




1. 率 [shuài]2. 率 [lǜ]率 [shuài]带领:~领。统~。~队。~先(带头)。~兽食人(喻暴君残害人民)。轻易地,不细想,不慎重:轻~。草~。~尔。~尔操觚(“觚”,供写书用的木简;意思是轻易地下笔作文)。爽直坦白:直~……



汉语拼音:biǎo shuài







  1. 榜样。

    《汉书·韩延寿传》:“幸得备位,为郡表率。” 宋 司马光 《论两府迁官状》:“凡公卿者,百吏之表率。” 清 陆以湉 《冷庐杂识·吴小宋大令》:“十城表率,九郡先驱,亿万姓属目相看,刑赏惟求孚众志。” 柯岩 《特邀代表》:“在洗刷他们的恶习时,教师的表率作用是极端重要的。”

  2. 犹言督率。

    《梁书·韦叡传》:“﹝ 叡 ﹞乃堰 肥水 ,亲自表率,顷之,堰成水通,舟舰继至。”《元典章·刑部十五·禁例》:“风化王道之始,宜令所司表率敦劝,以復淳古。”《明史·职官志一》:“按吏部尚书,表率百僚,进退庶官,銓衡重地,其礼数殊异,无与并者。”



  1. There have been times when I've had to stick up for myself when he's had a go at me.

  2. and only in consequence of that identity had Hester contrived so perfectly to represent the scarlet letter in her appearance.

  3. "The president has not shown leadership at home, " Radford said. "He has hidden behind Congress while they weakened the bill. "

  4. "They acted in an exemplary fashion under circumstances that must have been incredibly difficult, " she said.

  5. The United States has a manifest destiny to be an example and a blessing to the entire human race.

  6. gently show by example that this is just a period of great change.

  7. At a time when faith in listed Chinese enterprises is fragile, the gateway to the mainland should be leading by example. It is not.

  8. Demonstrate that it is possible to successfully balance career, family, and life.

  9. every request the subordinate not to do of, the oneself does not do first, working well the example for the troops.


  1. 足球必须做出表率。

    Football must set an example.

  2. 老师要做学生的表率。

    A teacher must be a good example to his students.

  3. 他是礼貌和自制的表率。

    He was a model of polite restraint.

  4. 好公民总是遵纪守法的表率。

    Good citizens always do what the laws prescribe.

  5. 所以我们必须要做出表率。

    As such, we need to set an example.

  6. 真正的全球表率作用是不同的。

    True global leadership is different.

  7. 你同时也必须争取做出表率。

    You must also strive to lead by example.

  8. 他说,发电厂必须要做出表率。

    He says power plants must lead the way.

  9. 戈尔说美国应当起到表率作用。

    Mr Gore says it is up to America to show leadership.

  10. 我们要拿这起案件做个表率。

    We need to make an example of this guy.

  11. 俄罗斯联邦和美国已经做了表率。

    The Russian Federation and the United States are leading by example.

  12. 他的表率感染我们空前努力的工作。

    His example ofwhat we were learning inspired us to work like never before.

  13. 孩子们总是倾向于父母的表率行为。

    Children will always gravitate toward the modeled behaviors of their parents.

  14. 要达到这种结果,富裕国家必须做出表率。

    To achieve this, rich countries must lead.

  15. 她很早就来到办公室, 作为他人的表率。

    She arrived at the office early to set an example to the others.

  16. 党员干部必须在保持先进性中做表率

    The Cadres with Party Membership Must Play an Exemplary Role in Maintaining Progressiveness

  17. 领导干部在党性修养中应做六个表率

    On the Reciprocal Effect between the Literature and Art and the National Spirit

  18. 党员领导干部要做廉洁自律遵纪守法的表率

    CPC Leading Cardres as Examples of Incorruptibility and Observing Discipline and the Law

  19. 他们试图用她做表率,要让她屈服于他们的意志。

    They try to use her as leverage to make her submit to their will.

  20. 越南是国际社会公认的扶贫工作表率国家之一。

    Viet Nam is recognized by the international community as one of the leading countries in poverty reduction.

  21. 颁给他的嘉奖令称他表现出非凡的勇气,堪为表率。

    His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.

  22. 妹妹很爱你,很喜好逗你笑,她把你当成她的表率看待。

    Your sister loves you so much, and she loves to make you laugh.

  23. 凡是要求部属不做的,自己首先不做,为部队做好表率。

    every request the subordinate not to do of, the oneself does not do first, working well the example for the troops.

  24. 美利坚应作为所有人类的表率,以展现上帝的祝福。

    The United States has a manifest destiny to be an example and a blessing to the entire human race.

  25. 现在我知道了, 那些人不像她, 他们是我得正面得表率。

    Now I see that, unlike her, they were my positive models.

  26. 我们希望男性领导成为表率 在他们机构内部做出改变

    We want male leaders to become role models and change agents within their own institutions.

  27. 按摆设表率请求把持好衬垫厚量和滚筒洋心距。

    Press the device specification requires that control the liner thickness and drum the center distance.

  28. 在本该是所有国家表率的美国,这点永远不应被忘记。

    In the US of all countries this should never be forgotten.

  29. 你们的表率作用对于新一代的法官来说将是至关重要的。

    Your example will be of decisive importance for new generations of judges.

  30. 总统候选人应立足于党派之上,并在此问题上起表率作用。

    The presidential candidates need to rise above partisanship and lead on this issue.


  1. 问:表率拼音怎么拼?表率的读音是什么?表率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:表率的读音是biǎoshuài,表率翻译成英文是 model

  2. 问:表率游荡盘网轮虫拼音怎么拼?表率游荡盘网轮虫的读音是什么?表率游荡盘网轮虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:表率游荡盘网轮虫的读音是biǎo lǜ yóu dàng pán wǎng lún chóng,表率游荡盘网轮虫翻译成英文是 Adineta vaga typica


