my soul is wet.

  28. 目的观察艾灸至阴穴矫治胎位不正的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of moxibustion at Zhiyin for correcting the fetus malposition.

  29. 也正因此才受到了普通百姓们的钟爱以至百年不衰。

    Because of all these reasons, the play has captivated the general public, even more than a hundred years later.

  30. 鼓楼, 据碑记创建于元至正年间, 明清均有重修。

    Gulou, it was founded in million tablets positive years, the Ming and Qing Dynasties are rebuilt.