


液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……





汉语拼音:liú sù






  1. 指流体在单位时间内流过的距离。一般以每秒米计。

    赵树理 《实干家潘永福》:“照这地方水的流速,不用说逆水行船往上游撑,就是往东西两边撑也是撑不过去的。”

  2. 泛指流逝的速度。

    徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·向着二十一世纪》:“时间的流速快,生活的发展猛。”



  1. how much flow rate now?


  2. In the sewer design it is often necessary to determine the flow discharge and velocity under the partially filled condition.


  3. The opposite effect happens on the other side of the ball, where the air travels slower relative to the centre of the ball.


  4. The signal processor further determines the slope of at least a portion of the convective ridge to determine the flow velocity of the fluid.


  5. The dimensions of these bubbles can be controlled simply by changing the velocity of the airflow across the surface.


  6. You do not try to resist or slow the flow of any of those forces.


  7. The carrier gas is often store in a steel cylinder with pressure and flow regulators.


  8. The flow of the surrounding medium was assumed to be potential and the basic flow is parallel flow with a constant velocity.


  9. With an increase in flow rate, particles move apart and a few are seen to vibrate and move about in restricted regions.


  1. 流速剖面图

    velocity profile.

  2. 无量纲流速

    dimensionless velocity.

  3. 呼气峰流速

    Peak expiratory flow Rate.

  4. 流速流向仪

    flow velocity and direction meter.

  5. 呼气流速高峰

    maximal expiratory rate of flow

  6. 气体流速流向

    air flow velocity and direction.

  7. 水面流速流向

    water surface flow rate and direction.

  8. 流速横向分机

    velocity distribution in horizontal vertical directions.

  9. 最大呼气流速

    maximum expiratory flow rate

  10. 量大呼气流速

    maximal voluntary ventilation

  11. 微型流速仪

    pygmy current meter.

  12. 附加流速法

    additional flow rate method

  13. 现在流速是多少?

    how much flow rate now

  14. 潮气流速容量曲线

    tidal breathing flow volume curve

  15. 毕托流速测定管

    pitot tube

  16. 流速也时缓时急。

    And flows at different speeds.

  17. 无旋流速场

    irrotational velocity field.

  18. 气垫逸流速度

    leakage speed for cushion.

  19. 电流速断保护

    current quick break protection

  20. 最大呼气流速容积

    maximal expiratory flow volume

  21. 流速由斜率模拟。

    Rates of flow are represented by the slopes.

  22. 高流速弧光法

    high streaming velocity arc method

  23. 潮气流速容积曲线测定

    bronchodiation test

  24. 边材液流速率

    sap flow velocity.

  25. 流速仪法测流原理

    current meter measurement principle

  26. 低流速热阻式流速仪

    Hot Resistance Mode Instrument For Low flowing Velocity

  27. 直读式流速流向仪

    direct reading flow velocity and direction meter

  28. 限时电流速断保护

    time limit current quick break protection

  29. 最大呼气峰流速值

    Peak expiratory flow

  30. 一般优化的运行流速范围。

    Generally optimum operating velocity range.


  1. 问:流速拼音怎么拼?流速的读音是什么?流速翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速的读音是liúsù,流速翻译成英文是 velocity of flow; flow rate

  2. 问:流速差拼音怎么拼?流速差的读音是什么?流速差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速差的读音是liú sù chā,流速差翻译成英文是 current difference

  3. 问:流速计拼音怎么拼?流速计的读音是什么?流速计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速计的读音是liú sù jì,流速计翻译成英文是 tachometer

  4. 问:流速分布拼音怎么拼?流速分布的读音是什么?流速分布翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速分布的读音是liú sù fēn bù,流速分布翻译成英文是 distribution of velocity

  5. 问:流速剖面拼音怎么拼?流速剖面的读音是什么?流速剖面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速剖面的读音是liú sù pōu miàn,流速剖面翻译成英文是 velocity profile

  6. 问:流速变动拼音怎么拼?流速变动的读音是什么?流速变动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速变动的读音是liú sù biàn dòng,流速变动翻译成英文是 velocity fluctuation

  7. 问:流速变化拼音怎么拼?流速变化的读音是什么?流速变化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速变化的读音是liú sù biàn huà,流速变化翻译成英文是 velocity variation

  8. 问:流速曲线拼音怎么拼?流速曲线的读音是什么?流速曲线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速曲线的读音是liú sù qǔ xiàn,流速曲线翻译成英文是 current curve

  9. 问:流速梯度拼音怎么拼?流速梯度的读音是什么?流速梯度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速梯度的读音是liú sù tī dù,流速梯度翻译成英文是 velocity gradient

  10. 问:流速水头拼音怎么拼?流速水头的读音是什么?流速水头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速水头的读音是liú sù shuǐ tóu,流速水头翻译成英文是 velocity head

  11. 问:流速波动拼音怎么拼?流速波动的读音是什么?流速波动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速波动的读音是liú sù bō dòng,流速波动翻译成英文是 velocity fluctuation

  12. 问:流速测定拼音怎么拼?流速测定的读音是什么?流速测定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速测定的读音是liú sù cè dìng,流速测定翻译成英文是 measurement of rate of flow

  13. 问:流速系数拼音怎么拼?流速系数的读音是什么?流速系数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速系数的读音是liú sù xì shù,流速系数翻译成英文是 coefficient of velocity

  14. 问:流速脉动拼音怎么拼?流速脉动的读音是什么?流速脉动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速脉动的读音是liú sù mài dòng,流速脉动翻译成英文是 velocity pulsation

  15. 问:流速计法拼音怎么拼?流速计法的读音是什么?流速计法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速计法的读音是liú sù jì fǎ,流速计法翻译成英文是 current meter method

  16. 问:流速轮廓拼音怎么拼?流速轮廓的读音是什么?流速轮廓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速轮廓的读音是liú sù lún kuò,流速轮廓翻译成英文是 velocity profile

  17. 问:流速仪标定拼音怎么拼?流速仪标定的读音是什么?流速仪标定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速仪标定的读音是liú sù yí biāo dìng,流速仪标定翻译成英文是 current-meter rating

  18. 问:流速仪率定拼音怎么拼?流速仪率定的读音是什么?流速仪率定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速仪率定的读音是liú sù yí lǜ dìng,流速仪率定翻译成英文是 current-meter rating

  19. 问:流速分布图拼音怎么拼?流速分布图的读音是什么?流速分布图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速分布图的读音是liú sù fēn bù tú,流速分布图翻译成英文是 velocity profile

  20. 问:流速嗅觉计拼音怎么拼?流速嗅觉计的读音是什么?流速嗅觉计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流速嗅觉计的读音是liú sù xiù jué jì,流速嗅觉计翻译成英文是 current odorimeter


