


1. 尽 [jìn]2. 尽 [jǐn]尽 [jìn]完毕:用~。说不~。取之不~。达到极端:~头。山穷水~。~情。自~(自杀)。全部用出,竭力做到:~心。~力。~瘁。~职。~忠。~责。人~其才。物~其用。都,全:~然。~是白的。~收眼底。……


1. 兴 [xīng]2. 兴 [xìng]兴 [xīng]举办,发动:~办。~工。~学。~建。~叹(发出感叹声,如“望洋~~”)。百废待~。起来:夙~夜寐(早起晚睡)。旺盛:~盛。~旺。~隆。~衰。复~。~替(兴衰)。天下~亡,匹夫有责。……



汉语拼音:jìn xìng








尽兴 [jìn xìng]
  1. 尽量使兴趣得到满足。

    唐 曹松 《南海陪郑司空游荔园》诗:“荔枝时节出旌斿,南国名园尽兴游。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“你陪娘吃个尽兴。”《痛史》第二十回:“当下 玉潜 便让众人列坐,生起炭炉煖酒,大碗大钵的吃一个尽兴。” 巴金 《忆》:“我们整天尽兴地笑乐,我们也希望别人能够笑乐。”

  2. 谓敞开兴致做自己想做的事。

    《儒林外史》第四三回:“那些人驾了小船,跳在盐船上,不由分説,把他舱里的子儿盐,一包一包的儘兴搬到小船上。”《儒林外史》第十四回:“ 马二先生 大喜,买了几十文饼和牛肉,就在茶桌上儘兴一吃。吃得饱了,自思趁着饱再上去。”



  1. Isabella seemed to enjoy it a lot and did not get bored of this place!


  2. After a while, I began to think about going back to work after the holiday. So I couldn't enjoy myself much.


  3. After all was said and done, what was Bridges' impression of the subject of his very presidential impression?


  4. On their travels they indulged their hobby of collecting antique furniture. As a result their home had become something of a museum.


  5. Taking second helpings is the best way to show how much you enjoy the meal.


  6. At the dinner party, the hospitable hostess walked around and asked each of her guests if he was eating and drinking to his heart's content.


  7. Kristen tries to be a strong independent female and always makes a big deal out of going out with her girlfriends on V-Day.


  8. You have little greed for careerism and feel contented as long as you could enjoy walking on this plain road for a moment.


  9. Al and Tipper Gore may have gained reputations as stiffs, but there was one holiday they always enjoyed: Halloween.


  1. 大家尽兴玩吧!

    Have a wonderful time, everybody!

  2. 大家尽兴玩吧!

    Have a wonderful time, everybody!

  3. 大家都很尽兴。

    A thumping good time was had by all.

  4. 那儿可尽兴垂钓。

    Fishing can be had there.

  5. 他们玩得很尽兴。

    They had a whale of a good time.

  6. 玩的尽兴吗,不错。

    Did you have a good time?Yeah,I did.

  7. 玩的尽兴吗?,不错。

    Did you have a good time? Yeah, I did.

  8. 我玩得很开心尽兴。

    I enjoyed myself very much.

  9. 我们已玩得尽兴了。

    We have enjoyed ourselves to the full.

  10. 我会让孩子们尽兴的。

    I will give the children their full content.

  11. 诸位喝得尽兴了没有?

    Does everyone have enough to drink?

  12. 女主人叫我们尽兴吃喝玩乐。

    The hostess bade us to make good cheer.

  13. 我很高兴你玩得尽兴!

    I'm glad you're enjoying yourself!

  14. 我很高兴你玩得尽兴!

    I'm glad you're enjoying yourself!

  15. 你们的宴会我真的很尽兴。

    I certainly enjoyed your party.

  16. 每个人都玩得很尽兴。

    All enjoyed themselves.

  17. 六天好好干, 一天尽兴玩。

    If you have done no ill the six days, you may play the seventh.

  18. 我比他玩得还尽兴呢。

    I'm having more fun than he is.

  19. 我比他玩得还尽兴呢。

    I'm having more fun than he is.

  20. 大家跳舞唱歌,玩得很尽兴。

    Everyone danced, sang, and had fun.

  21. 放假期间我们玩的极其尽兴

    We had a ball during our vacation.

  22. 尽兴地玩着泥土上的玩具

    Enjoy the toy on the soil.

  23. 聚会上每个人都很尽兴。

    Everyone is enjoying himself in the party.

  24. 你没能尽兴真是太可惜了

    It's a shame you didn't enjoy your meal.

  25. 我们在假期中玩得很尽兴。

    We had a ball durinng our vacation.

  26. 女孩整个晚上玩得很尽兴。

    The girl enjoyed the entire evening.

  27. 昨晚得派对上我玩得很尽兴。

    I really enjoyed last night's party.

  28. 王子和灰姑娘跳的很尽兴。

    Then prince and Cinderella danced happily.

  29. 他们就越觉得能尽兴去玩。

    they're the ones that feel most free to play.

  30. 总之你保证玩的会很尽兴的!

    In short you that will be fun playing it!


  1. 问:尽兴拼音怎么拼?尽兴的读音是什么?尽兴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽兴的读音是jìnxìng,尽兴翻译成英文是 to one’s heart’s content