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1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……
汉语拼音:fēn diàn
鲁迅 《书信集·致郑振铎》:“今由开明书店汇奉洋肆百元,乞便中持收条向分店一取,为幸。” 周金奎 《我当溥仪的御前外随侍时的回忆》:“苏造肉特别味美,在 北京 只有我们这一家,别无分店。”
That said, yes, our delis have become a bit of a chain, with several throughout Mumbai, and we're eyeing spots in Delhi and elsewhere.
的确,我的餐馆已经有些规模,开了好几家,遍布孟买各处,而且我们正考虑在德里以及其他一些城市开分店。Sir Stuart says M& S will "sit it out" in Shanghai until the store turns a profit, which he expects within three years.
斯图尔特爵士说,玛莎百货将在上海“耐心等到”该分店盈利。他预计将需要三年时间。Borders said the stores it plans to close are draining $2 million a week out of the company's profits.
Borders说打算关闭的这些分店每周会消耗公司200万美元的利润。With its shares now around 10p, down from 85p a year ago, the firm may sell its book chain, Waterstone's, and close at least 40 HMV stores.
一年前HMV的股市份额为85便士,儿现在只有将近10便士了,因此公司可能会将旗下的图书连锁店Waterstone卖掉,并且关闭至少40家HMV分店。Borders said the store closures will leave the company with a 'sizable core' of profitable stores.
Borders还说关闭这些不盈利的分店后,公司将保留数量可观的一批盈利书店。70 years, the Sam to keep at least a year to visit each store twice, and he was familiar with the store managers and many employees.
70年代时,山姆保持一年至少对每家分店访问两次,他熟悉这些分店的经理和许多员工。He said the decision is made on a case-by-case basis by individual stores, and to his knowledge is limited to some cafes in New York City.
他说,该决定是由各个分店的根据具体情况而定的,据他所知,实施范围仅限于纽约的一些咖啡店。Ms. Fisher is currently taking time off from her job as branch manager, her mother said.
麦克唐纳说,费舍尔目前正以分店经理的职务休假。The company has no plans so far for its overseas stores.