







汉语拼音:kǎo qín






  1. 考查工作或学习的出勤情况。如:考勤簿;考勤员。



  1. A card, either filled out by an employee or stamped by a time clock, recording the employee's starting and quitting times each work day.


  2. "Every morning we get a download of images of time sheets, " he said.


  3. the employee, the company for preliminary examination, the formal employee attendance, salary and bonus review of expatriates travel.


  4. For example , you can calculate a total number of hours worked (for a time card ), or determine the age of an invoice .


  5. The main text of the current staff and management of actual attendance, as well as the problems are designed to use a computer system.


  6. Monthly attendance data collecting and report, and all employees leave summary report; set the door access for employees.


  7. Control of overtime salary's risk base on a good attendance record , overtime hour signature system and a reasonable salary structure.


  8. The company shall set up an attendance record system and all staff shall strictly follow the system.


  9. Responsible to review and evaluate attendance policy at end of year with a view to revising policy where necessary.


  1. 排班考勤政策

    attendance policy.

  2. 考勤系统软件

    checking attendance system software.

  3. 卡刷卡考勤记录。

    IC swipe card timing records IC.

  4. 厂长严格考勤。

    The factory director checked on work attendance strictly.

  5. 根据我的考勤卡。

    Well, according to my time card.

  6. 及时准备每月考勤表。

    Prepare monthly attendance sheet in time.

  7. 是否用考勤卡记录加班

    Is overtime tracked by a time card.

  8. 学校开始对学生加强考勤。

    The school is stepping up attendance checks on its pupils.

  9. 整理, 统计员工日常考勤资料

    Collate statistical information on staff daily attendance

  10. 生产线员工招聘,离职和考勤。

    Operators recruitment, termination and attendance.

  11. 人工成本按考勤卡来计算。

    Labor cost is accumulated by means of time tickets and labor summaries.

  12. 基于胸卡识别的网络考勤系统

    Check on Work Attendance System based on Chest Card

  13. 这家工厂严格执行考勤制度。

    This is factory implements a strict work attendance checking system.

  14. 协助人力资源部记录考勤信息。

    Assist HR department to do some attendance record.

  15. 主要负责招聘, 保险, 考勤等工作。

    Work and so on primary cognizance employment advertise, insurance, checking attendance.

  16. 我建议你们把这种考勤表撕掉。

    I suggest you express this kind of checkwork attendance rip off.

  17. 检查员工日常考勤, 统计病事假情况

    Checking for staff daily attendance, statistic for staff absence and vacation record.

  18. 射频卡读头在考勤终端中的应用

    The Application of RF Card Reader in Terminal of Checking on Work Attendance

  19. 换句话说,多思考勤才能更有智慧!

    In other words, much thinking yields wisdom.

  20. 比尔因考勤试不及格被大学开除。

    Bill got thrown out of college for failing his exams.

  21. 海伦, 把考勤表送交人事部好吗?

    Helen, would you please send the time sheet to the Personnel Department?

  22. 根据政策及考勤计算, 并发放员工工资。

    Payment of staff salaries bases on the policies and attendance records.

  23. 门禁考勤系统中人脸识别算法的研究

    Research on the Face Recognition Algorithm on Time and Attendance Access Control System

  24. 单独使用的考勤机,按以下方法操作。

    When using the machine singly, please follow the below step.

  25. 打卡用记时钟在考勤卡上打印上班时间

    To check in formally at a job upon arrival.

  26. 负责员工考勤,劳动合同签订,员工信息维护等

    responsible for checking employees work attendance, signing employment contracts and maintaining employees information.

  27. 打卡用记时钟在考勤卡上打印下班时间

    To check out formally at a job upon departure.

  28. 介绍一种实验室门禁考勤系统的设计方案。

    The paper presents a design of laboratory access control and attendance system.

  29. 可以调整员工考勤分析数据, 并且支持批处理。

    Can adjust analyzed attendance records in both single mode and batch mode.

  30. 在工厂是否发现伪造的工资册和考勤记录?

    Are falsified payroll registers and time records found at the factory?


  1. 问:考勤拼音怎么拼?考勤的读音是什么?考勤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:考勤的读音是kǎoqín,考勤翻译成英文是 check attendance

  2. 问:考勤官拼音怎么拼?考勤官的读音是什么?考勤官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:考勤官的读音是kǎo qín guān,考勤官翻译成英文是 attendance officer

  3. 问:考勤钟拼音怎么拼?考勤钟的读音是什么?考勤钟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:考勤钟的读音是kǎoqínzhōng,考勤钟翻译成英文是 telltale clock


