


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:bù fū







  1. 不足;不够。

    《世无匹》第二回:“雇工人 平大郎 ,因口食不敷,情愿将身雇到 金 宅踏麯使用,每月工银六钱。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·草河录上》:“縴手用河兵沙飞马溜,添縴用州县民壮盐快,不敷,僱民伕。” 毛泽东 《迎接中国革命的新高潮》:“ 蒋 军兵力不敷分配,征兵不足规定数额。”



  1. From this angle, we achieve a good networkization, the only less than some of the connection between a single machine is still a problem.


  2. memory is getting worse. so did not let me more memorable. you say thellos is enough.


  3. there is not enough tension to and not rebound in the silk screen, Business card printing and membership card making easy-to-shape.


  4. At the other end of the product, they are often the real end of deficiency is considered to be insufficient, not necessarily pressure.


  5. But sometimes just blot out increasing agent density is, at this point there are two methods.


  6. In addition a reasonable control the exposure time to make up for some of my original work to improve the print quality is not enough.


  7. The main reasons for the original cylinder pressure of spring steel tablets to bite the bullet, with their teeth to bite down on paper.


  8. Hello Kitty Mimi decides to help the circus when they find out that the circus is in financial difficulty.


  9. If the paper itself is not enough to make the smoothness of the rollers and paper punches-poor contact.


  1. 但是对埃哈德来说, 这还不敷。

    But for Erhard, that was not enough.

  2. 如空间不敷填写, 请另加纸详述。

    If the above space is insufficient, please attach a separate sheet.

  3. 它迫使我们以新的解决方法取代不敷应用的旧方法。

    It forces us to come up with new approaches where old ones no longer suffice.

  4. 厨师尝了尝汤的滋味儿,看看盐放患上够不敷。

    The cook tasted the soup to see whether he had put enough salt in it.

  5. 凡是环境下宁可曝光工夫不幼一不面总比曝光不敷要好。

    Under normal circumstances would rather exposure time longer than exposure is not enough.

  6. 但有些标题会使你显得预备不敷,过于心急或令人生厌。

    But some questions can make you seem illprepared, overeager or disagreeable.

  7. 记性愈来愈差。以是并无让我多灾忘。你说如许够不敷。

    memory is getting worse. so did not let me more memorable. you say thellos is enough.

  8. 单芯电缆不允许敷设在磁性金属管内。

    The single core cable mustn't be laid in the magnetic metal pipes.

  9. 版框变形不小,部不合印压不敷。

    Version box deformation, local projecting viscometric.

  10. 当你帮我上面膜时,可不可以也敷一下颈部?

    When you apply the mask to my face, would you also apply it to my neck ?

  11. 图片像素不敷, 不收大后外缘不离呈现狗牙状。

    There is not enough picture pixel post edge of the pharmacologicasl.

  12. 图片像素不敷, 不扩大后边缘不离呈现狗牙状制卡东西。

    There is not enough picture pixel post at the edge of the pharmacologicasl card printing tool.

  13. 年夜海老是抱怨水不敷。

    The sea complains it wants water.

  14. 你不是应该用压敷包扎吗

    Don't you have to do a pressure dressing?

  15. 他们是入不敷出者。

    They are negative savers.

  16. 如表格不敷应用, 请另纸书写。

    Please attach sheet if more space is required.

  17. 报告的主要内容是退休金不敷应用。

    The report's main finding is that pensions are inadequate.

  18. 报告得主要内容是退休金不敷应用。

    The report's main finding is that pensions are inadequate.

  19. 如本表不敷使用, 请另纸书写。

    Please attach a separate sheet if space provided is insufficient.

  20. 如本表格不敷填写, 请用另纸。

    Please a separate sheet for further details or explanations where necessary.

  21. 如空格不敷应用, 请填报另一指示。

    Please complete another instruction if more space is required.

  22. 墨槽洋油墨度不敷, 版辊有部分缺墨。

    The amount of ink in ink tank is not sufficient, roll out there.

  23. 若空位不敷应用, 请另加纸张填写。

    Should there be insufficient space, please continue a separate sheet.

  24. 假如是那样的, 他动气就不敷为奇了。

    If that's the case, I am not surprised he was angry.

  25. 二是制卡和会员卡制作厂家技艺不敷谙练。

    And second, the business card printing and membership card making manufacturers technology skilledly.

  26. 基金中可预测性最高的方面是收入不敷需求。

    The most predictable aspect of the Fund is that revenues will fall short of needs.

  27. 如表格不敷应用, 请参考上列各表自行印制并填上资料。

    Use additional paper if the space provided is not adequate. Please follow the table format.

  28. 委员会认为这仍然会导致人口基金入不敷支的风险。

    The Board considers that this still leads to a risk that UNFPA expenditure will exceed its income.

  29. 拍卖房产所得价款如不敷偿还, 承押人有权另行追索。

    If the money obtained from the auction sale of building property is insufficient to make repayment, the mortgagee shall have the right otherwise to make a claim.

  30. 我们在信念有余和不敷乐观中,迎来了新的一年。

    We activate this New Year with abject activity and biconcave optimism.


  1. 问:不敷帐目拼音怎么拼?不敷帐目的读音是什么?不敷帐目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不敷帐目的读音是bù fū zhàng mù,不敷帐目翻译成英文是 deficiency account

