







汉语拼音:wán wán






  1. 完整无缺貌。

    唐 韩愈 《月蚀诗效玉川子作》:“月形如白盘,完完上天东。” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷上:“只是这箇灵能不为私欲遮隔,充拓得尽,便完完是他本体。”



  1. I decided to wag my tongue at little Ashley. This was a complete, large tongue that stared at her.

  2. Even the fear of death is nothing compared to the fear of not having lived authentically and fully.

  3. When you love a person's time, would like to have the complete End him, including his thoughts, his feelings and his whole person.

  4. The earth was removed intact and packed in oversized crates, which scientists will examine in a slow and careful process.

  5. would allow the company to survive intact.

  6. Only for today, I will make a plan for myself: I may not follow it to the letter, but I will make it.

  7. Take the entire minute, but only one minute, to do nothing else but feel that emotion.

  8. A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never learnt to walk.

  9. They had the complete marble quality of all looking alike.


  1. 纸用完完了。

    The writing paper is used up.

  2. 你有完没完?

    Is there no end of it?

  3. 我们有完没完?

    Are we done here?

  4. 你到底有完没完?

    Would you cut it out, already?

  5. 你到底是有完没完?

    Would you cut it out, already?

  6. 完了完了这个伟大的计划

    Part of the master plan

  7. 例行公事的洗完按摩完, 又坐到了镜子前。

    After washing, I sit in front of dressing mirror.

  8. 你有完没完啊?这件事你已经讲很久了。

    Are you through? You've been at it for ages.

  9. 他们问男人们,北方佬改造佐治亚,还有完没完?

    Did the gentlemen think the Yankees would ever get through with reconstructing Georgia?

  10. 哭完洗完脸, 拍拍自己的脸, 挤出一个微笑给自己看。

    After washing a face crying, patted his face, squeeze a smile to myself.

  11. 完了,完了,完了,完了!

    Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!

  12. 完了,完了,完了,完了!

    Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!

  13. 扫不完打不完

    Not sweep away or strike down completely.

  14. 我洗完脸刷完牙, 就出去玩了。

    I wash the face to brush the tooth, exited to play.

  15. 这项工作做完没做完都没有人关心。

    The work could be done or undone and nobody cared.

  16. 我喝完茶吃完烤饼就马上跑过来了。

    I finished my tea and scones and came immediately.

  17. 干我这行的,一件事情要完全做完了才完。

    In my craft a thing done is a thing done with.

  18. 你是否仍然回父母家吃完饭抹完嘴就想开溜?

    Do you still back to parents there eat a meal want to bug out?

  19. 有些井刚钻完并进行完井作业后, 就立即采取钻杆测试。

    Drill stem tests are taken from some wells almost immediately after drilling and completion operations.

  20. 然而此时, 死神追上了他, 要求和他把未下完的棋下完。

    But this time, Death caught up with him, and he has not asked for chess is finished is finished.

  21. 快马加鞭做完工作、讲完课、结束表演。

    Gallop through one's work, a lecture, a performance.

  22. 我刷完牙,刮完胡子后穿衣,梳头发。

    After brushing my teeth and shaving, I put on my clothes and comb my hair.

  23. 在世博,你有看不完,听不完,尝不完的东西。

    At the World Expo, you never run out of things to see, hear, and taste.

  24. 已建成的水平井大多采用裸眼完井和筛管完井。

    Most wells completed with open hole or screen.

  25. 对棠记来说呢,下午卖完就代表卖完了,明天请早点来。

    It was like normal California maki added with a few slice of avocado.

  26. 切完大蒜或洗完鱼之后,它们的味道却牢牢地留在手指上。

    Rid hands of food odorsChopping garlic or cleaning a fish can leave their essence on your fingers long after the chore is done.

  27. 跑完就好,跑完就好。

    Just finish, just finish.

  28. 课上完了, 试考完了。

    The lectures are over, the classes are done.

  29. 课上完了,试考完了。

    The lectures are over, the classes are done.

  30. 当这夜过完就把这夜完掉。

    Forget this night when the night is no more.


  1. 问:完完全全的拼音怎么拼?完完全全的的读音是什么?完完全全的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完完全全的的读音是,完完全全的翻译成英文是 unmitigated