







汉语拼音:móu qiú








  1. 设法寻求。

    《平山冷燕》第十八回:“小弟初意,还指望去谋求小姐一见。” 孙犁 《澹定集·同口旧事》:“今年,有另一位中学同学的女儿从 保定 来,是为她的父亲谋求平反的。”



  1. With every appearance of sincerity, he said he looked for common ground and pressed the Republicans for steps they might all take together.


  2. prince vassily used not to think over his plans . still less did he think of doing harm to others for the sake of his own interest.


  3. The move comes as Brazil is increasingly blazing its own path in its efforts to deal with the fall out of the global economic crisis.


  4. describe concretely, easy to measure the reference evaluated, put into practice in teaching, fertility seeking to be reached.


  5. Last week, the CEO of Tata Consulting Services said the company was looking to make purchases around the world.


  6. Foot continued to press for a political solution, but agreed to call in MI5 as the situation was rapidly deteriorating.


  7. Study of its solution, both in terms of theoretical analysis or from the practical point of view, only be wise to seek win-win situation.


  8. Not to have done so would have derailed any hopes he might nurture of running for a second presidential term.


  9. If you're ready to get fit in 2010, your first step should be finding a workout program that's right for you.


  1. 他们谋求更迭政权。

    They seek regime change.

  2. 国王谋求扩大领土。

    The king sought to expand his realm.

  3. 辛苦谋求, 费力取得,

    Wrest control of the universefromthe Titans and Cronus

  4. 必须谋求合理的平衡。

    A reasonable balance must be found.

  5. 毕竟谋求和平不是短跑

    After all, peacemaking is not a sprint.

  6. 你们谋求生计,火化死者。

    You earn your living and you urn your dead.

  7. 我们谋求计划早日实现。

    We strove for the early accomplishment of the plan.

  8. 我们必须努力谋求增产。

    Our energies must be directed towards higher productivity.

  9. 谋求商办工业的新发展

    The seeking trader runs the new development of industry

  10. 他正谋求一份新工作。

    He was trying after a new job.

  11. 奥斯汀谋求的是自身利益。

    Austin was looking out for his own interests.

  12. 他在千方百计谋求这份差使。

    He is bucking for the job.

  13. 先谋求理解别人, 然后再谋求被理解。

    Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

  14. 我们俩在谋求同一份工作。

    We are both going after the same job.

  15. 有些人靠阿谀奉承谋求好处。

    Some people use flattery to get favours.

  16. 那位女士总在谋求赞美声。

    The lady is always feeling after words of praise.

  17. 许多妇女谋求这个打字员的职位。

    Many women applied for the post of typist.

  18. 当时他正在谋求一份新工作。

    He was then trying for a new job.

  19. 在劳方和资方之间谋求妥协

    to temporize between labour and management

  20. 他献身于谋求世界和平的事业。

    He was committed to the cause of world peace.

  21. 青蒿素产业,在竞争中谋求合作

    Artemisinin Industry, Rising to Collaborate within Competitions

  22. 求真, 务实, 谋求果酒业的发展

    In Pursuit of Fruit Wine Industry Development with Practical and Realistic Attitude

  23. 我们俩都在谋求同一份工作。

    We are both going after the same work.

  24. 为支持现有政策谋求行事的全权。

    To seek a blank cheque to back the present policy.

  25. 弄权利用某人的高级职位谋求利益

    To use ones superior rank to gain an advantage.

  26. 我正努力谋求一个升迁的机会。

    I was tugging for a chance to be promoted.

  27. 联合国为棉兰老岛谋求永久和平

    UN Plan for lasting peace in Mindanao

  28. 他想在一个研究机关谋求工作。

    He thought of trying for a job in a research institute.

  29. 要善尽职责,为全人类谋求福祉。

    To do my duty, for the good of mankind in general.

  30. 这位歌手总是在谋求别人得称赞。

    The singer is always feeling after praising words.


  1. 问:谋求拼音怎么拼?谋求的读音是什么?谋求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谋求的读音是móuqiú,谋求翻译成英文是 seek




拼音:móu qíu 基本解释 [seek] 力求得到;设法寻求 谋求公职 我们正在谋求和平 详细解释 设法寻求。 《平山冷燕》第十八回:“小弟初意,还指望去谋求小姐一见。” 孙犁 《澹定集·同口旧事》:“今年,有另一位中学同学的女儿从 保定 来,是为她的父亲谋求平反的。”