




劳绩,成绩,与“过”相对:~勋。~绩。论~行赏。徒劳无~。~德无量(liàng )。~成不居(立了功而不把功劳归于自己)。成就,成效:成~。~能。~亏一篑。事半~倍。急~近利。物理学上指用力使物体移动的工作,等于力乘移动的距离:~率。本领,……



汉语拼音:lì gōng








  1. 建树功绩;建立功劳。

    《左传·襄公二十四年》:“大上有立德,其次有立功,其次有立言,虽久不废,此之谓不朽。” 孔颖达 疏:“立功,谓拯厄除难,功济于时。”《后汉书·班超传》:“大丈夫无它志略,犹当效 傅介子 、 张騫 立功异域,以取封侯,安能久事笔研间乎?” 唐 柳宗元 《非国语下·董安于》:“受赏者耻,则立功者怠。” 清 钱谦益 《直隶河间府通判刘儒恩授承德郎制》:“率彼师徒,捣其窟穴,此劳人报国之秋,而志士立功之会也。”

  2. 取得功效。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·定势》:“连珠七辞,则从事於巧艳,此循体而成势,随变而立功者也。”



  1. na.
  2. render meritorious service;do a deed of merit;win honour;make contributions

  1. 有立功表现

    render meritorious service.

  2. 揭发型立功

    Meritorious service of the exposure.

  3. 自首和立功

    voluntary surrender and meritorious service.

  4. 立功时间要件

    Time essential ofrendering meritiorious service.

  5. 论立功和立功制度

    On the Deed of Merit and the System of Doing Deed of Merit

  6. 立功者受奖。

    Those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded.

  7. 论立功的成立条件

    On the Establishing Conditions of Rendering Meritorious Service

  8. 立功制度的价值构造

    Value formation of rendering meritorious service system

  9. 立功人员理应得到优待。

    Hardworking staff should receive preferential treatment.

  10. 立功人员理应得到优待。

    Hardworking staff should receive preferential treatment.

  11. 胁从不问, 立功受奖

    those who are accomplices under duress shall go unpunished and those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded

  12. 周立功书的实验!

    Experimental Ligong Book WeekWeek experiment book!

  13. 声纹鉴定为破案立功

    Identification of Sound Veins Contributes to Cracking Criminal Case

  14. 立功的刑事责任问题探讨

    On the Criminal Liability of Rendering Meritorious Service

  15. 毒品犯罪的立功问题研究

    A Study on the Issue of Render Meritorious Service in Drugs Crimes

  16. 他希望有机会抱罪立功。

    He hopes that there is a chance for him to do something to make up his wrong deeds.

  17. 他希望有机会抱罪立功。

    He hopes that there is a chance for him to do something to make up his wrong deeds.

  18. 立功赎罪,以求得人民的宽恕。

    Perform meritorious service to atone for one's crimes so as to obtain clemency from the people.

  19. 这是你立功补过的好机会。

    Here is a good chance for you to make amends for your mistake.

  20. 改造现行自首立功制度的思考

    Ponderations on Transforming the Existing System of Voluntary Surrender and Meritorious Performance

  21. 他这样一来就可以折罪立功了。

    In this way, he could atone for his crimes by doing good deeds.

  22. 他这样一来就可以折罪立功了。

    In this way, he could atone for his crimes by doing good deeds.

  23. 浅议单位犯罪的自首立功制度

    A Brief Talk On Voluntary Surrendering and Atoning for Crimes of Units

  24. 他代罪立功,因此得以蠲除刑罚。

    He has redeemed himself by his good service, therefore his punishment is exempted.

  25. 他代罪立功,因此得以蠲除刑罚。

    He has redeemed himself by his good service, therefore his punishment is exempted.

  26. 共犯自首与立功疑难问题探析

    Study on the Problems of Voluntary Surrender and Meritorious Service in Joint Crimes

  27. 我是让你有表现立功的机会。

    This is the performance of meritorious service you have the chance.

  28. 得过两枚立功奖章和两次奖状。

    Two meritorious service medals and two letters of commendation.

  29. 自首, 立功若干规定的理论及反思

    Theory and Reflection on the Regulations of Voluntary Surrender and Meritorious Service

  30. 儿子立功,做娘的脸上也好看。

    It's an honour for a mother like me to see my son do a meritorious deed.


  1. 问:立功拼音怎么拼?立功的读音是什么?立功翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立功的读音是lìgōng,立功翻译成英文是 to win honor for; to do a deed of merit

  2. 问:立功赎罪拼音怎么拼?立功赎罪的读音是什么?立功赎罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立功赎罪的读音是lìgōngshúzuì,立功赎罪翻译成英文是 to do good deeds or to perform a meritorious serv...

  3. 问:立功证书拼音怎么拼?立功证书的读音是什么?立功证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立功证书的读音是lì gōng zhèng shū,立功证书翻译成英文是 Certificate of Merit

  4. 问:立功晋级公报拼音怎么拼?立功晋级公报的读音是什么?立功晋级公报翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立功晋级公报的读音是lì gōng jìn jí gōng bào,立功晋级公报翻译成英文是 Merit Promotion Bulletin

  5. 问:立功晋级计划拼音怎么拼?立功晋级计划的读音是什么?立功晋级计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立功晋级计划的读音是lì gōng jìn jí jì huà,立功晋级计划翻译成英文是 Merit Promotion Program


立功, 建树功绩;建立功劳;取得功效。有为国立功等。孔颖达 疏:“立功,谓拯厄除难,功济于时。”唐 柳宗元 《非国语下·董安于》:“受赏者耻,则立功者怠。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·定势》:“连珠七辞,则从事於巧艳,此循体而成势,随变而立功者也。”