




1. 票 [piào]2. 票 [piāo]票 [piào]纸币,通货:钞~。~子。~额。印的或写的凭证:~据。~证。股~。车~。选~。非职业演戏:~戏。~友。量词,相当于“批”:一~货物。被匪绑架做抵押的人:绑~儿。撕~儿。票 [piāo……



汉语拼音:xiǎo piào







  1. 小纸条。

    《说岳全传》第六一回:“ 王氏 道:相公可将这柑子捞空了,写一小票藏在里边。”

  2. 票面金额比本位币小的钞票,如五角票、一角票等。亦指可兑现成货币的票证中票面金额较小者。

    《瞎骗奇闻》第八回:“ 赵桂森 收了一张万两的银票,划成些小票,以便零用。” 迟松年 《秋别》一:“‘老头儿,你的钱最多啦!’会计把零角小票都兑给他,工资袋鼓鼓的,比市委书记的厚多了。”



  1. If I give them to you now, somebody else may come into my shop with the ticket tomorrow, and then I shall not be able to give him the shoes.


  2. Then I take that back and staple it to the cash register receipt and give it back to you, along with your credit card.


  3. Here are your receipt and change. Please pick up your drink from that side. It'll be ready in just a moment.


  4. "Consumers are being exposed to BPA at the point of sale once they're handed a receipt, " senior scientist Dr. Anila Jacob told AOL News.


  5. These receipts pile up in purses, wallets and shopping bags, coming into contact with food and other items.


  6. Pick a cheapest product fm Supermarket and buy enough amount of it to use up an entire roll of receipt.


  7. When one takes shoes to a shop to be mended, one gives a ticket with a number on it.


  8. As a rule, we do not give refunds without a receipt .


  9. Keep your store receipts and product tags for at least two months.


  1. 小票打印系统

    system of small ticket printing.

  2. 您要大票还是小票?

    Do you want large or small bill?

  3. 销售小票的打印功能。

    Print bill of sale.

  4. 你们有小票零钱吗?

    Haben Sie es nicht klein kleiner pa end

  5. 请务必索要购物小票。

    Make sure you get a receipt.

  6. 请务必索要购物小票。

    Make sure you get a receipt.

  7. 给我一些小票好吗?

    Could you give me some small notes?

  8. 可以, 您有收据小票吗?

    OK, do you have the receipt ?

  9. 请在销售小票上签字。

    Please sign on the sale vouchers.

  10. 基于单片机的小票打印系统

    Small Ticket Printing System Based on MCU

  11. 请给我一些1元或5元票,我需要一些小票。

    Will you please give me some ones or fives I need some small change.

  12. 没有购物小票我们通常不能给退货。

    As a rule, we do not give refunds without a receipt.

  13. 将购物小票和商品标牌保存至少两个月。

    Keep your store receipts and product tags for at least two months.

  14. 然后我只要把小票扔了这样就没有证据了。

    Then I just gotta toss the receipt so there's no paper trail.

  15. 内理根据记有数量的理货小票检查关内数量。

    The warehouse keeper checks up the quantity in the slings according to the numbered tally tickets.

  16. 在其它的一些网店,店主甚至会提供假的购物小票。

    In some other stores, the owners even provide fake purchase receipts.

  17. 女士们购物回来后,得凭托管所的号码小票领走老公。

    They are given a numbered ticket which they then have to present on their return to collect their spouse.

  18. 这是你的找零和小票, 请到那边取下饮料, 很快就好

    Here are your receipt and change. Please pick up your drink from that side. Itll be ready in just a moment.