




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:sōu shēn







  1. 搜查身上有无夹带或藏匿钱物。

    崔亚斌 《我们是同行》四:“有轨电车上的机夫和车掌……每天回来算过帐交过款以后,必须到一个小屋,站在木台上接受搜身检查。”



  1. He deferred to the TSA on whether the diplomat was appropriately handled but said he thought normal procedure had been followed.


  2. Stand facing a wall, as if you're about to be strip-searched, placing both hands slightly above your head.


  3. "My notes would have been compromsing if discovered, but who would dare search Josephine Baker to the skin? " she said later.


  4. After being searched and relieved of weapons, the American prisoners were quickly marched into a field.


  5. About 1 percent of passengers have opted out of the scanner and undergone pat-downs so far this month, officials said.


  6. Not many businesses would be willing to take on the risk, he says, adding: "We have clients coming to visit and . . . getting patted down. "


  7. They agreed on this day boycott of body scan before boarding, requiring manual body search to enable the airport to a standstill.


  8. Regardless of the situation, the supermarket is not allowed to fine or search the consumer.


  9. "I did not steal the coin, so I cannot allow a search. " said Lebeau, beggingly.


  1. 对可疑分子搜身

    Go over a suspect

  2. 而后它们对我搜身。

    Then they frisk me.

  3. 搜身不检查工具箱。

    The content of toolboxes will not be searched when you are frisked.

  4. 你有正当理由搜身吗

    Got probable cause for patting me down?

  5. 所有人员都必须经过搜身

    All personnel are subject to search.

  6. 他在机场被脱光搜身。

    He was strip-searched at the airport.

  7. 警察拦住他并对他搜身。

    The cop stopped him and tossed him.

  8. 只是他们的父母被搜身了。

    The parents get frisked.

  9. 别担心我会给他搜身的

    oh, dont worry. im gonna frisk him.

  10. 他们对他彻底搜身寻找毒品。

    They gave him a thorough frisk for drugs.

  11. 警察在机场对每个人搜身。

    The police frisked everyone at the airport.

  12. 警察在机场对每个人搜身。

    The police frisked everyone at the airport.

  13. 他对那个嫌疑人进行了快速搜身。

    He gave the suspect a quick frisk.

  14. 他对那个嫌疑人进行了快速搜身。

    He gave the suspect a quick frisk.

  15. 先生,我们需要对您进行安检搜身。

    Sir, we need to give you a body search.

  16. 他们每次进门时都要被搜身。

    They were searched every time they went through the gate.

  17. 我给他搜身的时候找到了这个。

    Found this in his pocket when I patted him down.

  18. 这也是为什么必须对你搜身的原因。

    And that's why it is necessary to have you searched.

  19. 所有乘客都由机场的警察进行搜身。

    All of the passengers were frisked by the airport police.

  20. 每个人都经过搜身才登上飞机。

    Everyone was frisked before getting on the plane.

  21. 搜身之后,警官在此人身上发现了大麻。

    Officers search the man and found marijuana.

  22. 球迷可能要接受保安人员的搜身检查。

    Fans may undergo body searches by security guards.

  23. 警察向他搜身,以确定有无隐藏武器。

    The policeman frisked him for hidden weapons.

  24. 警官对他们俩进行了搜身,给他们上了手铐。

    The police search and handcuff both men.

  25. 乘客们在被允许登上飞机前先被搜身。

    The passengers were frisked before they were allowed to board the plane.

  26. 他们被搜身看是否藏有枪支,然后被释放了。

    They were searched for guns and then released.

  27. 他本人也经历了搜身和一些严格的盘问。

    He himself went through a body search and some stiff questioning.

  28. 如果我们在机场这?他们肯定当场要搜身了。

    If we did so, they'd strip us of our clothes.

  29. 警察对参加聚会的每个人都进行了搜身。

    The policemen searched everyone at the party.

  30. 球迷将被强制搜身,接受机场一样的安全检查。

    Fans can expect airport type security with mandatory patdowns.


  1. 问:搜身拼音怎么拼?搜身的读音是什么?搜身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搜身的读音是sōushēn,搜身翻译成英文是 search the person; body checks; make a body sea...



词目:搜身 拼音:sōu shēn 基本解释 [search the person;make a body search] 指搜查人身 与会者都要受搜身检查 详细解释 搜查身上有无夹带或藏匿钱物。

崔亚斌 《我们是同行》四:“有轨电车上的机夫和车掌……每天回来算过帐交过款以后,必须到一个小屋,站在木台上接受搜身检查。”