


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà duàn







5.犹言十分。 6.较长的段落。 7.谓绣缎。段﹐通"缎"。



  1. 大部分。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·养羊》:“﹝乳皮﹞下汤又研,亦下冷水,纯是好酥。接取,作团,与大段同煎矣。”大段,指抨酥时所得的大量酥油。 宋 陈师道 《后山丛谈》卷一:“ 邢 洛 之北,游骑侵掠。 大名 东北县分,老小大段惊移。”

  2. 形容数量多。

    清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·器玩·制度》:“夫我竭此大段心思,不可不谓经营惨澹,而人莫之则傚者,其故何居?”

  3. 重要的;主要的。

    唐 张固 《幽闲鼓吹》:“后有大段事,勿与少年郎议之。”《朱子语类》卷十三:“世事无时是了,且拣大段,无甚紧要底事,不要做。”

  4. 犹大略,大体。

    《朱子语类》卷三:“道家修养有这説,与此大段相合。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·人部四》:“上自王公贵人,下至妇人女子,每谈禪拜佛,无不洒然色喜者,然大段有二:血气已衰,死生念重……而藉手苦空之教,冀为异日轮迴之地。”

  5. 犹言十分。

    宋 范仲淹 《与指使魏佑书》:“ 偃师 七郎抛却母,必是大段不易。” 宋 苏轼 《答王定国书》:“如国手棋,不须大段用意,终局便须赢也。”《朱子语类》卷四九:“如 子贡 在当时想是大段明辨,果断通晓事务,歆动得人。”

  6. 较长的段落。

    张庚 《向<十五贯>的成功经验学习》:“大段的唱减少了;无论在舞台上或本子上,看起来都感觉得非常简练易懂。”

  7. 谓绣缎。段,通“ 缎 ”。

    清 梅曾亮 《礼部尚书李公墓碑》:“十六年大考,赏大段,迁赞善中允,任 贵州 学政。”



  1. With just a few clicks, I had entry into an ex's most-private life, and I didn't have to suffer through the boring parts.


  2. Her voice was soft and tender and she smiled, as she spoke which made Fan Po-wen feel a little better, in a way.


  3. By the close of the film, which incorporates a long interview with her husband, she was dabbing a handkerchief to her face.


  4. The ARC said that booking well in advance is best advised for busy routes or long haul flights, as the price only tends to go up.


  5. In fact, it's not even really sequenced that much. There's just a little bit of it sequenced.


  6. But Woodstock was no earnest rally; it had love songs, blues and extended guitar jams.


  7. This is all information that requires transfer, sometimes in relatively small discrete packets, and sometimes in much larger blocks of data.


  8. Like this one big paragraph I quoted, and I quote it again now, this is the young woman in the Song of Songs speaking in his sermon.


  9. I didn't know, I told him. It was quite a ways, since Clinton is west of Oklahoma City and Frederick is about 150 miles southwest.


  1. 大段高开采

    high cutting mining.

  2. 大段活性人工骨

    massive bioactive bone substitute

  3. 避免出现大段文字。

    Avoid long blocks of text.

  4. 大段同种异体骨移植

    massive allograft transplantation

  5. 他大段大段地引用报告中的话。

    He quoted at length from the report.

  6. 对着圣经, 大段大段时间的思想空白。

    Front of the Bible, the big idea big time gaps.

  7. 我记住了大段大段的莎士比亚戏剧。

    I remember long passages of Shakespeare.

  8. 我记住了大段大段得莎士比亚戏剧。

    I remember long passages of Shakespeare.

  9. 这些散文他能够大段大段地背出来。

    He can reel off great chunks of these essays.

  10. 第2幕中我有些大段台词要记。

    I ve got some very long speeches to learn in Act 2.

  11. 但是没赶上, 因为一大段楼梯没踏牢。

    But still failed, Thanks to missing a big flight.

  12. 口译大段谈话时,记好笔记很重要。

    Note-taking is very important when you interpret a long talk.

  13. 工厂的有毒废弃物污染了大段大段的河流。

    Large sections of the river have been poisoned by toxic waste from factories.

  14. 急斜煤层大段高工作面矿压显现规律

    Strata Behavior in Large Section Face of Steep Seams

  15. 深度冷冻大段同种骨的制备及应用

    Preparation of Deep Frozen Massive Bone Allograft and Clinical Application

  16. 骨痂延长术治疗肱骨大段骨缺损性骨不连

    Callus lengthening for humeral nonunion with large segment defect

  17. 于是, 在这大段的时光融, 人是不敢花钱的。

    No one dare spend money through this long, long time span of their lives.

  18. 必竟一堆木材离一栋房子还有一大段距离。

    A pile of lumber, after all, is not a house.

  19. 她们往往一说一大段, 并且期望别人能够听懂。

    They tend to speak in paragraphs and expect people to follow them.

  20. 大段同种异体骨复合人工关节治疗股骨肿瘤

    A composite of massive frozen allograft and prosthesis replacement used in limb salvage surgery

  21. 此教科书中有几大段是剽窃其他作者的。

    Long passages in this textbook have been lifted from other authors.

  22. 急倾斜煤层长走向大段高回采时防灭火对策

    Countermeasures for Fire Prevention at Large Tilt Coal Seam with Large Mining Height

  23. 假设我想在一大段代码中,计算很多次平方根。

    Suppose I want to compute square roots a lot of places in a big chunk of code.

  24. 肌腱转位联合髂胫束移植修复大段跟腱缺损

    Repairment of Long Achilles Tendon Defect with Tendon Transposition and Iliotibial Band Transplantation

  25. 此教科书中有几大段是剽窃其它作者得。

    Several long passages in this textbook have been cribed from other authors.

  26. 此教科书中有几大段是剽窃其它作者的。

    Several long passages in this textbook have been cribed from other authors.

  27. 骨形态发生蛋白在大段同种异体骨移植中的表达

    Expression of bone morphogenetic protein in transplantation with massive bone allograft

  28. 打开收音机,每个节目的间隙都要播送大段的广告。

    When you turn on the radio, large sections of commercials are broadcast during the gap between each program.

  29. 大段同种异体骨移植对四肢创伤性骨缺损的重建

    The rebuilding of the traumatic bony defect of extremities with large size bone allografting

  30. 长骨大段缺损修复用的脱蛋白骨制备和性能研究

    Experimental study on properties of deproteinized bone for big segmental long bone defect reparation