




1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……








  1. 网络
  2. the title of Emperor Shun'

  3. s reign in Eastern Han

  1. 永和大王亚运村店

    Yonghe Asia Games Village Branch

  2. 连续函数的运算和初等函数的连续性

    Operation of continuous function and Continuity of elementary function

  3. 永和大桥北岸沉井施工技术

    Construction Techniques for North Bank Open Caisson of Yonghe Bridge

  4. 拉线式铁塔垂直弯曲度和初拉力调整

    Correction for Vertical Curvature and Initial Pulling Force of Guyed Tower

  5. 算术和初等代数中普通得数通称纯量。

    The ordinary numbers of arithmetic and elementary algebra are known as scalars.

  6. 算术和初等代数中普通的数通称纯量。

    The ordinary numbers of arithmetic and elementary algebra are known as scalars.

  7. 灰函数的不连续点和初等灰函数的连续性

    Discontinuous Point of a Grey Function and Continuity of Elementary Grey Function.

  8. 永和大桥钢管拱肋节段吊装施工控制

    Construction Controlling of Suspending Placement in Steel Tubular Arch Truss Articulations of Yonghe CFST Arch Bridge

  9. 黄小姐永和公司的秘书,陈先生是一位学校的老师。

    MIiss Wong is a secretary at the Wing Wo Company and Mr. Chen is a school teacher.

  10. 一开始,这只是跟朋友和初相识的人分享的一段轶事。

    To begin with, it was an anecdote he shared only with friends or new acquaintances.

  11. 元和初,拜监察御史,坐诬李吉甫,出为资州刺史。

    Yuan and the beginning of worship to monitor the censor, sitting framed Li Jifu, the prefectural governor for the information.

  12. 永存性初发玻璃体增生症

    persistent hyperplasia of primary vitreous

  13. 十九世纪初和十九世纪末的风气就大大不同。

    There is an extraordinary alteration between that of the early nineteenth century and that of the century's end.

  14. 认识汉字的人都知道,泳和永是两个谐声的字。

    Everyone who can read Chinese knows that the characters of swim and forever rhyme have the same pronunciation.

  15. 你有没有在这学期初和你的教授谈过有关学期论文的事?

    Did you talk to your professor about the term papers early this term?

  16. 具有初曲率和初挠率弹性直杆的平衡稳定性

    Stability of Equilibrium of a Straight Elastic Rod with Intrinsic Curvature and Twisting

  17. 无初曲率和初扭率的圆截面杆的螺旋线平衡恒稳定。

    The helical equilibrium of a rod with circular section but without intrinsic curvature and twisting is always stable.

  18. 遂和好如初

    then became reconciled

  19. 前嫌消解, 和好如初。

    With all past ill will dispelled, good relations were restored.

  20. 前嫌消解,和好如初。

    With all past ill will dispelled, good relations were restored.

  21. 她回来了, 他们和好如初。

    She came back and they made up.

  22. 她回来了,他们和好如初。

    She came back and they made up.

  23. 你能回头并和好如初吗?

    Can you turn around and reconnect

  24. 她回来之后他们又和好如初。

    She came back and they made up.

  25. 他们平息了争执,又和好如初了。

    They patched up their tiff again.

  26. 我知道他想和你和好如初。

    I know he wanted to make it up to you.

  27. 反目成仇的朋友希望能和好如初。

    Friends who have become enemies want to be at peace with each other.

  28. 他俩婚姻破裂,已无法和好如初。

    The breakdown of their marriage was irretrievable.

  29. 他们会和好如初的, 只要你不干涉。

    They could come to terms, if you would keep your nose out.

  30. 争论后一个小时, 他们就和好如初。

    An hour after their argument, they were bothas meek as lambs.


