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1. 荒 [huāng]荒 [huāng]年成不好,收成不好:~年。灾~。防~。备~。长满野草,或无人耕种:~芜。~地。开~。废弃:~废。~疏。~置。业精于勤,~于嬉。冷落偏僻:~村。~郊。~落(luò)(a.荒凉冷落;b.荒疏衰退)。~颓……
汉语拼音:hóng huāng
南朝 陈 徐陵 《在北齐与杨仆射书》:“凡自洪荒,终乎 幽 厉 。” 宋 杨万里 《汉文帝有圣贤之风论》:“洪荒之世,人与禽之未别。” 清 赵翼 《途遇大雪》诗:“世界幻入兜罗绵,恍见洪荒万万古。” 杨朔 《<铁流>的故事》:“一到黑夜,时间却像倒退到几万万年前的洪荒时代。”
明 许承钦 《风行至南阳湖》诗:“遶岸平山趋断陇,连空野水入洪荒。”
The birth of universe perhaps was just a mysterious plume of smoke.
洪荒初开或许只是一阵神秘的烟气。The tree is of to-day, the flower is old , it brings with it the message of the immemorial seed.
树儿是今天的,花儿却老哩,她带来太古洪荒时种子的消息。I bear life hope want to meet with you, or between heaven and earth, or the universe primitive. In the dust into your breath . . .
我肩负着一生的期盼想要和你相遇,或是天地之间,或是宇宙洪荒。The embryo and childhood of dance can be traced back to the first days of human beings, far exceeding human memory.
舞蹈的萌芽和形成时间,可以远溯到人类发展的洪荒时期,远远超出了人类的记忆范围。This will give you better understanding of who you are and what the purpose of your experience of this world is.
你也能更好的领会‘你是谁’以及你在这宇宙洪荒存在的意义。In primitive times, the basic motif of musical expression; the pulsating rhythm and beat appeal directly to human sensuality.
在洪荒时代,基本主题的音乐表现;脉动的节奏和殴打直接向上诉人类肉感。The first person we met as we wandered into town was a boy who told us outright that he had just become an orphan.
第一人,我们见过面,因为我们洪荒之纳入城市是一个男孩告诉我们,就明确表示,他刚刚成为孤儿。His painting Windstorm in Wastel and won the Golden award in an International Youth art Festival.
在国际青年艺术节获金奖的“洪荒风雪”就是在这一时期创作的。Let us move along Feitian cableway into the ancient forewaorld, to view and enjoy the Proterozoic wonders of the Three Gorges.