







汉语拼音:xuě diāo






  1. A spokesman for Burberry said the firm had no plans for a line of ferret accessories, but "that's not to say there won't be" .


  2. "The U. S. government declares ferret poop to be an effective weapon against drug abuse, " the group said in a statement.


  3. It was set in 1981 by Reg Mellor, whose trick was to make sure the ferrets were well-fed before putting them in his pants.


  4. In the crowd of guests a dapper young man with the sleek head of a ferret was also studying the silk purse.


  5. Does the rewired ferret come to hear with its eyes?


  6. The angora ferrets were then sold whole with the owners being responsible for having them fixed (costing a few hundred dollars).


  7. The National Institutes of Health-sponsored study was done in animals -- ferrets, to be precise.


  8. keen-sighted viverrine of southern Asia about the size of a ferret; often domesticated.


  9. When the ferrets were in close contact with each other, they were exposed to enough virus particles that infection spread easily.


  1. 雪貂嗜血杆菌

    Haemophilus putoriorum

  2. 带雪貂去狩猎

    to go ferreting.

  3. 用雪貂猎取野兔

    to ferret rabbits

  4. 雪貂会不会生跳蚤?

    Can ferrets get fleas?

  5. 雪貂是敏捷的猎手。

    The ferret is an agile hunter.

  6. 狐狸说, 他雪貂咬地肉。

    Fox spoke, he was to ferret gnawing meat.

  7. 有个家伙养了一堆雪貂。

    There was the guy with the ferrets.

  8. 那么一个幸运的雪貂饲养者

    And how did one lucky ferret owner come to own

  9. 这个消息让美国雪貂协会很开心。

    This news delighted the American Ferret Association.

  10. 他们将病毒注射进雪貂身体内。

    This is the VOA Special English Health Report. They injected the virus into ferrets.

  11. 如果雌雪貂不交配将会发生什么?

    What happen if a female ferret doesnt mate

  12. 雪貂的心跳可以达到每分钟200到250次。

    A ferrets heart will beat anywhere from 200 to 248 beats per minute.

  13. 跳蚤从雪貂的毛皮上远远地逃脱了。

    The fleas fled far from the ferret's fur.

  14. 雪貂在出生后5到6个月达到性成熟。

    Ferrets sexual maturity is reached between 5 and 4 months.

  15. 雪貂在夏威夷的大岛上很繁盛。

    Ferrets heavily populate the Big Island of Hawaii.

  16. 他们甚至在一系列雪貂身上注射这种病毒。

    They even passed a hybrid virus through a serious of ferrets.

  17. 吃惊的黄鼠狼和雪貂发出了怎样的尖叫声!

    What screams of fear came from the surprised weasels and ferrets!

  18. 雪貂的个性和猫一样喜欢追逐毛茸茸的东西。

    Ferret and cats both like to chase furry stuff.

  19. 重新接线的雪貂用它的眼睛来听声音吗?

    Does the rewired ferret come to hear with its eyes?

  20. 经过这种体例,雪貂獾了一块肉比这个年夜。

    In this way, ferret badger off than this piece of meat big.

  21. 皇家酸辣雪貂和其玻璃合唱团控制着舞会

    Its being tossed by that royal chutney ferret and his chorus of nancy boys.

  22. 他们甚至在一系列的雪貂中传播一种混合病毒。

    They even passed a hybrid virus through a series of ferrets.

  23. 川芎嗪对缺氧大鼠和雪貂肺血管的舒张作用

    Pulmonary vasodilator action of ligustrazine in hypoxic rats and ferrets.

  24. 白鼬,雪貂和黄鼬不断掠食这种新西兰特有得鸟。

    Stoats, ferrets and weasels continue to plunder the birds, which exist uniquely in New Zealand.

  25. 白鼬、雪貂和黄鼬不断掠食这种新西兰特有的鸟。

    Stoats, ferrets and weasels continue to plunder the birds, which exist uniquely in New Zealand.

  26. 发言人讲述了个案分析,进化历史,雪貂疾病以及统计。

    speakers addressed case studies, evolutionary history, ferretspecific diseases and statistics.

  27. 我同意你在这里对啮齿动物种类和黎明的雪貂

    I agree with you about the Ferrets in here and the Rodent Category Dawn

  28. 雪貂是探索和将吃的东西,不是对他们有好处。

    Ferrets are exploratory and will eat things that are not good for them.

  29. 这些疾病的医治能使雪貂愉悦活跃,并能延长命命。

    Veterinary treatment of these diseases can keep a ferret happy and playful and extend their life expectancy.

  30. 而在这一类研究中,雪貂是人类的良好替代品。

    And ferrets are, in this context, good proxies for people.



雪貂(学名:Mustela putorius furo),又名地中海雪貂,属鼬科。家养雪貂是野生雪貂的亚种,而野生雪貂又被称为蒙眼貂(Mustela putorius);家养雪貂亦可被称为蒙眼貂。其身形细长,腿脚短小,头形扁平,呈三角形。身体呈黄白色,有的也呈褐色。家养雪貂通常作为宠物喂养,或被用来驱赶洞穴中的老鼠和兔子。野生雪貂极具破坏性,尤其喜爱偷猎家禽。