


1. 派 [pài]派 [pài]水的支流:九~(指长江支流之多)。一个系统的分支:~系。~别。~性。党~。作风,风度:正~。气~。~势。~头。分配,指定:~赴。~驻。~遣。委~。指摘:~不是。量词(a.用于派别,如“两~的意见争论不休”;……





汉语拼音:pài zhù






派驻 [pài zhù]
  1. 派遣驻守。




  1. In interpreting this posted-workers directive, the court came down in favour of the Latvian firm, and against Swedish strikers.


  2. The united nations could send peacekeepers into the country. At least then the warring parties could be forced to negotiate.


  3. Tehran's representative at the International Atomic Energy Agency said the meeting was postponed because of "a procedural matter. "


  4. At work the next day, I faxed my letter to our Warsaw bureau and asked for it to be translated into Polish.


  5. On New Year's Eve 1957, while he was overseas, his wife and only child were killed by a drunk driver in an automobile accident.


  6. Attempts to send peacekeepers to Sudan, or to impose sanctions on Iran, may be frustrated by Chinese opposition.


  7. Later, as EU leaders tried to agree terms for sending monitors to verify flows in and out of Ukraine, Russia played endless political games.


  8. General Ham says the troops' stay is temporary and the U. S. has no plans to build any new permanent bases in Africa.


  9. As they watch boys man checkpoints ( "our future police force" ) they shout and break down in tears.


  1. 公安派驻机构

    Accredited organization of public security.

  2. 卫兵派驻在监狱四周。

    Guards were stationed around the prison.

  3. 救护车派驻当值。救护车当值训练

    ambulance attachment

  4. 这团被派驻在希腊。

    The regiment is stationed in Greece.

  5. 派驻防于一军事驻地

    To assign to a military post.

  6. 他们是我们派驻香港的通讯员。

    They are our Hong Kong correspondents.

  7. 大使是本国派驻外国的代表。

    An ambassador is accredited as the representative of his own country in a foreign land.

  8. 不可能每个街角都派驻警察。

    We can't have police officers on every corner.

  9. 谎称为保护平民而派驻了军队。

    Troops were sent in, ostensibly to protect the civilian population.

  10. 已经向那里派驻了联合国维和部队。

    A UN peacekeeping force has been sent there.

  11. 他从派驻到现在,已三年有余。

    He from accredit to now, already 3 years superabundant.

  12. 战争刚结束,我就被派驻到那里。

    I was stationed there just after the war.

  13. 愿意派驻海外, 有海外工作经历者优先。

    Willingness to work abroad and overseas working experience preferred.

  14. 那位大使预期他下次派驻巴黎。

    The ambassador expects that his next posting will be Paris.

  15. 但是派驻这样一支部队需要花费时间。

    But raising such a force will take time.

  16. 罗马教廷派驻联合国观察员也出席了会议。

    The observer for the Holy See to the United Nations also participated.

  17. 总统提议俄罗斯外交官可被派驻北约总部。

    The President proposed that Russian diplomats could be accredited to NATO headquarters.

  18. 藏汉军队统由中央派驻的官员管辖。

    Both Tibetan and Han troops are put under the command of officers sent by the central government.

  19. 又在犹大各坚固城内派驻勇敢的军长。

    And he put the valorous captains in all the fortified cities in Judah.

  20. 他后来成为乌干达派驻该地使团的首脑。

    He became head of the Ugandan mission there.

  21. 建议客户在加工期间派驻自己的监造人员。

    The client is encouraged to carry out his own inspection during the fabrication.

  22. 二外国政府派驻我国之人员及其眷属, 随从。

    Personnel dispatched to the ROC by foreign governments and their dependants and entourage.

  23. 冰岛有两名代表派驻北约在喀布尔的总部。

    Iceland has two persons in NATO headquarters in Kabul.

  24. 特命全权公使派驻国外使馆的特命全权使节,仅低于大使

    A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador.

  25. 开发计划署在欧洲和独联体国家中24个国家派驻代表。

    UNDP had a local presence in24 countries in Europe and the CIS countries.

  26. 派驻在科威特的雇员是以下列方式从科威特撤出的。

    The employees based in Kuwait were evacuated from Kuwait as follows.

  27. 你为什么不能要求你的公司将你永久派驻在这里呢

    Why can't you ask your company to assign you here permanently

  28. 他们就去,在石上加了封条,派驻卫兵把守坟墓。

    So they went and secured the tomb bya seal to the stone and setting the guard.

  29. 我儿子现是一名被派驻中东的海军陆战队员。

    My son is a marine now stationed in the Middle East.

  30. 三年前派驻在边境的部队现已轮换调防原地。

    The troops stationed along the border three years ago have been rotated back to their original positions.


  1. 问:派驻拼音怎么拼?派驻的读音是什么?派驻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:派驻的读音是pàizhù,派驻翻译成英文是 to dispatch sb to stay at somewhere

  2. 问:派驻分析模式拼音怎么拼?派驻分析模式的读音是什么?派驻分析模式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:派驻分析模式的读音是pài zhù fēn xī mó shì,派驻分析模式翻译成英文是 Stationing Analysis Model

  3. 问:派驻陆军的空军人员拼音怎么拼?派驻陆军的空军人员的读音是什么?派驻陆军的空军人员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:派驻陆军的空军人员的读音是pài zhù lù jūn de kōng jūn rén yuán,派驻陆军的空军人员翻译成英文是 Air Force withArmy

  4. 问:派驻航空联队的炮兵联络官拼音怎么拼?派驻航空联队的炮兵联络官的读音是什么?派驻航空联队的炮兵联络官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:派驻航空联队的炮兵联络官的读音是pài zhù háng kōng lián duì de pào bīng lián luò guān,派驻航空联队的炮兵联络官翻译成英文是 Wing Artillery Officer