




1. 没 [méi]2. 没 [mò]没 [méi]无:~有。~用。~关系。~词儿。~精打采。~心~肺。不曾,未:~有来过。不够,不如:汽车~飞机快。没 [mò]隐在水中:沉~。~顶之灾。隐藏,消失:埋~。~落。漫过,高过:水~了头顶。淹~……



汉语拼音:yóu méi






  1. 犹潜泳。




  1. The dam builders state that there is no practical flood protection alternative in the middle reach of the Yangtze River.


  2. Hopefully it's the same swimming in sand instead of water.


  1. 我们都游到一条没人的邮轮上,整晚狂欢。

    And we'd all swim out to an empty cruiser and party all night.

  2. 但是游进码头的沙丁鱼再也没能游出来。

    But the sardines that swam into the marina never swam out.

  3. 跟导游游了一遍还没过瘾,回头我们又重游一回。

    Tour guides with the fun yet again, we look back a return visit.

  4. 我还真没见过游到这么高的纳伯鱼呢。

    I've never seen a gnarble try to swim this high before.

  5. 我不能与鱼儿同游,甚至我还没坐船出游过。

    I can't swim with the fishes even I haven't ever gone to travel by ship.

  6. 然而它没有咬饵。它游走了, 老人没感到有任何动静。

    He did not take it though. He was gone and the old man felt nothing.

  7. 乔丹大声呼救并试图游向安东尼,但是没人能够到他。

    Jordan yelled as he tried to swim to his friend. But the friends were unable to reach Anthony.

  8. 你没必要在这逛游,不是吗?

    You ain't from around here, are you?

  9. 没错,我们只要直着游就行了。

    Yep, we're gonna just swim straight.

  10. 实在没办法时, 我们总可以游回去。

    In the last resort we can always swim back.

  11. 潮水太浅,莫瑞尼没法游起来。

    Already it was too shallow for Morveren to swim.

  12. 他今天没做任何事情而是整天闲游。

    He did not do any work but played about all day today.

  13. 我想泳池里还没人呢,你去游吗?

    I guess no one's in the pool yet. Are you gonna swim?

  14. 没错,你会感觉你好像飘在空中,直到一条鱼游过身边。

    Bingo. You'd think you're in air until a fish swims by.

  15. 你是一条鱼,她是一缸水,水没了还可以到大海里游!

    You are a fish, she is a crock of water, without water , the fish can swim in the sea.

  16. 世界环游家了,没错。

    The world traveler?That is correct,yeah.

  17. 有没有想过出售久游?

    Had wanted to sell long swim ?

  18. 没错, 你可以遨游世界七大洋!

    Yes, you can put your mind at ease.

  19. 我会说话却没声音,我虽没腿能周游。

    But without a voice I speak, I can round without feet.

  20. 下雪了。我们原计划去郊游,可是我们没去成。

    It was snowing. We had planned to go out but failed to do that.

  21. 没关系,你可以看到游标在萤幕上吗?

    Never mind. Can you move the cursor around on the screen?

  22. 因见天气晴暖,同家兄出来闲游,也没甚么事。

    And since it was a fine warm day my brother and I decided to come out for a little excursion. That was all.

  23. 我们已经20年没来北京了,这次故地重游感觉变化太大了。

    We haven't been to Beijing for 20 years. When we revisited our old haunts this time, we feel it is so different.

  24. 她喜欢和人谈话,跟人遇见完全没问题,她想要去周游全世界。

    She's loves to chat and and so meets people no problem.