




1. 更 [gēng]2. 更 [gèng]更 [gēng]改变,改换:~正。~生(重新获得生命,喻复兴)。~衣(a.换衣服;b.婉辞,上厕所)。~定(改订)。~迭(轮流更换)。~递。~番。~新(旧的除去,新的建起)。~张(调节琴弦,喻变更……




天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……



汉语拼音:hēi gēng bàn yè







  • 【解释】:指深夜。
  • 【出自】:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第七回:“有好差使就派了别人;这样黑更半夜送人,就派我,没良心的忘八羔子!”
  • 【示例】:自从你们被围,外头也紧了。三天两头,~里抽查。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作宾语、定语;指深夜


  1. That comes of letting her go running around at nights, buggy -riding, walking the streets.


  1. 这黑更半夜得, 你去哪儿呀

    Where are you going in the middle of the night

  2. 这黑更半夜的,你去哪儿呀

    Where are you going in the middle of the night.

  3. 这黑更半夜的,你去哪儿呀?

    Where are you going in the middle of the night?

  4. 让她黑更半夜去乱跑, 赶车, 溜弯儿, 都是那末闯的祸。

    That comes of letting her go running around at nights, buggy riding, walking the streets.

  5. 日语深更半夜你走进一所又黑又旧的破屋子里的感觉。

    Hira Hira Japanese the feeling you get when you walk into a dark and decrepit old house in the middle of the night.

  6. 到深更半夜

    till all hours.

  7. 在深更半夜

    in the deep of night.

  8. 深更半夜, 深夜

    the dead of night

  9. 工作到深更半夜

    burn the midnight oil

  10. 她非得三更半夜拿去

    The one that she suddenly.

  11. 他经常工作到深更半夜。

    He often works until the small hours.

  12. 深更半夜得,你在做什么?

    What are you doing up at this late hour?

  13. 深更半夜的, 你在做什么?

    What are you doing up at this late hour?

  14. 深更半夜的,你打哪儿来?

    Where have you come from so late at night?

  15. 谁这么深更半夜来找人?

    Whoever can be calling at this time of the night?

  16. 她常在深更半夜弹吉他。

    She often plucks the strings of a guitar at night.

  17. 她不喜欢我三更半夜出去。

    She doesn't like it when I go out late at night.

  18. 深更半夜的耍酒风来了?

    Came to play the bad drunk?

  19. 这些年轻人深更半夜还在外边。

    The young people were still abroad at the dead of night.

  20. 深更半夜,来来回回你累不累啊?

    Deep more midnight, come to return to return you tired not tired?

  21. 我经常三更半夜陷入沉思,迷失自我。

    I often lose myself in thought late at night!

  22. 小姐,三更半夜的你要上哪儿去?

    Miss, it's late, where are you going?

  23. 你三更半夜不睡觉,跑出去干吗?

    It's the middle of the night – why aren't you asleep and what are you doing outside?

  24. 所以他们在深更半夜把我们拉来。

    That's why they yanked us in the dead of night.

  25. 他们说他过去经常在三更半夜外出。

    They said he used to go out in the dead of night.

  26. 为了做完功课, 他熬夜直到深更半夜。

    He stayed up till all hours of the night to finish his school work.

  27. 金镶玉,你三更半夜,来这儿干什么?

    Jade, why do you come here in the middie of the night?

  28. 他要在深更半夜去勒索可怜的老百姓。

    He was up an hour after midnight to squeeze poor neighbours.

  29. 我们深更半夜去游泳,只是为了好玩而已。

    We went swimming at midnight just for the hell of it.

  30. 他是深更半夜上船来的唯一的人吗?

    He was the only passenger who came on board in the dead of the night?


  1. 问:黑更半夜拼音怎么拼?黑更半夜的读音是什么?黑更半夜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黑更半夜的读音是hēigēngbànyè,黑更半夜翻译成英文是 Late at night; in the dead of night.


指深夜。 此语是中国某些地方的方言,意思是深夜。