


马壮健。自满,自高自大,不服从:~傲。~气。~恣。~横(hèng )。~矜。~纵。猛烈:~阳。……





汉语拼音:jiāo yáng








  1. 猛烈的阳光。

    唐 李白 《感时留别从兄徐王延年从弟延陵》诗:“骄阳何火赫,海水烁龙龟。”《明史·王家屏传》:“今骄阳烁石,小民愁苦之声殷天震地,而独未彻九閽。” 茅盾 《秋收》三:“夜来露水是有的,稻比白天在骄阳下稍稍显得青健。”



  1. There cannot be bright sunlight spells in the Harry Potter universe, however, so this is one of many instances where the film is in error.


  2. At middy the illusions merged into the sky and there the sun gazed down like an angry eye.


  3. With its hot sun and gay night life, San Francisco is a fine place to live in or to visit.


  4. He peered into the swirling yellow center, and the answer shone up at him, bright as the sun.


  5. Like the sun like the sun, if sea water as love, lost passion as if youll be looking back, feeling back to the youth age.


  6. A blazing sun upon a fierce August day was no greater rarity in southern France then, than at any other time before or since.


  7. Once you are holding, through the streets, through alleys and covered the sun, through heavy rain, reached the sea, reached the forests.


  8. I was fascinated by a lotus pool, looked around, the colors of the lotus contests, sun, green lotus leaf is covered with pools of cool.


  9. President Roosevelt's white linen suit and white straw hat glared in the bright sun, as he sat in his open car beside the stand.


  1. 骄阳似火。

    The sun was scorching hot.

  2. 灼热的骄阳

    a scorching, pitiless sun.

  3. 夏日骄阳似火。

    The blazing sun beats down in summer.

  4. 正午骄阳的热力

    the heat of the midday sun

  5. 晴空万里,但见骄阳。

    In the clear and boundless sky all you could see was the blazing sun.

  6. 晴空中骄阳高照。

    The sun blazed down from an incandescent sky.

  7. 盛夏骄阳, 使我昏昏欲睡。

    Summer sun made me sleepy.

  8. 7月的西安,骄阳似火。

    In Xi'an in July the sun is incredibly fierce.

  9. 夏日骄阳伴晴云。

    When golden summer serenades pure clouds.

  10. 他们正在骄阳下打谷。

    They are threshing crops under the scorching sun.

  11. 被骄阳灼痛的眼睛,流泪了。

    By sun burning eyes, tears.

  12. 午后骄阳烤得我脸孔绯红。

    The brutal afternoon sun scorched my face.

  13. 骄阳整天火辣辣地晒着我们。

    The sun beat down on us all day.

  14. 热带的骄阳火辣辣的照在身上。

    The tropical sun glared on the body.

  15. 如骄阳一样纯洁, 似百合一样无瑕,

    White as the sun, fair as the lily

  16. 当骄阳照耀, 我突然哭了出来。

    When the sun shines, I burst into tears.

  17. 她坐在火辣辣骄阳下的石头上

    She is sitting on the rock in the torrid sun

  18. 她头顶灼热的骄阳坐在岩石上。

    She was sitting on the rocks in the torrid sun.

  19. 当所有的鸟儿因骄阳而昏晕

    When all the birds are faint with the hot sun

  20. 能在沙漠的骄阳下生存的植物不多。

    Not many plants are able to survive in the strong desert sun.

  21. 最后,祝我们整个骄阳行动获得圆满成功!

    Best wishes to all of you guys. May happiness and success you forever!

  22. 你只有在烈日骄阳的时候才戴太阳镜?

    You wear your sunglasses only when it's sunny?

  23. 如火的骄阳烤裂了沙漠中的沙地。

    The blazing sun crackled the desert sand.

  24. 如火的骄阳烤裂了沙漠中的沙地。

    The blazing sun crackled the desert sand.

  25. 骄阳经过乔装打扮,呈现出红色的月牙儿形。

    The Sun transforms into a Moon, crescent and red.

  26. 骄阳似火, 寒霜如铁, 狂风似啸, 暴雨如瀑。

    Scorching sun, freezing frost, howling winds, and raging storms.

  27. 下午的骄阳正倾射出一支支无形的光箭。

    The afternoon sun emptied down invisible arrows.

  28. 骄阳下他们耐心地站着,像一个小军营。

    In the blistering sun they stood patiently, like a small battalion.

  29. 骄阳下他们耐心地站着,象一个小军营。

    In the blistering sun they stood patiently, like a small battalion.

  30. 该队得名字道出了凤凰城骄阳似火得天气。

    The team's name recognizes Phoenix's hot, sunny climate.


  1. 问:骄阳拼音怎么拼?骄阳的读音是什么?骄阳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骄阳的读音是jiāoyáng,骄阳翻译成英文是 blazing sun; boiling sun

  2. 问:骄阳电影拼音怎么拼?骄阳电影的读音是什么?骄阳电影翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骄阳电影的读音是,骄阳电影翻译成英文是 Sundream Motion Pictures





解释:[blazing sun] 酷烈的阳光,头顶骄阳详细

解释:猛烈的阳光。唐李白《感时留别从兄徐王延年从弟延陵》诗:“骄阳何火赫,海水烁龙龟。”《明史·王家屏传》:“今骄阳烁石,小民愁苦之声殷天震地,而独未彻九阍。” 茅盾《秋收》三:“夜来露水是有的,稻比白天在骄阳下稍稍显得青健。”