







汉语拼音:wán jiù






  1. 完成;成功。




  1. 'Well, I'm glad you've come, ' her mother said, as soon as the last note had passed out of her.


  2. Although the mother says with a good distribution, not run out, but I know my mother would not be so hard-hearted look at me on the street.


  3. Finally, you will need to stop spending when you see that you are out of money.


  4. Mouth after eating the flesh, it felt there was a taste, at this time, you can brown do not forget to come out of seeds!


  5. I have never thought that you are such a rude person, don't you know it's quite impolite of you to ring your customers off midway?


  6. Do not swallow it, just gurgle and spit it out, rinse your mouth and you are good to go.


  7. But as soon as his mother had finished washing up, she went quietly upstairs to her son's bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches.


  8. Too much to learn from, whether in business or marketing ideas, and be able to read a thick manual McDonald culture, it has been simple had.


  9. My summer vacation in school time, important activities each day, is to be able to work now finished, you can play the.


  1. 跑完就好,跑完就好。

    Just finish, just finish.

  2. 看完就删。

    Delete them when you are done.

  3. 我做完就走。

    We can leave when I'm done.

  4. 我一完就来。

    I will come directly I have finished.

  5. 喝完就肚子疼

    After I drink alcohol, I get hungry

  6. 我们一完就来。

    We'll come directly we have finished.

  7. 事情一做完就回来。

    Return immediately you are done.

  8. 婚礼一完就吵起来。

    They quarreled as soon as the wedding ceremony ended.

  9. 为什么抽烟完就想拉屎?

    Why to smoke to think shit?

  10. 我做完就会告诉你。

    I will tell you when I have finished.

  11. 我做完就会告诉你。

    I will tell you when I have finished.

  12. 我祷告完就上了床。

    I get into bed after I have said my prayers.

  13. 那个学者说完就离开了。

    The scholar said that and left.

  14. 还没做完就开始想了

    What do you mean after?

  15. 当这夜过完就把这夜完掉。

    Forget this night when the night is no more.

  16. 电池用完就被扔掉了。

    The dead battery was thrown out.

  17. 电池用完就被扔掉了。

    The dead battery was thrown out.

  18. 我一讲完就觉得如释重负。

    As soon as I finished it, I felt relieved.

  19. 问完就自悔多此一问。

    He immediately regretted having asked the question.

  20. 我一做完就发现错了。

    I had scarcely done it when I knew I had made a mistake.

  21. 你吃完就把碟子收拾了。

    Clear away the dishes asas you finish eating.

  22. 最后一家了,看完就回去。

    This is the last store. We will take a look and go back right away.

  23. 布里,别起来,我说完就走。

    Uh, Bree. Don't get up. I'll be quick.

  24. 我和你谈完就去见他们。

    I'll be seeing them when I finish talking with you.

  25. 你吃完就把盆子碟子收了。

    Clear away the dishes as soon as you finish eating.

  26. 我工作一做完就来找你们。

    As soon as I get through with my work I'll join you.

  27. 茱莉亚说完就跳进了那个无底洞。

    Julia said and she jumped down into the dark pit.

  28. 他高中没有上完就结束了学业。

    He left high school before completing his studies.

  29. 如果是数码相机, 拍摄完就要检查一下。

    With a digital camera, check the images as you shoot.

  30. 能在半小时之内吃完就走吗?

    Do you think we can be served and out of here in half an hour?