




1. 查 [chá]2. 查 [zhā]查 [chá]考察:检~。调~。~验。~访。~阅。古同“槎”,水中浮木。查 [zhā]姓。同“楂”。古同“渣”,渣滓。……



汉语拼音:kǎo chá







  1. 研究;审查。

    胡适 《论文学改革的进行程序》引 盛兆熊 致友人书:“更精密考查之,则算术尚在轻视之列,其所嘵嘵焉经日喋喋于儿童之前者,仅一国文耳。” 洪深 《这就是“美国的生活方式”》第四幕:“他们把我的名字报到联邦调查局去考查的,可是到今天还没有接到回音。”



  1. "I tested out the psychoanalytical theories, and they simply did not hold water, " he said Monday.


  2. 1 - The Greeks were rash in their hypotheses, but the Milesian school, at least, was prepared to test them empirically.


  3. Doing, it is often those who want to look at the topic and the intention to analyze the knowledge of the subject to be examined is what the.


  4. Messenger also examined in greater detail Mercury's western hemisphere, which had been imaged during a previous passage in October 2008.


  5. Economic games have also been used to probe prosocial behaviour.


  6. Ancient China is an agricultural country, its economy considerations must not open its agriculture around the test.


  7. The wear resistant property of the composite was tested in a three-body abrasion testing. A trial run was carried out on the spot.


  8. This produces a temper of mind very different from that of the medieval dogmatist.


  9. Partner Ruth Bross compared taking the quiz to the kind of considerations and research an employer might make before hiring someone.


  1. 做摄影考查

    take photo safaris.

  2. 学生成绩考查报告

    accounts of student progress

  3. 高考物理实验考查

    physical experiment review of the National Examination for College Entrance

  4. 滴定分析操作考查

    Examine of titrimetric analysis operation

  5. 对方案的依赖性考查

    schedule dependency test

  6. 这个问题需要进一步考查。

    The issue needs further examination.

  7. 文献的准确性有待考查。

    The document needs to be checked for accuracy.

  8. 文献的准确性有待考查。

    The document needs to be checked for accuracy.

  9. 头孢氨苄片稳定性考查

    Stability Investigation for Cephalothin Tablet

  10. 对要做的工作要事先考查

    make a reconnaissance of the work to be done

  11. 她考查了学生们的数学知识。

    She examined the pupils in mathematics.

  12. 考查本质安全一词的出处。

    The source of essential safety is textually researched.

  13. 一道有趣的综合能力考查题

    An interesting integrative ability test problem

  14. 警用幼犬的考查和挑选

    Assessment and selection for puppy police dog

  15. 人事部正在这儿考查报名者。

    The Personnel Department is here to screen applicants.

  16. 我要考查一下自己的判断能力。

    I'll test my judgement.

  17. 对了,你已经开始考查工厂了吗

    By the way, have you begun to investigate factories

  18. 学生们组织了一次实地考查旅行。

    The students organized a field trip.

  19. 高考化学实验考查与备考研究

    Investigation on Examination and Preparation of Chemical Experiment for College Entrance Examination

  20. 对护士每年要重新考查一次。

    A nurse is to be retested once a year.

  21. 你的履历将会被详细地考查。

    Your record will be examined at length.

  22. 一个实地调查委员会一次实地考查旅行

    A factfinding committee a factfinding tour.

  23. 需获准建立热电厂的大地生态考查

    Surveys of Terrestrial Ecology Needed to License Thermal Power Plants

  24. 该方案还对收入和需求进行考查。

    The program is also income and needs tested.

  25. 所有这些考查成绩都有很大变化。

    There is considerable variability in all the test scores.

  26. 我们会很谨慎的评估和考查我们的老师。

    We carefully evaluate and test our instructors.

  27. 第5天天晴了起来,我们开始进行考查。

    On the fifth day the weather cleared and we began our survey.

  28. 国务院正在考查开放地方事务的可行性。

    The State Council are examining possibilities which are opening up in local affairs.

  29. 合同的效力要综合多方面进行考查。

    The effectiveness of the contract wants integrated many sided to have check.

  30. 目的本研究考查孤儿的心理健康状况。

    Objective To understand the mental health status of the o rp hans.


  1. 问:考查拼音怎么拼?考查的读音是什么?考查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:考查的读音是kǎochá,考查翻译成英文是 check



[Test;test] 测试检验,用一定的标准来检查衡量或评定(行为、活动)。例如:考查学生的学业成绩。