









汉语拼音:yù xuǎn sài






  1. 决赛之前进行的比赛。在预选赛中选拔参加决赛的选手或单位。

    鲁光 《中国姑娘》一:“那雪白的房顶竟然变成了一幅宽大洁白的银幕,映现出几个月前在 香港 预选赛中发生的情景。”亦省称“ 预赛 ”。《新民晚报》1991.1.7:“这一成绩比她今天上午的预赛成绩提高了0.27秒。”



  1. It's just fantastic to be there after missing out on the last two, particularly given how we qualified against France.


  2. He's probably one of England's most consistent players over the course of qualification and certainly deserves his place in the team.


  3. For me personally, I've now got to go back to Sweden for the closing stages of the league season and then the UEFA Cup qualifying matches.


  4. You need him for the qualification games for Euros and you need him in Euro to win the Euro 2008. He is a fantastic football player.


  5. We had a bit of a sticky start to qualifying but we've certainly improved since then.


  6. Germany is always hyped up to be a big game but the real big game is next month in the qualifiers against Israel.


  7. Is Theo Walcott the first player to be left out of a finals squad after scoring a hat-trick in qualifying? " wonders Ally Johnson. "


  8. In 1969 El Salvador beat Honduras in a World Cup qualifying match, igniting longstanding tension between the two countries into a brief war.


  9. International Challenge mode , allowing you to take any side through all the qualifications for a World Cup .


  1. 欧洲预选赛

    European Preliminaries.

  2. 世界杯预选赛

    a World Cup qualifier

  3. 奥运会预选赛

    Olympic preliminary contests

  4. 分组预选赛

    preliminary round

  5. 分组预选赛

    preliminary round.

  6. 汤杯预选赛

    the Thomas Cup Qualifying match.

  7. 预选赛中保持不败

    be under defeated in the preliminaries

  8. 我们球队在预选赛中失败了。

    Our team was beaten in the qualifying round.

  9. 英格兰队幸运地通过了预选赛。

    England was lucky to get through the preliminaries.

  10. 她在参赛资格预选赛中被淘汰了。

    She was knocked out in the trial heats.

  11. 首先我们要打预选赛, 一场接着一场地踢。

    First we have to qualify, and play game after game.

  12. 预选赛第二阶段的分组抽签已在曼谷举行。

    The draw for the second phase of qualifying has been made in Bangkok.

  13. 纳米比亚的比赛结束了非洲的奥运会预选赛过程。

    The Namibia competition completes Africa's boxing Olympic qualifying process.

  14. 我们预选赛开局不利, 但是那之后我们绝对是改善了。

    We had a bit of a sticky start to qualifying but weve certainly improved since then.

  15. 脚腕受伤意味着她失去了参加跑步预选赛的机会。

    An ankle injury meant she missed the opportunity to run in the qualifying heat.

  16. 世界冠军参加今晚的欧洲杯预选赛,对阵立陶宛

    The world champions play for Europe in Lithuania tonight

  17. 全运会预选赛也不是问题,完全可以给韩端更多空间。

    The national games invitational meet is not a question, definitely may give Han Duan more spaces.

  18. 在之前的预选赛上,她已经学会了哈萨克语和葡萄牙语。

    Sonia had previously picked up both Kazak and Portuguese for the qualifying rounds of the contest.

  19. 在亚洲杯和世界杯预选赛上, 国足均被分进死亡之组。

    In the Asia Cup and Cup qualifiers, the Football were divided into Group of Death.

  20. 特里由于膝伤将错过英格兰的下两场的世界杯预选赛。

    John Terry will miss England's next two World Cup qualifiers due to a knee injury.

  21. 苏格兰队在冰岛举行的欧洲杯预选赛中处于领先位置。

    Scotland were ahead in their European championship qualifier in Iceland.

  22. 在阿根廷打完预选赛之后,小马已经回到梅尔伍德了。

    Mascherano has returned to Melwood after his extended stay in Argentina following international duty.