






1. 曲 [qū]2. 曲 [qǔ]曲 [qū]弯转,与“直”相对:弯~。~折(zhé)。~笔(a.古代史官不按事实、有意掩盖真相的记载;b.写文章时故意离题而不直书其事的笔法)。~肱而枕。~尽其妙。不公正,不合理:~说。~解(jiě)。委……


1. 折 [zhē]2. 折 [zhé]3. 折 [shé]折 [zhē]翻转,倒腾:~腾。~跟头。~个儿。折 [zhé]断,弄断:~断。~桂(喻科举及第)。~戟沉沙(形容惨重的失败)。幼年死亡:夭~。弯转,屈曲:曲~。转~。周~。~中(对……



汉语拼音:yū huí qū zhé








  • 【解释】:迂回:回旋,环绕。弯弯曲曲,绕来绕去。常比喻事物发展的曲折性。
  • 【出自】:毛泽东《中国革命战争的战略问题》:“打破‘围剿’的过程往往是迂回曲折的,不是径情直遂的。”


  1. Murthy said the most interesting routes are those with the best scenery and, for drivers with sporty cars, include many twists and turns.


  2. The Peripheral Canal was supposed to be the system's final link, a liquid superhighway around the delta's slow-moving twists and turns.


  3. You swim into the dark twists and turns of her interior.


  4. Like a carnival ride, find your way through the twists and turns to return to yourself, to peace, to the wonder of this precious existence.


  5. i pursued wanderings as wild as those of the march - spirit . i sought the continent , and went devious through all its lands.


  6. The lake twists and turns, but very impressive, as if fairy stretch of belt, MeiTai moving.


  7. When a person to see their own navigation routes tortuous how he should best be left to their own conscience as a navigator.


  8. First you had to twist your way through a thousand turning points and die a little each time.


  9. Due to the unique social surroundings back then, the librarianship in Shanghai underwent a faltering and diversified development.


  1. 迂回曲折的, 玄学的

    Tell all the truth and tell it slant

  2. 迂回曲折得, 玄学得

    Tell all the truth and tell it slant

  3. 队伍迂回曲折,绕道前进。

    The troops moved in zigzags and by roundabout ways.

  4. 迂回曲折的小径通往海边。

    A maze of narrow alleys leads down to the sea.

  5. 迂回曲折得小径通往海边。

    A maze of narrow alleys leads down to the sea.

  6. 他迂回曲折地穿过树林。

    He wound his way through the trees.

  7. 容不下任何迂回曲折的温暖。

    Cannot accommodate any tortuous warmth.

  8. 花园里有一条迂回曲折的小径。

    There is a winding path through the garden.

  9. 迂回曲折的有折绕的天性或特性的。

    Having the nature of or characterized by periphrasis.

  10. 迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。

    The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.

  11. 你游进舰内迂回曲折的漆黑通道。

    You swim into the dark twists and turns of her interior.

  12. 我由一条迂回曲折的小径进了村。

    I entered the village by the little roundabout lane.

  13. 他正在迂回曲折地提出一个唐突的要求。

    He is leading up to an impertinent request.

  14. 我紧随他穿过一条条迂回曲折的窄巷。

    I followed him through a maze of narrow alleys.

  15. 固城河纵贯全境, 河道斗折蛇行, 迂回曲折。

    Longitudinalcheng he solid throughout, folding fighting snake river, tortuous.

  16. 巫峡绵延40公里,江水迂回曲折,两岸群峦叠嶂。

    Wuxia Gorge extends 40 km along which the river snakes between strange shaped mountain peaks.

  17. 我们碾着夜色,穿梭在迂回曲折的小巷间。

    In the color of the night, we were driving through the zigzag small lanes.

  18. 其间,充满了迂回曲折,虚假的黎明和蒙蔽人的信号。

    They are full of twists and turns, false dawns and deceptive signals.

  19. 小径在令人惬意而又毫不起眼的村舍间迂回曲折。

    The lane twists and turns between pleasant but unspectacular cottages.

  20. 打破围剿得过程往往是迂回曲折得, 不是径情直遂得。

    The process of breaking an encirclement and suppression campaign is usually circuitous and not as direct as one would wish.

  21. 打破围剿的过程往往是迂回曲折的,不是径情直遂的。

    The process of breaking an encirclement and suppression campaign is usually circuitous and not as direct as one would wish.

  22. 有时候她果断而迂回曲折地筹划对我们的谋杀计划。

    Sometimes it takes decidedly circuitous routes in planning our demise.

  23. 我知道了录音的事之后,就清楚了其他更为迂回曲折的手腕。

    Other, more devious, patterns became clear when I knew about the taping.

  24. 他迂回曲折地穿过人群时,手上高高地托着一只盘子。

    He holds a tray aloft as he weaves his way through the crowd.

  25. 这条路迂回曲折地穿过庄园,并进而延伸出半英里左右。

    This road threads through the estate for a further half mile or so

  26. 保罗的旅程真是曲折迂回啊!

    What a detour Paul experienced.

  27. 逃亡者用曲折迂回的办法来迷惑追踪者

    The fugitive doubled back to confound the pursuers.

  28. 历史的发展是曲折的, 迂回的。

    History moves in zigzags and by roundabout ways.

  29. 曲折的,迂回的处于或采用迂回的,冗长的途径

    Being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course.


迂回:回旋,环绕。弯弯曲曲,绕来绕去。常比喻事物发展的曲折性。出 处 清·沈复《浮生六记·闲情记趣》:“多编数屏,随意遮拦,恍如绿阴满窗,透风蔽日,迂回曲折,随时可更。”